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Recommendation for 8 yr old skinny boy

My son is 8 yrs old and in 3rd Grade. His height is 4 feet and he weighs 21 Kg. He is not allergic to any food and he is not on any medication. We provide him vegetarian diet with Milk, Fruits and Nuts. But, his weight is not increasing for the past 1 year. We did Blood test and Vitamins test...they were reported satisfactory except Vitamin D deficiency. He took supplement for D for few months.
However, he does not muscles on his body and having slim bones. He is extra slim (Boney). He is always enganged in activties. He takes 2 glasses of Milk everyday; even then he feels tired during sleep. Sometimes, Pain in Legs (Coz of too much physical activities). I give him Oil massage during sleep so that he can sleep without exertion.
I give him One Tablet of Ostocalcium everyday.

What homepathy medicines or Tonics do you recommend at his age for his appropraite growth?
  gaurav6917 on 2014-11-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This seems to indicate he might have the Tubercular miasm. To work out which remedy would help here though will take some work.

I will post a questionnaire.

Describe each physical complaint/associated set of symptoms in detail. Please include the following when doing this:

1. Appearance
2. Sensation or pain
3. Situations/events/triggers for making it worse
4. Situations/events/triggers for making it better
5. Event that seemed to start the complaint
6. Other sensory features – smell, sound, taste, tactile etc

Make sure each complaint is done separately. Do not group them together. This is for physical complaints/diseases.


1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?

2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?

3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?

4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?

5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?

6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?

7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?

8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?

9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?

10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?

11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?

12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?

13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?

14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?

15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?

16. What does your child do when alone?

17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?


1. What position does he/she sleep in?
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
4. Any problems with sleep?
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?


1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?

2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?

3. Did the birth itself have any problems?

4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
Evocationer last decade
Describe each physical complaint/associated set of symptoms in detail. Please include the following when doing this:
The only issue is that Boy is 8 years old and weighs 21 kgs.
His body is very lean and he is declared by school as 'underweight.'
During sleep, he feels too much pain in his lower legs and I need to massage his legs with oil.
he sleeps on his back and whole night, keeps on moving in all directions on Double Bed and he sleeps alone.
He is active, intelligent and smart in physical activities. Plays lots of outdoor games - Skating, Swimming, Skate board.

1. Appearance - Good, Handsome with round face
2. Sensation or pain - Nothing
3. Situations/events/triggers for making it worse - None
4. Situations/events/triggers for making it better - None
5. Event that seemed to start the complaint - None
6. Other sensory features – smell, sound, taste, tactile etc - ALl well

Make sure each complaint is done separately. Do not group them together. This is for physical complaints/diseases.


1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do? Not applicable

2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something? Not applicable

3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react? Not applicable

4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it? Not applicable

5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it? he watches lots of cartoon films.

6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them? Not applicable

7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them? Some times, he complaints of some bad dreams - ghost or something bad. But, I pacify him saying that you don't need to be scared with all those.

8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions? He is having lots of friends in his school and very talkative. he loves spprts. he obeys rules; sometimes, he is doing pranks.

9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior? No. he is quite normal with all.

10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at? He loves playing with his age group friends.

11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children? He is quite rationale.

12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc? All well and superb. He is champ and wins lots of Trophies in school and outside school (in other social functions)

13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults? normally, some general knowlodege and about TV advertisements.

14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry? normal

15. What makes him/her angry or irritable? when he is sleepy

16. What does your child do when alone? watch TV

17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?


1. What position does he/she sleep in? on back
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in? straight
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep? keeps on moving here and there and sometime, keeps murmuring in dreams
4. Any problems with sleep? restlessness
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated? he craves for Sweets and Chips. He hates Juicy fruits
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated? Loves Cold Drinks.
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged? becomes angry
8. How does the weather affect? not much
9. How does the temperature affect? not much
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.) No
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit? Normal (Goes only one time in the morning 7 AM)
Problems with urine or bladder habit? Nope
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual? No smell. Smells on armpits and head


1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child? Nothing; it was first child and normal delivery. I was 26 yrs during delivery

2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred? No

3. Did the birth itself have any problems? No

4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time. No
gaurav6917 last decade
At 8 years old he can provide answers for some of the questions I have posed.

It is important to get all the necessary information to make a successful prescription.

Without much to go on, I suppose I would be inclined to prescribe Calc-phos 30c. Obtain this as a liquid dose (oral dosing liquid) preferably.

If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.

This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.

If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).

However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication if safe to do so.

Give him THREE doses in total - one each day. STOP if ANY dose causes an aggravation of any symptom.

Let me know what has happened after 7 days.
Evocationer last decade

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