The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Urgent help needed for tooth pain and inflammation
Dear Simone,My sister was diagnosed with periodontal disease last year. She had root planing and scaling done several months ago. The outcome was successful. Antibiotics were prescribed in April 2014 and infection cleared up.
Last night my sister experienced sudden intense nagging pain in three lower right molars while dental flossing. The gums are bright red and fiery looking.
One of these molars had a 9mm pus pocket which reduced in depth to 4 mm by October. This molar has root exposure due to enamel erosion.
In October dental cleaning was performed and there was no sign of infection.
Can you please recommend a remedy.
Thank you. Declan.
declan on 2014-12-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Simone,
My sister spoke to her
Periodontist today. He believes that she has infection possibly due to a food particle lodging in the gum pocket. He prescribed antibiotics. The tooth nerve may be dead. He is not sure. He asked her to keep in touch as his office is closed until January 5th.
Since I wrote to you my sister feels feverish, hot face. Tooth pain is nagging and persistent. Right jaw area is very sore and tender. There is aching in right ear.
I hope that this information helps you to determine a suitable remedy.
Thank you for your appreciated help.
My sister spoke to her
Periodontist today. He believes that she has infection possibly due to a food particle lodging in the gum pocket. He prescribed antibiotics. The tooth nerve may be dead. He is not sure. He asked her to keep in touch as his office is closed until January 5th.
Since I wrote to you my sister feels feverish, hot face. Tooth pain is nagging and persistent. Right jaw area is very sore and tender. There is aching in right ear.
I hope that this information helps you to determine a suitable remedy.
Thank you for your appreciated help.
declan last decade
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