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Attention Issues with son- spacey, no energy Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most people get liquid. In India liquid is cheap. In usa liquid
is twice the cost. Next up, people get the pills.But.. there are
many sizes of pills ( if you look at Helios Homeopathic Pharm) in
the Uk, there is quite a lot of pill sizes to choose from.

Hahnemann was always using poppy size pellets-like what you
have in that unit dose.

I have heard many say, it does not make a difference. It is one
part of homeopathy I have not read a lot on yet, but if
you want to google it- you will start to see the history of
what Hahnemann used , how he changed it etc.

David will be able to tell you why for sure.
simone717 9 years ago
Yeah, liquid is much more here. I have looked at Helios because of it being mentioned frequently on the forum. They have a great selection and I assume great quality but yes, many size options which is terribly confusing to me. =)

I actually ordered these from Hahnemann laboratories in California- and they are poppy size. I was impressed with their selection because I couldn't find LM sizes anywhere else in the US. After a while, I'll catch on with various sizes and differences between pellets, granules, drams, etc.

I appreciate your help!

mishelle76 9 years ago
one of my homeopaths was up there and he always gave me
unit doses of the granules and that was the Pharmacy I used.

I just order off this site, pills from Boiron, Hyland, or WHP.
If this site does not have it- I usually get liquid or #6 pills from

The Hahnemann Pharmacy is very well known- but it used
to be hard to get anything unless you had a prescription from
a homeopath that used their pharmacy, so I always forget
about using them.
simone717 9 years ago
With my own remedy, I just ordered off this site as well because I needed the 200C and it was easy to find.

Do the pills dissolve easily like the pellets?

I just looked and I could have gotten the liquid dilution for a couple dollars more from Hahnemann Pharmacy- maybe I'll do that next time. Perhaps the LM potencies are more expensive.

When I was "checking out" it did mention something about only homeopaths being able to purchase the LM potencies or maybe needing a prescription but I figured if that was still the case, they would have asked me. There was no issue. They have a great, informative website.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Please don't ever give him any drugs like Aderall or Ritalin or let him when he is a little order for his own sake.

Have you tried a gluten, casein/dairy, soy, spinach free diet already? Besides insanely common intolerances to both of them, they both contain opioid peptides, which put brain chemistry off balance and causes peaks and falls.

rk17- 9 years ago
Hi Dann,

It's always refreshing to hear someone with similar beliefs. I get bombarded all the time about medicating my 7-year-old son. As strongly as many feel about medicating for everything, that's as strongly as I feel about trying to heal naturally or with other alternative healthy options. However I refrain from preaching like they do to me. I should fire back with healthy options for them...might be funny.

I will do everything I can to keep him healthy. My naturopath actually mentioned the opiate receptors being triggered by gluten as well. I found that really interesting. I'm pretty much gluten free myself so I have been trying gluten-free with my son. It's a little more difficult because he is very picky and has texture issues but he's about 50% at the moment. I can tell when he's had too much gluten because his eyes look almost glossed over. Nothing showed up on allergy testing but that doesn't surprise me. Hopefully we can get closer to 75% gluten-free soon.
Slowly but surely.

I hope you get your health back soon. I read your post and sending good energy to you. There are some great people on here willing to help out of the goodness of their hearts.

Thank you for reaching out. :-)
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

Just giving you an early three day update.

First day my son took the dose around 6pm and was very drowsy with heavy eyes for a few hours but then perked up a little before bed. He seemed a little restless during sleep.

2nd evening, he took the remedy an hour before bed because we got home late. He seemed a little drowsy but then hyper, dancing and singing and very restless before bed. He was so tired in the morning because he said he didn't sleep well. I kept him home from school.

3rd evening (last night), I gave it to him at 6pm again, (we have to work around his after-school activities) and he seemed a tad quiet for a couple hours and then extremely hyper, silly, laughing, singing and purposely being annoying. We were all laughing because of his silliness but couldn't seem to calm him down before bed. He fell asleep on time and easily but he was very restless all night and didn't sleep well. He looked and seemed very tired this morning and very irritable as well. Everything I said, he whined about.

I will continue the remedy for the 7 days but wondering if the sleep continues to be problematic, if I should stop until the weekend so at least he's not exhausted for school.

I have not noticed any other changes or improvements yet but it's still early.

One thing I thought I'd mention. Yesterday he said out of the blue, "I like this remedy mommy." I tried to inquire why by asking if he felt better or different. He said he didn't know but that he liked it.

Thank you.
[message edited by mishelle76 on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 17:15:56 GMT]
mishelle76 9 years ago
Dear Mishelle,

Please make sure your son gets the least possible energetic (electromagnetic) interference (Wi-Fi, DECT-phone, smart meters, cell phones as well as from static fields (computer, electric cooked water or food or other electrical appliances). Whatever the cause, we as humans are very complex energetic beings (not just meat as the scientific medical community sees it) and somehow his energy is disturbed.

I would highly suggest to use your internet, laptops, macbooks on an ethernet connection, change DECT to cabled phone and avoid cell phones whenever not completely necessary as humans have done for thousands of years. Getting or hiring a high frequency meter to test the house and bedrooms is a good idea.

Especially high frequency radiation is very disturbing for the body and the nervous system. Low frequency radiation (static fields) drain the body its energy as well. Recognize that drained feeling after having been on a computer or after having sat in a car for a long time? When that layer is peeled off we will be able to see your son his energy as he is and go from there. It can have a million causes, but we can say with certainty that at least some type of toxin is involved, and the first one is EM-interference.
[message edited by rk17- on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 17:41:12 GMT]
rk17- 9 years ago
Hi Dann,

Interesting. I do believe what you're saying. I feel that he has almost become obsessive about the computer and video games. I do feel like I may have caused him some damage by allowing this.

