The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Evocationer-constituional for my son
Evocationer,You recently helped me with a fever/cold acute my son had and mentioned that maybe you could help me find a constitutional remedy to help my son. I thought I would start a new thread. Please let me know what information you would need to help. Thanks in advance.
bwill13 on 2014-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Describe each physical complaint/associated set of symptoms in detail. Please include the following when doing this:
1. Appearance
2. Sensation or pain
3. Situations/events/triggers for making it worse
4. Situations/events/triggers for making it better
5. Event that seemed to start the complaint
6. Other sensory features smell, sound, taste, tactile etc of the symptom
Make sure each complaint is done separately. Do not group them together. This is for physical complaints/diseases rather than mental or emotional problems.
Symptoms may be divided into two categories:
1. Symptoms which they more or less have all the time
2. Symptoms which appear as acute things but have appeared more than once
Make sure you clearing define these constant symptoms from the periodic ones.
1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?
2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?
3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?
4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?
5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?
6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?
7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?
8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?
9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?
10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?
11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
16. What does your child do when alone?
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
1. What position does he/she sleep in?
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
4. Any problems with sleep?
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?
1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?
2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?
3. Did the birth itself have any problems?
4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
1. Appearance
2. Sensation or pain
3. Situations/events/triggers for making it worse
4. Situations/events/triggers for making it better
5. Event that seemed to start the complaint
6. Other sensory features smell, sound, taste, tactile etc of the symptom
Make sure each complaint is done separately. Do not group them together. This is for physical complaints/diseases rather than mental or emotional problems.
Symptoms may be divided into two categories:
1. Symptoms which they more or less have all the time
2. Symptoms which appear as acute things but have appeared more than once
Make sure you clearing define these constant symptoms from the periodic ones.
1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?
2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?
3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?
4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?
5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?
6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?
7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?
8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?
9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?
10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?
11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
16. What does your child do when alone?
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
1. What position does he/she sleep in?
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
4. Any problems with sleep?
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?
1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?
2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?
3. Did the birth itself have any problems?
4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Symptoms may be divided into two categories:
1. Symptoms which they more or less have all the time
-Tantrums, argumentative, never thinks he is wrong, can't calm himself if he gets worked up.
-Allergies: Painless hoarse voice annually from mid summer to fall, runny watery nose annually from fall to winter. Some days the hoarseness will be worse than others, but during this season it only varies in intensity. It never goes away. This is the same with the runny nose, varying only in intensity but never leaving.
-He had some flat warts that went away after 3 doses of dulcamara 30c.
-He says, "my voice is loud in my ears." He says this occasionally. I don't know if it is similiar to listening to yourself speak while head is under water or what, but I know it isn't a constant feeling.
-Incontinence. He will involuntarily leak a few drops of pee in his pants. Sometimes he feels like he needs to go before it happens, and sometimes he doesn't. He can hold his pee for a long time though.
-Strong gag reflex.
-Smegma buildup around head of penis. He isn't circumcised and his foreskin is not completely retractable. A doctor said it is from smegma build up, but I don't know if that'true.
-Sometimes his left ear will get bright red and hot for seemingly no reason.
-Bad sleeper. He doesn't require a lot of sleep and most days doesn't take a nap, but wakes up frequently crying.
1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?
Lately, he seemed combative and sometimes defiant, and unhappy. Sometimes the things he says seem like they should come out of an adults mouth instead of a 4 year old. When he has a tantrum, it's like he cannot calm himself down. He is very sensitive emotionally and gets his feelings hurt/embarrassed easily.
2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?
He never describes pain.
3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?
He is afraid to sleep alone, and he will sometimes be afraid for me, his mother, to leave him. I stay at home to raise my kids and until recently going to preschool, he's always been with me. But I feel sometimes his attachment to me is more than should be natural for a child his age.
4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?
Not mentally, or emotionally that I can think of. When he was approximately 18 months-2 years, he had a terrible, allergic reaction to penicillin and he had hives and his joints swelled up. It was very scary. The penicillin was a result of some chronic ear infections he was having after about 15 months. He used to drink a lot of milk and we later were told that could cause frequent ear infections. As soon as we reduced his milk, his ear infections stopped. The ear infections seemed to be the beginning of his issues. He doesn't remember any of it to talk about it.
5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?
Up until recently, he was obsessed with Thomas the train characters. He loves trains. Now he is very into the Lego Movie character, whose name is Emmett. He is a regular construction worker that ends up being the hero of the movie and he tells me he wants to be Emmett. He also likes these transformer characters called the Rescue Bots. He seems to be into heroes at this time.
