The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hearing loss since childhood
hi everyone,I am 18 years old, and when I was in kindergarten (approximately when i was 5 years old) i was diagnosed with partial hearing loss in my right ear. perhaps it was sensorineural hearing loss, im not exactly sure. my childhood was filled with taking antibiotics because i used to get really sick frequently, and my doctor thought maybe i got my hearing loss due to the antibiotics. I am having a hard time trying to cope with my hearing loss, and i'm hoping it can get cured. what should i do to cure my hearing loss?
div.biv250 on 2015-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thuja 1000 one dose evening time for per week for one month .one doae after 7days .
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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