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OH Reflux... once again (10 week old)


I have a strictly breastfed 10 week old, thin build 10 lbs, 22 “, who has been suffering from silent reflux in the early morning hours since he was 3-4 weeks old. Our doctor, of course, prescribed Zantac. Although I was hesitant to give it to him at such a young age, as a parent, I hated seeing my son in pain. After 2 nights on Zantac and no improvement, we decided to quit administering and see if we could find a more natural approach. I originally tried Gripe water which made him gag and did nothing to help. The last approach was a combination of probiotic, Colic Calm, Aethusa Cynapium 30c diluted in water and pressure point therapy. With that said, the Colic Calm seemed to help on occasion, but was very hit or miss.

His symptoms started out that he would wake up either 2-3 hrs after his 10:00 pm feeding grunting, gagging, spitting up generally clear liquid and making very uncomfortable sounds. After feeding him again once he woke up to eat, he would then writhe in my arms grunting in uncomfortable pain for about 1 hour. After starting the Colic Calm and others I mentioned, he no longer would lie there making grunting sounds or gag, but would still writhe in my arms after his 1:00 am feeding. He seems to have regular gas and his bm are fine.

I found this website through another mother who had followed Joe’s advice and posted her results. I have started giving my son Nat Phos 6x three nights ago. I say at night because he doesn’t seem to have symptoms during the day. The first night I gave him a 1/2 tablet at 8:00 and again at 10:00 which he then slept for 5 hours after! After waking up for his 3:00 feeding, I then gave him another 1/2 tablet to which cut his writhing episode down to about 5 minutes only. The second night I did the same, however gave him 1 full tablet instead on the 1/2 at 8:00 due to him spitting up or gagging slightly at 10:00, again he slept for 5 hours after his 10:00 feeding. At 3:00, however the second night and last night the tablet did not seem to have any effect. He was back to his old uncomfortable ways for about an hour. I should also mention that he has generally slept on me due to his gagging and spitting up that would have 2 sometimes 3 hours after he had eaten, but I have drastically been able to reduce his time in my arms and transition him into his bed, which is at an incline.

He is a very alert child and pretty happy. Is on the move constantly either it being his arms or trying to crawl when on his stomach.

I have been taking 2 tabs of Nat Phos 6x three times a day after meals. I also take and have been taking arnica 30c in the pellet form for my own neuropathy pain that developed when I was pregnant. I also have cut all dairy from my diet 3 weeks ago.
I wanted to reach out and get more specific direction since nights 2 and 3 were not as successful. I have ceased everything except probiotic. Is it ok to let the Nat-phos dissolve directly under his tongue? Also, should I be giving him 1 full tablet or 1/2? Is it ok that I am only giving it to him during the evening hours since that is when his symptoms are more prominent?

I appreciate your guidance in this matter and hopefully getting my son symptom free of his reflux.

UPDATE: Night four of nat-phos. He once again was able to sleep 5 hours straight, however his gagging, sometime spitting up clear episode has now shifted to a later time in the morning. I would also like to add that his gag reflex is super sensitive at random times during the day and night where even the pacifier makes him gag.

He also isn't much of a napper and prefers to power nap. Not sure if this is relevant as a lot of other babies do the same, but wanted to mention in case related.

Thank you again.
[message edited by chaebop on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:48:53 GMT]
[message edited by chaebop on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 18:22:28 GMT]
  chaebop on 2015-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the medicine you are taking may be responsible for your sons problem. stop the med and see if it solves the problem. if you must use the medicine then do not breast feed.
telescope 9 years ago
Pl stop his other medicines

Pl give your child
1. Calc Carb-30 (30c) 4 pills twice a day
2. Calc Phos-6x+Natrum Phos-6x (1+1) pallet twice a day (in one teaspoon water)
Pl give this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:52:32 GMT]
shouse_nsk 9 years ago

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