6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?
We tell stories in the car, and he always tells stories about the Rescue Bots and they are saving something. Often, saving animals.
7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?
He does not decribe his dreams/nightmares. I've heard him talk in his sleep before, and its usually just about trains. However, he does wake up upset alot, but cannot even talk to explain anything.
8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?
He can be controlling when he plays with other children. He likes to tell them how to play and make decisions involving whatever they are doing. He is working on that. However, he loves playing with other kids. He is very competitive and doesn't like losing games or sports. He plays soccer and he takes it very personal if someone takes the ball away from him. Sometimes he will yell, or cry and not be able to calm down. When he has these outbursts, its almost as if he's possessed. The sweet, loving, kind boy I love seems to be replaced with a negative energy force. I don't see many of the other children acting this way. He listens great to his teachers at school, but with myself and my husband or his grandparents, he sometimes disobeys. he questions authority often.
9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?
He seems to act the same around older people, the only difference is their reaction to him. Often, an older person will appease him when he acts dominating/controlling. He does talk back sometimes and doesn't want to be told what to do. He is a better listener and not so controlling to people he isn't comfortable with.
10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?
He loves playing with trains and also building legos. He also enjoys watching videos on the computer of trains or legos.
11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?
He is unusually intelligent. I don't like to say gifted, but that is what I believe he is. He knew the alphabet and all the betters by the time he was 18 months and has been able to read short stories since before he was 4. The main differences are intellectually and emotionally. He is so sensitive. He is also sensitive physically. Little things like when he gets his hair cut, he screams in pain that the hair is cutting his neck. His neck will become inflamed from the tiny hairs that fall onto it from being cut. I don't know if his pain is greater, or if it's less of a pain tolerance. He is also very impatient, even more so than other children his age.
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
16. What does your child do when alone?
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
1. What position does he/she sleep in?
Sleeps either on his stomach or on his side with his legs curled up.
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
Not that I have noticed. I have seen him sleeping in many positions.
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
He doesn't want to sleep alone. He makes either my husband or I lay down with him in his room to fall asleep. He almost always wakes up within an hour or two crying but can't explain what is wrong, or he doesn't know.
4. Any problems with sleep?
He almost always wakes up in middle of night or from a nap extremely unhappy. He will cry and not be able to calm himself down. If he is sleeping in bed with us, and he wakes up, he will go right back to sleep. He doesn't want to be alone at night ever. Sometimes he will tell me that he can't turn his mind off if he isn't really tired but trying to go to sleep. After he saw something scary on tv once, he kept telling me his mind wouldn't let him forget it and kept making it come into his head. I think his mind is so smart, but also tortures him sometimes.
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
He loves bread. He also loves chocolate and I guess most sweets. He likes cheese and red sauces, like ketchup and french dressing. He will not eat regular fruit. The only kind he will eat are the baby food fruits that are pureed. He also used to gag when he was a baby if we tried to feed him anything that had chunks in it. He's very sensitive to certain textures like that. He has always had a strong gag reflex and sometimes if we make him try something new, he will gag immediately when it touches his mouth and nearly throw up.
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
He likes juice boxes, lemonade, orange juice, hot chocolate. He will not drink milk.
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
We had to restrict his diet for a while, because we were told he had acid reflux. So we put him on a paleo diet to get rid of it, which seemed to work, but now he has resentment that we took a lot of his favorite foods away. He has a strong appetite and can eat a lot for a 4 year old boy. He seems to act okay when he's hungry. I never prolong it too long.
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
It seems that he makes comments about not liking to be cold. When he is hot, his face gets very flushed red.
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
Like I said, he is very sensitive in all ways, emotionally and physically. Seasonally, I believe he has allergies that change with the season. A painless hoarse voice that starts mid to late June and ends in the fall. The hoarse voice is followed by a watery, runny nose in the fall that lasts until winter. He is sensitive to loud noises and will cover his ears. He is also sensitive to light and used to never go outside without his sunglasses on. However, noises and light he seems to be handling a little better now. Smells do not seem to bother him. Except cinnamon, he doesn't really like that smell. He would never be alone in the dark. He has also said that he sees shadows in his room, which really scared him. I do not know if this was simply reflections of things in his room or what, but he was afraid.
After that the hoarse voice began summer after he was 3. We were told he has acid reflux and it seemed to go away on a paleo diet. But that may have been coincidence, due to the timing of it. The fall of his third year, he had the runny nose that lasted two months. I began to recognize that it seemed to be different symptoms for different times of the year. The following year, his fourth, when summer came around, hoarse voice again and then runny nose.
