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Professional Constitutional Kit #2:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Best Borax potency for oral thrush? Need answer fast please!

I'm going to my local health supply store this afternoon in less than three hours' time. Would anyone know the best Borax potency for getting rid of extremely bad oral thrush, please? I was thinking of getting Borax 200C but dunno if that would be too potent or not. I've had the classic oral thrush symptoms for 4-5 days, now, and it's killing me. It's also making me feel very sick to my stomach causing both extreme acid reflux and very loose stool and I've had constant headaches that won't go away. HELP!!! :( I know Borax is the right remedy for me, but I'm just so lost on what potency would be best.
[message edited by Faolan on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:38:04 GMT]
[message edited by Faolan on Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:39:48 GMT]
  Faolan on 2015-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thrush is rarely an acute, and more commonly part of the chronic picture. As such, it is unlikely making a prescription like this will cure it.

That being said, if you are self prescribing, NEVER take anything higher than 30c, and you would be safer to take 6 or 12c really. The side effects will be less serious on those lower potencies.

6c - one dose every 6 hours, no more than 3 a day, no more than 9 doses in total.

12c - one dose in the morning, one in the evening, no more than 6 doses total.

Assessment should be done at the end of this period to see what kind of result you have achieved.

Stop if any symptoms aggravate OR if any new symptoms appear.
Evocationer last decade

did the problem resolve after taking 6c or 12c ?
dpnctl 9 years ago

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