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♡ 0antivirus0 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
in address bar write
it might help :)
which type of of astrology u follow.
in address bar write
it might help :)
which type of of astrology u follow.
gaintrox last decade
I looked at website about medical astrology, but found it a bit weak on information. Anyway, my birth info is 5/5/1947, 11:47 PM, in San Diego, California USA.
I am continuing with cell salts, et al.
I am continuing with cell salts, et al.
Snowyday last decade
to simone-- from here website is opening, i do not have much idea about internet and pc issues, but i will share the problem with homeo.mzp on phone.
to gaintox-- i practice indian lal kitab astrology.
to snowyday-- yes i know the information is less, ok i am examining it.
to gaintox-- i practice indian lal kitab astrology.
to snowyday-- yes i know the information is less, ok i am examining it.
♡ 0antivirus0 last decade
the debilitated MARS in your horoscope seems to be causing problems, when the planet will start giving GOOD RESULTS depends on planet itself, we human beings do not have control over it, but its ill effects can be reduced to some extent,
1)if possible keep small square piece of silver with you.
2)arrange some red colour powder,(you can make it by mixing red colour to normal body talc then drying), take one tablespoon powder in your palm after sunrise and flow it under running tap water, do this CONTINUOUSLY WITHOUT BREAK FOR 43 DAYS.
3)on every Tuesday do not take other biochemic salts, take NAT SULPH 6X -- 3 pills morning,afternoon,evening on TUESDAY ONLY.
4)continue other biochemic salts as usual.
[message edited by 0antivirus0 on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 09:58:23 GMT]
1)if possible keep small square piece of silver with you.
2)arrange some red colour powder,(you can make it by mixing red colour to normal body talc then drying), take one tablespoon powder in your palm after sunrise and flow it under running tap water, do this CONTINUOUSLY WITHOUT BREAK FOR 43 DAYS.
3)on every Tuesday do not take other biochemic salts, take NAT SULPH 6X -- 3 pills morning,afternoon,evening on TUESDAY ONLY.
4)continue other biochemic salts as usual.
[message edited by 0antivirus0 on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 09:58:23 GMT]
♡ 0antivirus0 last decade
Ok. Thanks for your time on this. But I'm not sure if I can arrange for checkup for at least a month. So, it may be awhile.
Snowyday last decade
I am having problems satisfying two of your suggestions. 1) Small squares of silver are not easy to find. Do your mean actual 'silver' or would a small square of aluminum foil work? I have silver in the form of an old dime -- but that is round. And, I have it in the shape of metal wire used in jewelry making -- but that is not a square either.
2) Does the red coloring need to be deep red or will a pink version work? When I blend red food coloring with the powder, it does not have a deep red color.
[message edited by Snowyday on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 13:47:59 GMT]
2) Does the red coloring need to be deep red or will a pink version work? When I blend red food coloring with the powder, it does not have a deep red color.
[message edited by Snowyday on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 13:47:59 GMT]
Snowyday last decade
♡ 0antivirus0 last decade
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