The ABC Homeopathy Forum
sir plz help..constipation and esophageal ulcer
Hello.Sir, i want to consult for someone here.
Age 45
Stomach symptoms..
Stomach ulcer in upper part
Food remains long in stomach.
Sensation that stomach is inactive.digestion slow
Rising of sour water in throat.
In last 3 years 4 to 5 times voilent un bearable stomach pains attacks.that occured at night.that Patient had to go to hospital in emergeny.
Like inactive rectum.
Crave sour things.
The patient is not chilly hot natured.
Someone slight high blood pressure.
Sir it would be so nice of you if you will suggess some remedies.
After searching a lot i think pulstilla and alumina.
homeopathy8716 on 2015-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi.sir many many thanks.i will ask to use sulphur.
homeopathy8716 last decade
sir many many thanks.i will ask to use sulphur.
homeopathy8716 last decade
Hello dr kadwa.
i want to consult also for my brother he is 18
On every morning on waking he had sneezing attacts and flu that last many hours and this thing was from last 4 its cleared.
He also have allergic asthma in crop (wheat) cutting season due to dust in air.
3rd now his main problem is itchy tonsils he rub his tongue on them for releif.tonsils are aggrivated or disturbs most in sleep.his sleep is disturbed due to tonsils.he clears his throat several times in sleep.
Tonsils are present from last few day less second day again aggrivated.
Sir that flu and sneezing he has no more for his asthma i asked him to use medorrhinum 1m 4 doses in month and it cleared his flu.abouth asthma i will know when the season will come.
As it is deap acting and nosode i dont want him to use it more with out proper advise.but it also have a little affect on tonsils as told me.
As his symptoms aggrivate at night lachesis and arsenicum album will be good in my view.but not sure.because i am a learner.
Lachesis time is sleep and arsenicum time is 12 o clock at night.what could be remedies that contain itchy nature in it.
Lachesis starts from left side but i asked him he say my both tonsils are affected and in Center. Can you kindly tell me the name of few i will ask him to use one bye one or together as you will guid or instruct.
[message edited by homeopathy8716 on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:01:51 GMT]
i want to consult also for my brother he is 18
On every morning on waking he had sneezing attacts and flu that last many hours and this thing was from last 4 its cleared.
He also have allergic asthma in crop (wheat) cutting season due to dust in air.
3rd now his main problem is itchy tonsils he rub his tongue on them for releif.tonsils are aggrivated or disturbs most in sleep.his sleep is disturbed due to tonsils.he clears his throat several times in sleep.
Tonsils are present from last few day less second day again aggrivated.
Sir that flu and sneezing he has no more for his asthma i asked him to use medorrhinum 1m 4 doses in month and it cleared his flu.abouth asthma i will know when the season will come.
As it is deap acting and nosode i dont want him to use it more with out proper advise.but it also have a little affect on tonsils as told me.
As his symptoms aggrivate at night lachesis and arsenicum album will be good in my view.but not sure.because i am a learner.
Lachesis time is sleep and arsenicum time is 12 o clock at night.what could be remedies that contain itchy nature in it.
Lachesis starts from left side but i asked him he say my both tonsils are affected and in Center. Can you kindly tell me the name of few i will ask him to use one bye one or together as you will guid or instruct.
[message edited by homeopathy8716 on Fri, 09 Jan 2015 08:01:51 GMT]
homeopathy8716 last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
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