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
He does to the bathroom regularly. Sometimes he does strain when he goes, and sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes, there seem to be bits of undigested food. Not large chunks, just small pieces.
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
He has occasionaly incontinence. He will say, Mommy, I peed in my underwear. I will look and there will be a couple drops in there. Sometimes, it may be from holding it too long. However not all times. After, I will ask if he felt like he had to go, and he will tell me no. About a month ago, he had another issue, where he felt the urge to pee for about 30 minutes after he would empty his bladder. There was no pain, only the feeling to go. It was very traumatic for him, because he would feel like he was going to pee in his pants. There was no urinary tract infection. I sought out a homeopath who prescribed him staphysagria 30c. He took a total of 4-5 doses over a week, and his problem with that completely resolved, thankfully.
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?
He only sweats if he's really hot, like during the summer. It doesn not stain or smell unusual.
1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?
I became pregnant unexpectedly, and had to quickly transition from a selfish-partying lifestyle to that of a responsible mother. Physically I did this when I was only two weeks pregnant, but mentally and emotionally it took me longer. When I was 12 weeks pregnant, my job went out of business and I went from being active waiting tables to laying in bed all day. I ate some healthy things, but also some unhealthy things. I gained 70lbs, and had anxiety. My blood pressure also fluctuated from low to high.
2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?
I found out he was breech at 35 weeks and they would not let me try to labor naturally as I wanted. He was born via c-section.
3. Did the birth itself have any problems?
Not technically, other than the fact that I do not feel he was ready to come out and just seemed completely unhappy for the first 2 months of his life.
4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
1. Symptoms which they more or less have all the time
-Tantrums, argumentative, never thinks he is wrong, can't calm himself if he gets worked up.
-Allergies: Painless hoarse voice annually from mid summer to fall, runny watery nose annually from fall to winter. Some days the hoarseness will be worse than others, but during this season it only varies in intensity. It never goes away. This is the same with the runny nose, varying only in intensity but never leaving.
-He had some flat warts that went away after 3 doses of dulcamara 30c.
-He says, "my voice is loud in my ears." He says this occasionally. I don't know if it is similiar to listening to yourself speak while head is under water or what, but I know it isn't a constant feeling.
-Incontinence. He will involuntarily leak a few drops of pee in his pants. Sometimes he feels like he needs to go before it happens, and sometimes he doesn't. He can hold his pee for a long time though.
-Strong gag reflex.
-Smegma buildup around head of penis. He isn't circumcised and his foreskin is not completely retractable. A doctor said it is from smegma build up, but I don't know if that'true.
-Sometimes his left ear will get bright red and hot for seemingly no reason.
-Bad sleeper. He doesn't require a lot of sleep and most days doesn't take a nap, but wakes up frequently crying.
1. When the physical complaint is active, what is his/her emotional state like? What does he/she do? What does she/he want you to do?
Lately, he seemed combative and sometimes defiant, and unhappy. Sometimes the things he says seem like they should come out of an adults mouth instead of a 4 year old. When he has a tantrum, it's like he cannot calm himself down. He is very sensitive emotionally and gets his feelings hurt/embarrassed easily.
2. Does he/she describe any unusual sensation or pain in the body, especially when they are complaining of something?
He never describes pain.
3. What fears does he/she have? How does she/he react?
He is afraid to sleep alone, and he will sometimes be afraid for me, his mother, to leave him. I stay at home to raise my kids and until recently going to preschool, he's always been with me. But I feel sometimes his attachment to me is more than should be natural for a child his age.
4. Was there any incident in the past that had a great impact? What happened at the time? Is there any ongoing reaction to this event? How does he/she talk about it?
Not mentally, or emotionally that I can think of. When he was approximately 18 months-2 years, he had a terrible, allergic reaction to penicillin and he had hives and his joints swelled up. It was very scary. The penicillin was a result of some chronic ear infections he was having after about 15 months. He used to drink a lot of milk and we later were told that could cause frequent ear infections. As soon as we reduced his milk, his ear infections stopped. The ear infections seemed to be the beginning of his issues. He doesn't remember any of it to talk about it.
5. Is there any story (book, fairytale, cartoon, movie etc) that seems to really resonate with her/him? What does he/she say about it?
