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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Use of homeopathic medicines after galblader surgery

My Mom undergone Gallbladder removal surgery through laparoscopic surgery. After removing the gallbladder, the duct is closed using some sort of clip.

Doctor told us not to use any homeopathic medicines after this surgery.

I wonder if this is a good advice? Should we refrain from using any homeopathic medicines or we can use albeit following some precautions.

I will much appreciate help from this forum. As my mom always preferred to use homeopathic medicines as it suited her well.
  khalid malik786 on 2015-01-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is nothing wrong with using homeopathic remedies after surgery.

If the clip is metallic and will remain in her forever then Silica should not be used or used with care.
fitness last decade

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