The ABC Homeopathy Forum
frequent stomach gas, difficult belching
Hello,For about two years, I have been suffering from very slow digestion, bloating, and annoying stomach gas which starts just a minute or so after I start to eat or drink.It gives me a burpy sensation, but I am not always able to eliminate the gas easily by belching; a lot of the gas remains inside. This problem seems worse in the afternoon and evening. Milk products, chocolate, acidy foods make it worse. I've tried all kinds of medicines, such as Simeticone, Vegetable Carbon, fennel etc., but nothing seems to give me long-term relief.
reitia on 2014-12-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For immediate relief you can take NUX VOMICA 30C thrice a day for 2 days only.
Wait for another few days and then you will find relief.
Wait for another few days and then you will find relief.
♡ rishimba last decade
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