Up until recently, he was obsessed with Thomas the train characters. He loves trains. Now he is very into the Lego Movie character, whose name is Emmett. He is a regular construction worker that ends up being the hero of the movie and he tells me he wants to be Emmett. He also likes these transformer characters called the Rescue Bots. He seems to be into heroes at this time.
6. What kind of fantasies does she/he describe to you? How does this translate down into play, games, toys? Does he/she tend to draw particular things over and over? If so what are they? If you point to these images, what does she/he say about them?
We tell stories in the car, and he always tells stories about the Rescue Bots and they are saving something. Often, saving animals.
7. Does he/she describe any dreams or nightmares to you, and what are they? How does she/he react on waking from them?
He does not decribe his dreams/nightmares. I've heard him talk in his sleep before, and its usually just about trains. However, he does wake up upset alot, but cannot even talk to explain anything.
8. How is he/she when interacting with other children? What about sports or games? How about obeying rules or social conventions?
He can be controlling when he plays with other children. He likes to tell them how to play and make decisions involving whatever they are doing. He is working on that. However, he loves playing with other kids. He is very competitive and doesn't like losing games or sports. He plays soccer and he takes it very personal if someone takes the ball away from him. Sometimes he will yell, or cry and not be able to calm down. When he has these outbursts, its almost as if he's possessed. The sweet, loving, kind boy I love seems to be replaced with a negative energy force. I don't see many of the other children acting this way. He listens great to his teachers at school, but with myself and my husband or his grandparents, he sometimes disobeys. he questions authority often.
9. How is she/he when interacting with older people? Is there any difference between family or friends and strangers in terms of reactions and behavior?
He seems to act the same around older people, the only difference is their reaction to him. Often, an older person will appease him when he acts dominating/controlling. He does talk back sometimes and doesn't want to be told what to do. He is a better listener and not so controlling to people he isn't comfortable with.
10. What kind of activities does he/she enjoy doing? Which of these do she/he spend the most time at?
He loves playing with trains and also building legos. He also enjoys watching videos on the computer of trains or legos.
11. What qualities seem to make your child different from other children?
He is unusually intelligent. I don't like to say gifted, but that is what I believe he is. He knew the alphabet and all the betters by the time he was 18 months and has been able to read short stories since before he was 4. The main differences are intellectually and emotionally. He is so sensitive. He is also sensitive physically. Little things like when he gets his hair cut, he screams in pain that the hair is cutting his neck. His neck will become inflamed from the tiny hairs that fall onto it from being cut. I don't know if his pain is greater, or if it's less of a pain tolerance. He is also very impatient, even more so than other children his age.
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
16. What does your child do when alone?
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
1. What position does he/she sleep in?
Sleeps either on his stomach or on his side with his legs curled up.
2. Is there any position he/she seems unable to sleep in?
Not that I have noticed. I have seen him sleeping in many positions.
3. Any unusual behaviour during sleep?
He doesn't want to sleep alone. He makes either my husband or I lay down with him in his room to fall asleep. He almost always wakes up within an hour or two crying but can't explain what is wrong, or he doesn't know.
4. Any problems with sleep?
He almost always wakes up in middle of night or from a nap extremely unhappy. He will cry and not be able to calm himself down. If he is sleeping in bed with us, and he wakes up, he will go right back to sleep. He doesn't want to be alone at night ever. Sometimes he will tell me that he can't turn his mind off if he isn't really tired but trying to go to sleep. After he saw something scary on tv once, he kept telling me his mind wouldn't let him forget it and kept making it come into his head. I think his mind is so smart, but also tortures him sometimes.
5. What foods are craved (cravings are strong desires) What foods are hated?
He loves bread. He also loves chocolate and I guess most sweets. He likes cheese and red sauces, like ketchup and french dressing. He will not eat regular fruit. The only kind he will eat are the baby food fruits that are pureed. He also used to gag when he was a baby if we tried to feed him anything that had chunks in it. He's very sensitive to certain textures like that. He has always had a strong gag reflex and sometimes if we make him try something new, he will gag immediately when it touches his mouth and nearly throw up.
6. What drinks are craved? What drinks are hated?
He likes juice boxes, lemonade, orange juice, hot chocolate. He will not drink milk.
7. How does he/she react when hungry, or hunger is prolonged?
We had to restrict his diet for a while, because we were told he had acid reflux. So we put him on a paleo diet to get rid of it, which seemed to work, but now he has resentment that we took a lot of his favorite foods away. He has a strong appetite and can eat a lot for a 4 year old boy. He seems to act okay when he's hungry. I never prolong it too long.
