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cannot resolve miasm issues, constitutional questions Page 4 of 5

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Hi Simone,
I have tried every food based intervention for liver I can think of. I have never had elevate liver enzymes with the exception of being totally anorexic and then they were elecated. This was almost 15 years ago. Things like lemon water, etc. anything related to food cause allergic reactions, oral allergies. Carrots, all citrus, apples, all berries, fruits almost all, curciferous vegetables, tomatoe, dairy, all nuts and seeds, cause skin breakouts, etc. So nevertheless I'm at a loss. I have no Doctor at the moment and wont getone for over two weeks as my job is on location. And frankly I have been very ill before with bloodwork that showed nothing wrong so I don't put much stock in this.
brook29 last decade
ai also cannot drink or eat any hot things as this causes almost immediate facial swelling and body swelling. So this I avoid.

Also I should note that sunlight causes noticeable decline is skin appearance/blotchiness and swelling puffiness around eyes.Im assuming this is photophobia
brook29 last decade
And also with regards to food, anything high in beta carotene supresses my thyroid, anything that is even remotly goiterogenic will cause facial swelling and appear overtly on my breath.
[message edited by brook29 on Sat, 03 Jan 2015 10:08:46 GMT]
brook29 last decade
Idlike to have faith in homeopathy as it is what pulled me out of the darkest time. Calc carb is what converted me to this means of healing. It is my subclinical thyroid that is the sticking point I beleive.
brook29 last decade
I am interested in telescope's suggestion of iodine but still unsure about how this would follow sepia and what dose I would use. Is it a constitutional remedy? And someone as chronic as me wouldn't I have developed the advance symptoms such as wasting despite eating?
brook29 last decade
since my observation that you may need iodine i have reassessed your case and feel that you may be pulsatilla patient. pulsatilla and Calcarea Carb are very similar in many respects making it very difficult to differentiate between the two. pulsatilla is worse from heat better from cold whereas calcarea carb is better from heat and worse from cold. as you are well informed about homeopathic medicine i suggest you read up pulsatilla and see if it fits you. also let me know what exactly was the effect of calcarea carb on you
telescope last decade
yes, it happens that different approach and reassesment of case becomes beneficial for paitent,

telescope can prescribe you now, i think i am not getting the main core of this case.

homeo.mzp last decade
calc carb caused weight loss, less fluid retention very even skin tone and less facial swelling. Little sensitiviy to food and tremendous mood improvents and improved relationship with friends and family.
The downside was that I developed asthmatic symptoms very strongly upon ascending stairs as well as could not hold the improvements.
brook29 last decade
you can take pulsatilla now. take one dose preferably at bed time in 200 potency
telescope last decade
Hi ok i will need a few days to get it. Thanks
brook29 last decade
Hi telescope,
My most predominant guiding symptoms are facial swelling and iodiopathic edema from heat and in general. Also the thyroid. Do you have a site or literature addressing this with pulsatilla because I couldn't find that on this site.
brook29 last decade
Hi Telescope. OK I found some literature as you suggested to read up on pulsatilla. Yes It does sound right across the board. I will do as you suggested an let you know when I've received the remedy.

brook29 last decade
Hi telescope,
I took my dose of pulsatilla and have had a little new breakout and have been very sad, emotional but sleep was better. Im very constipated due to flu for about a week so im hoping this wll clear up so the pulsatilla action is more noticeable. Will monitor progress.
brook29 last decade
Better sleep generally means medicine is acting favour ably.
telescope last decade
Hi telescope. There are no improvements happening at this point plus additional symptoms I did nit have before. Sticky eyelids diring sleep and in morning, toms of drainage down throat, dark circles under eyes after sleep, absense of thought in head, as if head is empty.
Also I'm very sad, hopeless and depressed. Frightened and want to move back in with parents.

I have a low stress reaponse in general, very anxious person. I was hoping to feel the calmness I received from calc carb. The medicine that helped me find inner peace. I know that I had some adrenal atrophy for specific hormones after being on bioidentical ones for many years. Your suggestion of iodine, simce it focuses in glands and I have a sesotivity to it, would that benefit me?
brook29 last decade
as you are sensitive to iodine you are likely to benefit from it. to start with take one dose only of iodine 30. there is likely to be some aggravation which may last for a day or two. keep me informed.
telescope last decade
Is puls. a slow acting remedy as I read that it acts quickly and should have helped in some ways by today. I already took a dose of iodum and notice a searing pain in joint of spine immediately after taking dose. This has been a pain I know very well. Hoping this remedy will cure some things. It is causing me anxiety but it is the form I'm familiar with the puls. anxiety was a suicidal form that made me very upset. It's not my constitutional remedy though??
Also, can iodum cure acne as this and facial swelling are my most obvious issues. Secondly weight gain on top half of body and very imbalanced hormones.
brook29 last decade
Also I should clarify that the facial swelling goes all around the endge of the face, into the cheeks and can fill the temples up with edema/fluid, usually accompaning pustule cystic acne. The skin on the cheeks stretches leaving stretch marks on either side of nose after sleep, pores enlarge around the nose and skin on forehead has fine stretch lines vertically due to fluid reducing and expanding through the day.
brook29 last decade
pulsatilla acts fast. as it has not given any relief it is not your remedy. you have already taken iodum so wait for some time to see if affords some relief. meanwhile i have gone over your case once again and think that your childhood urinary problem may have something to do with your current difficulties. you have swelling and aggravation from heat which are strong features of Apis melfica . apis is also a frequently indicated remedy in suppression of urine. it is possible that after you take apis your swelling related problems will be cleared and rest of your problems will then probably require calcarea carb. please look up apis and confirm from your parents what exactly was wrong then.
telescope last decade
I have excessive urine. I have tried apis and it never helped.
It's likely that my acne is related to my high testosterone . The number is not terribly high but in relation to low prog and estrogen it is way out of balance. Estrogen is also too high in relation to prog.
My dad's side of the family has always had acne issues. male and female. It was attributed to testosterone levels.
brook29 last decade
ok. for the time being wait and see what iodum does.
telescope last decade
I guess maybe the iodine is making my anxiety crank up but I'm worried the hormonal imbalance is not a constitutional remedy issue since it was pushed by allopathic medicine.
Would something like Folliculum be relevant for excess bad estrogen. I haveheard itused for low estrogen, but what about someone with too much. I'm just feeling like My options are becoming limited now.
My diet is very limited and my skin is very reactive to raw fruits, grains nuts, etc. And my thyroid is very reactive to goiterogens / curciferous.
brook29 last decade
one more option we can try is lycopodium. it is complementary to iodine and follows calcarea. I would suggest take calcarea first and then see if lyco symptoms come up.
telescope last decade
Im concerned about abusing calc carb as it gives me bad asthma which is not a normal symptomfor me. It helps in all other ways, but the asthma is a concern .It also is a very touchy remedy for me as it can cause horrible depression and acne if repeated or taken in a dose higher than I can take.
brook29 last decade
in that case you can take Lycopdium directly. I would like to suggest that we seek help from some one more experienced than me as your case is very difficult.
telescope last decade
OK, I will take lycopodium and wait a few days to see if itcompletes the iodine as you mentioned.

brook29 last decade

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