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Hepatitis B homeopathy medicine to cure to negative

Dear Sir

I am having HBV-B,since 10 years. the results are as follows:

HBV DNA was normal

Hbsag quantative 30 ul/ml

Hbseg is Negative

LFT is normal

Endoscope reports shows large variances (Allowapathy treatment being done,coming to normal )

Presently (Since one month) I am using HBV-B Nos 30C AND VACCINE and R7

Please advise the above medicine is enough to HBV-B convert to Negative.If not please suggest medicine.
  G.Hari Prasad Redd on 2015-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No it will not. You cannot cure antibodies. They are healthy aspects of your immunity. Over time, they will reduce in number as long as there is no ongoing chronic infection that stimulates more to be created.

Homoeopathy only works if you prescribe on the symptoms of the disease. In fact what you are doing is almost certainly going to create more problems, as it is an allopathic use of our medicines. Allopathy damages your health, so you should stop using our medicines like orthodox medicine.
Evocationer last decade
I am using homeo medicine only.

Hepatitis B Nosode 30 C

Hepatitis B Vaccine 30 C


The above medicine are homeopathy as you are aware all of them.

Is there any homeo medicine better than these.Please advise the medicine
G.Hari Prasad Redd last decade
This is a misunderstanding many people have about homoeopathy.

A medicine is only homoeopathic if it is being prescribing according to our principles. The label on the bottle, the way it is prepared, has nothing to do whether it is homoeopathic or not.

If you are not taking it on the basis of the peculiar and individual symptoms, then it is not homoeopathy. If you are taking it for any other reason it is allopathy.

Once you start breaking all the basic principles to prescribe a medicine, as you are, then you cease to be practicing homoeopathy.

As I stated before, the SYMPTOMS lead to the remedy, not the name of your problem. Someone would need to take a case, a full case looking at whatever is unusual and unique in your health. Once your health is at an optimum level, you can be assured that you will not suffer from any further attacks of hepatitis.
Evocationer last decade

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