8. How does the weather affect?
9. How does the temperature affect?
It seems that he makes comments about not liking to be cold. When he is hot, his face gets very flushed red.
10. Are there any other environmental influences negative or positive (season, noise, music, moon, light, dark, day, night, time, smells etc.)
Like I said, he is very sensitive in all ways, emotionally and physically. Seasonally, I believe he has allergies that change with the season. A painless hoarse voice that starts mid to late June and ends in the fall. The hoarse voice is followed by a watery, runny nose in the fall that lasts until winter. He is sensitive to loud noises and will cover his ears. He is also sensitive to light and used to never go outside without his sunglasses on. However, noises and light he seems to be handling a little better now. Smells do not seem to bother him. Except cinnamon, he doesn't really like that smell. He would never be alone in the dark. He has also said that he sees shadows in his room, which really scared him. I do not know if this was simply reflections of things in his room or what, but he was afraid.
After that the hoarse voice began summer after he was 3. We were told he has acid reflux and it seemed to go away on a paleo diet. But that may have been coincidence, due to the timing of it. The fall of his third year, he had the runny nose that lasted two months. I began to recognize that it seemed to be different symptoms for different times of the year. The following year, his fourth, when summer came around, hoarse voice again and then runny nose.
11. Problems with stool or bowel habit?
He does to the bathroom regularly. Sometimes he does strain when he goes, and sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes, there seem to be bits of undigested food. Not large chunks, just small pieces.
Problems with urine or bladder habit?
He has occasionaly incontinence. He will say, Mommy, I peed in my underwear. I will look and there will be a couple drops in there. Sometimes, it may be from holding it too long. However not all times. After, I will ask if he felt like he had to go, and he will tell me no. About a month ago, he had another issue, where he felt the urge to pee for about 30 minutes after he would empty his bladder. There was no pain, only the feeling to go. It was very traumatic for him, because he would feel like he was going to pee in his pants. There was no urinary tract infection. I sought out a homeopath who prescribed him staphysagria 30c. He took a total of 4-5 doses over a week, and his problem with that completely resolved, thankfully.
12. Where does he/she sweat most? Does it stain or smell unusual?
He only sweats if he's really hot, like during the summer. It doesn not stain or smell unusual.
1. What kind of health problems occurred while you were pregnant with your child?
I became pregnant unexpectedly, and had to quickly transition from a selfish-partying lifestyle to that of a responsible mother. Physically I did this when I was only two weeks pregnant, but mentally and emotionally it took me longer. When I was 12 weeks pregnant, my job went out of business and I went from being active waiting tables to laying in bed all day. I ate some healthy things, but also some unhealthy things. I gained 70lbs, and had anxiety. My blood pressure also fluctuated from low to high.
2. Were there any other stresses or traumas that occurred?
I found out he was breech at 35 weeks and they would not let me try to labor naturally as I wanted. He was born via c-section.
3. Did the birth itself have any problems?
Not technically, other than the fact that I do not feel he was ready to come out and just seemed completely unhappy for the first 2 months of his life.
4. Do you remember if any symptoms occurred suddenly during pregnancy that then vanished after your child was born? Especially important are any emotional or mental changes during this time.
bwill13 last decade
I realized that I skipped a few questions. Here they are.
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
-He goes to preschool 3 days a week for about 3 hours. As I said before, he sometimes doesn't want me to leave him in the morning, but other days he really wants to go. However, he thinks doing actual schoolwork is boring. He is very smart. He seems to be fine speaking in front of others his age. I know he is really excited for show and tell at school. He follows directions well at school. He listens to other people, like teachers, better than he listens at home.
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
-He asks very mature questions. About anything he doesn't understand. He always wants to know how things work.
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
-He loves to play chase games, and loves to be tickled. He likes us to chase him and pretend we are going to get him, but he doesn't like me to hide behind things and jump out at him. He thinks it's too scary. He cries when we take his favorite toys away, or sometimes when he has to leave me.
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
-He doesn't like to be told what to do, or if he thinks we aren't listening to him when he's trying to explain something to us. He also doesn't like to be wrong and seems to take it very personal.
16. What does your child do when alone?
-Plays sometimes, but at night doesn't want to be.
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
-Not that I can think of
12. How does your child cope with school, school work, study, deadlines, speaking in front of others, following directions etc?
-He goes to preschool 3 days a week for about 3 hours. As I said before, he sometimes doesn't want me to leave him in the morning, but other days he really wants to go. However, he thinks doing actual schoolwork is boring. He is very smart. He seems to be fine speaking in front of others his age. I know he is really excited for show and tell at school. He follows directions well at school. He listens to other people, like teachers, better than he listens at home.
13. What kind of questions does he/she tend to ask you or other adults?
-He asks very mature questions. About anything he doesn't understand. He always wants to know how things work.
14. What makes her/him laugh? What makes him/her cry?
-He loves to play chase games, and loves to be tickled. He likes us to chase him and pretend we are going to get him, but he doesn't like me to hide behind things and jump out at him. He thinks it's too scary. He cries when we take his favorite toys away, or sometimes when he has to leave me.
15. What makes him/her angry or irritable?
-He doesn't like to be told what to do, or if he thinks we aren't listening to him when he's trying to explain something to us. He also doesn't like to be wrong and seems to take it very personal.
16. What does your child do when alone?
-Plays sometimes, but at night doesn't want to be.
17. Is there a particular person or type of person that he/she reacts to, and what kind of reaction?
-Not that I can think of
bwill13 last decade
Interesting case - quite complex for one so young.
I looked at the remedies contained in the following symptoms/issues:
Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured
The main remedies that appear for him are:
I believe the main issue here is sensitivity/ oversensitivity, which I understand to be a Plant kingdom issue, and thus I would eliminate Silicea straight up. All the other remedies are plants.
Based on your description of him, and the remedy that in fact scores the highest, is BELLADONNA (the remedy I thought would help his apparent acute). It is possible that if he had a vaccine reaction, his constitutional state threw up the Belladonna symptoms because they are also his chronic state.
Based on this analysis, I would give him a single dose of Belladonna 200c. Obtain the remedy in liquid form (oral dosing liquid).
If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.
This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.
If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).
However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication if safe to do so. Regular medication in this instance is NOT defined as other homoeopathic medicines which MUST be stopped.
One dose only, then give me a report after 7 days of any changes.
I looked at the remedies contained in the following symptoms/issues:
Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured
The main remedies that appear for him are:
I believe the main issue here is sensitivity/ oversensitivity, which I understand to be a Plant kingdom issue, and thus I would eliminate Silicea straight up. All the other remedies are plants.
Based on your description of him, and the remedy that in fact scores the highest, is BELLADONNA (the remedy I thought would help his apparent acute). It is possible that if he had a vaccine reaction, his constitutional state threw up the Belladonna symptoms because they are also his chronic state.
Based on this analysis, I would give him a single dose of Belladonna 200c. Obtain the remedy in liquid form (oral dosing liquid).
If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.
If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.
1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand
2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water
3. Stir very thoroughly
4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.
This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.
If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).
However, if you are on regular medication it is also important that you do NOT stop taking this. Once it is determined the medicine has acted beneficially, we can look at reducing such medication if safe to do so. Regular medication in this instance is NOT defined as other homoeopathic medicines which MUST be stopped.
One dose only, then give me a report after 7 days of any changes.
♡ Evocationer last decade
bwill13 last decade
The 'k' on the end represents a method of making the potency. I do not know how differently this affects the medicine made, but it is usually believed to be similar to our normal method.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Ok so I did get the Belladonna 200ck locally and gave it to him Friday 12/26 in the evening.
Sat 12/27 woke up middle of night crying and saying he had a bad dream and he doesn't want to have them anymore.
Sun 12/28 no bad dreams but did wake up without crying to get in our bed.
Monday 12/29 no crying at night but woke to get in our bed. He cried during day about having to leave me for a sleepover with his gma and gpa on the 31st. He's cried when having to leave me before but never when going to my parents house. This night he said no dreams.
12/30 woke a couple times through the night but no crying. woke up in morning with a stuffy/runny nose, but so did I.
12/1 no crying through night but got in our bed still. In morning, 12/2, he said he had a good dream that he was watching one of his favorite train movies.
He seems to be happier, but we are also disciplining differently.
So he seems to be better at night in terms of not crying hysterically when he wakes up,but he is still waking. I feel like his sleeping in the main issue I can judge the remedy by at the moment. What do you think? Thanks
Sat 12/27 woke up middle of night crying and saying he had a bad dream and he doesn't want to have them anymore.
Sun 12/28 no bad dreams but did wake up without crying to get in our bed.
Monday 12/29 no crying at night but woke to get in our bed. He cried during day about having to leave me for a sleepover with his gma and gpa on the 31st. He's cried when having to leave me before but never when going to my parents house. This night he said no dreams.
12/30 woke a couple times through the night but no crying. woke up in morning with a stuffy/runny nose, but so did I.
12/1 no crying through night but got in our bed still. In morning, 12/2, he said he had a good dream that he was watching one of his favorite train movies.
He seems to be happier, but we are also disciplining differently.
So he seems to be better at night in terms of not crying hysterically when he wakes up,but he is still waking. I feel like his sleeping in the main issue I can judge the remedy by at the moment. What do you think? Thanks
bwill13 last decade
Ok let's do an assessment of the case. Next to each of the symptoms, can you write better, worse or same. If better or worse can you write a percentage to represent how much.
Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured
Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured
♡ Evocationer last decade
Before answering, I will say that we have also changed our means of discipling. We aren't giving time outs or taking his toys away as we were previously. I believe this has helped as well. Never the less, I believe the remedy has helped as well.
Tantrums- better by 50-75%
Anger/vexation, beside himself- seems less angry. I would say its not noticeable anymore.
Quarrelsome/argumentative- better by 60%
Obstinate in opinions or views- better 25%
Easily hurt feelings- haven't noticed this symptom lately
Bright red ears- havent noticed this one either.
Defiant - better 75%
Easily embarassed- haven't noticed this either
Fear being alone at night-still won't be alone. Wants to sleep with us.
Dictatorial- better, haven't noticed lately
Competative- still competative but better 50%
Unable to calm down- better by 25%
As if possessed (parent interpretation) - this was when he wakes up at night but he hasn't done it lately. So 100% better.
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)- better 80%
Disobedient- better 50%
Sensitive to injury- haven't noticed it
Impatient- still impatient
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut- haven't cut hair since remedy
Desires bread- still loves bread
Desires chocolate- still loves chocolate
Desires fruit- it was actually averse to fruit. He still doesn't want it. I think its texture.
Averse milk- not as bad. Now likes it in hot chocolate.
Resentment- better, haven't noticed anymore.
Sensitive to loud noise- still sensitive to vacuum sometimes.
Eyes sensitive to sunlight- I noticed improvement here before remedy.
Fear of shadows- hasn't mention ed it.
Offended easily- better 50%
Delusion suffers/being injured- not sure what this means.
Thanks. Let me know what you think.
Tantrums- better by 50-75%
Anger/vexation, beside himself- seems less angry. I would say its not noticeable anymore.
Quarrelsome/argumentative- better by 60%
Obstinate in opinions or views- better 25%
Easily hurt feelings- haven't noticed this symptom lately
Bright red ears- havent noticed this one either.
Defiant - better 75%
Easily embarassed- haven't noticed this either
Fear being alone at night-still won't be alone. Wants to sleep with us.
Dictatorial- better, haven't noticed lately
Competative- still competative but better 50%
Unable to calm down- better by 25%
As if possessed (parent interpretation) - this was when he wakes up at night but he hasn't done it lately. So 100% better.
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)- better 80%
Disobedient- better 50%
Sensitive to injury- haven't noticed it
Impatient- still impatient
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut- haven't cut hair since remedy
Desires bread- still loves bread
Desires chocolate- still loves chocolate
Desires fruit- it was actually averse to fruit. He still doesn't want it. I think its texture.
Averse milk- not as bad. Now likes it in hot chocolate.
Resentment- better, haven't noticed anymore.
Sensitive to loud noise- still sensitive to vacuum sometimes.
Eyes sensitive to sunlight- I noticed improvement here before remedy.
Fear of shadows- hasn't mention ed it.
Offended easily- better 50%
Delusion suffers/being injured- not sure what this means.
Thanks. Let me know what you think.
bwill13 last decade
That is an excellent result, especially from the first dose. I would continue to wait and observe for the moment. Let me know if anything begins to worsen, anything new appears, or if neither of these happens report again in a week.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Update. He's been doing pretty well but he's still waking at night. Not crying anymore. He had a big tantrum/fit yesterday over not getting something he wanted. He is still very impatient. Still craving breads and chocolates/sweets. Not where to go from here.
bwill13 last decade
Ok let's have a look at the whole case. It sounds good so far, but I like to keep an eye on the big picture.
Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured (this represented the idea that he is being hurt by little things that normally wouldn't provoke a response)
Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured (this represented the idea that he is being hurt by little things that normally wouldn't provoke a response)
♡ Evocationer last decade
Tantrums- happening less. Yesterday had a big one. They usually occur when he doesn't get something he wants.
Anger/vexation, beside himself- angry only rarely now. I would say only minimally or a natural level
Quarrelsome/argumentative- only rarely now
Obstinate in opinions or views- still opinionated in views but doesn't defend them so angrily now
Easily hurt feelings- haven't noticed this lately
Bright red ears- also have not noticed. But it was only Hus left ear that gets red.
Defiant- occasional but much less
Easily embarassed- haven't noticed so definitely improved
Fear being alone at night- this still present at original level. He doesn't want sleep in his room alone.
Dictatorial- still present, mildly improved
Competative- still competitive
Unable to calm down- this has improved at least 50%. However tantrum yesterday he had hard time calming.
As if possessed (parent interpretation)- This occurred at night but seems resolved. Has not happened lately
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)- Greatly improved. He seems more himself lately
Disobedient- still happebs but improved maybe 40%
Sensitive to injury- Haven't noticed so must be improving
Impatient- still impatient
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut- hasn't had a haircut
Desires bread- still present at original level
Desires chocolate- still present
Desires fruit- he does not desire fruit, he doesn't like the texture I think
Averse milk- Won't drink plain. Only in hot chocolate
Resentment-improved, not noticeable now
Sensitive to loud noise-still present but not all the time
Eyes sensitive to sunlight- improving
Fear of shadows- hasn't mentioned
Offended easily-improved but still present
Delusion suffers/being injured (this represented the idea that he is being hurt by little things that normally wouldn't provoke a response)- improved, haven't noticed this one lately.
Anger/vexation, beside himself- angry only rarely now. I would say only minimally or a natural level
Quarrelsome/argumentative- only rarely now
Obstinate in opinions or views- still opinionated in views but doesn't defend them so angrily now
Easily hurt feelings- haven't noticed this lately
Bright red ears- also have not noticed. But it was only Hus left ear that gets red.
Defiant- occasional but much less
Easily embarassed- haven't noticed so definitely improved
Fear being alone at night- this still present at original level. He doesn't want sleep in his room alone.
Dictatorial- still present, mildly improved
Competative- still competitive
Unable to calm down- this has improved at least 50%. However tantrum yesterday he had hard time calming.
As if possessed (parent interpretation)- This occurred at night but seems resolved. Has not happened lately
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)- Greatly improved. He seems more himself lately
Disobedient- still happebs but improved maybe 40%
Sensitive to injury- Haven't noticed so must be improving
Impatient- still impatient
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut- hasn't had a haircut
Desires bread- still present at original level
Desires chocolate- still present
Desires fruit- he does not desire fruit, he doesn't like the texture I think
Averse milk- Won't drink plain. Only in hot chocolate
Resentment-improved, not noticeable now
Sensitive to loud noise-still present but not all the time
Eyes sensitive to sunlight- improving
Fear of shadows- hasn't mentioned
Offended easily-improved but still present
Delusion suffers/being injured (this represented the idea that he is being hurt by little things that normally wouldn't provoke a response)- improved, haven't noticed this one lately.
bwill13 last decade
Lately he seems to be been having a tantrum a day. He has a hard time with change, especially leaving somewhere he wants to stay. Or going somewhere he doesnt. He is pretty inflexible. Don't know if I mentioned that. Thought it might help.
bwill13 last decade
Alright first step is to repeat the Belladonna, exactly as you did before but hit the bottle 6 times instead of 5.
Let me know what happens at the end of a week. I have made a prescription for you on your thread too.
Let me know what happens at the end of a week. I have made a prescription for you on your thread too.
♡ Evocationer last decade
My son told me he had at peppermint candy at his preschool yesterday. Will that always antidote?
bwill13 last decade
That is a superstition - mainly spread by practitioners who cannot cure their patients and want to blame harmless foods instead.
There certainly are things which can reverse progress, or cause an obstacle to cure, mint isn't one of them.
There certainly are things which can reverse progress, or cause an obstacle to cure, mint isn't one of them.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Just an update. He's been doing good. Many of his sensitivities are gone or nearly so. Still wakes at night but never cries anymore. He does grind his teeth and flips over in the bed to face the opposite direction. Sometimes he wakes in middle of night saying he's ready to get up.
He also started a cold before bed last night. Clear mucus running from nose. Sounding very nasily. Today woke up okay but then it started again. No fever but face is splotchy. He says he isn't sick. Didn't know if I should give him something or wait. Thanks
He also started a cold before bed last night. Clear mucus running from nose. Sounding very nasily. Today woke up okay but then it started again. No fever but face is splotchy. He says he isn't sick. Didn't know if I should give him something or wait. Thanks
bwill13 last decade
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