I also agree with your statement "at least some type of toxin is involved." My gut senses something- some type of swirling craziness of energy within him. I will look into what you have suggested.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Remember you must stop if any of his symptoms markedly worsen.
Evocationer 9 years ago
It's hard to say. He's been a little more hyper at night and his sleep wasn't great but last night sleep was okay. I can't tell if there's any aggravation- more like a response but not as bad as when he aggravated from a past remedy. It seems stimulating more than anything so far.
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

I gave my son his 5th dose last night and he had a very restless night of sleep. Would this be considered aggravation? I would think so since he normally sleeps a little better than that. It's hard for me to be objective here because restless sleep is my norm. I was thinking about skipping the dose tonight to see if he sleeps okay.

What do you think? We were planning on 7 days and we still can if stopping might disrupt any benefits he may be receiving. Or should we stop and wait for a while over the next several days?

Thank you.
mishelle76 9 years ago
I didn't give my son another dose last night and he slept really well. Can you help me understand what that might mean? That the remedy was aggravating him? A side effect? Not sure if that's a good thing or bad.

Yesterday I noticed he was very quiet and seemed very withdrawn. It was hard to watch and scared me. I fear that whatever is going on (categorized as autism), could get worse. He already hardly opens up to me and has no friends it appears. I don't want him to withdraw and not come back.

Any words of encouragement would really help. I know you mentioned you work with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome.

Thank you for your time.
mishelle76 9 years ago
I'm not sure if my son was having an aggravation or healing. He ended up having two really good days at school paying attention and testing. Those are huge issues normally. I think if I don't hear back, I will just give him more doses as I'm not seeing anything further...just seems spacey again. It seems to have done something but I'm not able to tell whether it's aggravation or what.
[message edited by mishelle76 on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 03:15:44 GMT]
mishelle76 9 years ago
I am not often on the forum over the weekend so unfortunately I missed your posts from the end of the week.

The sleep aggravating is a sign to stop. The symptom will almost always appear to be a normal one, but will suddenly appear worse.

The withdrawal could also be a remedy reaction - I would not get too concerned about it. You will often get these kinds of things happening during treatment. They will come and go, but progress generally will be in an upward direction.

I would not give him any more doses for the time being. It sounds like the remedy has started its work. It is better to wait and watch at this point.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Thank you for your response.

I've picked up a couple books to read on homeopathy- Vithoulkas- The Science of Homeopathy. I'm not trying to look up remedies for myself or my son since I'm so new and there's a tremendous amount to learn but I think it might be beneficial for me to understand the process and theory behind homeopathy. This way I won't be so worried about the little things that happens with dosing and what I might expect.

I felt clueless about aggravation but glad my son had some kind of familiar reaction. I am more than happy to wait and watch. Is there something that I should be looking out for or just report back in about one week?

Thanks again!
mishelle76 9 years ago
Just watch and record I would say. While there isn't something specific we are looking for, we need to look carefully at what happens to decide how to proceed.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Okay, will do.
mishelle76 9 years ago

What's your take on vitamins? Do you think they can suppress symptoms that should be brought out? The reason I ask- my son used to be sick once or twice a month, and once he developed his tics, I started to give him a multi-vitamin. They are not cheap vitamins either. Since then (last April), he has not been sick but one time with a two-day cold which was very mild. But...while his immune system seems better, his other non-physical symptoms seemed to come about while unnoticeable prior. What do you think? I wonder if I'm causing him more harm by giving him these vitamins instead of letting symptoms occur in the physical. Or this could be simple coincidence in timing. My original thought was that I was just boosting his immune system.
mishelle76 9 years ago
I don't really have an issue with vitamins generally, as long as they are done in moderation, and as long as they are ACTUALLY vitamins and not something else (herbs, various metals etc). For many people vitamins make up for the lack in their diet and so are important for ensuring cure is as complete as possible (you need all the materials to properly rebuild health).

However, one always has to be alert to any negative changes that occur from their use, and you might have to consider they are an aggravating cause. It's hard to know for sure without stopping them.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Good points. I'm going to think on this and perhaps consider stopping the vitamins temporarily and observe.

Thank you. :-)
mishelle76 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

I'm reporting back to you on my son. It's been 13 days since his last dose. He took it for 5 days. I see some improvements- subtle, but good.

His biggest issue at school- lack of attention is one I'm not quite sure of since his teachers don't report back to me very often. But he does seem to be completing more work and doing okay solely based on papers being returned back to me. I think this issue might be a slow process?

I decided to hang onto his multi-vitamins for now and he did get a small cold that lasted a few days. It was minor.

His movements- constant need to move, stretch, roll around seem better as well- probably 80% better.

Still no tics.

Large and small motor skill issues are the same.

His indifference seems slightly better as well. I'm seeing more of his personality emerge. More talking with me, instead of just to me and interest in things is increasing. He seems more responsive to other emotional cues- about 30-40% better.

Energy level is a little better as well- 40% better.

Overall, I'm very impressed with his progress with such a short amount of time passing.

It brings me joy to see him emerge more.

How do you think we should proceed?

Thank you so much for your help.
[message edited by mishelle76 on Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:07:21 GMT]
mishelle76 9 years ago
I forgot a couple of things.

His socializing or interacting with others during play is still lacking. I haven't really notice any change there. He does enjoy people/kids being around him but it's almost like he doesn't know how to play with them or doesn't care to. But he says he plays games with others at recess sometimes.

I mentioned no tics but he does do a sort of lip smacking thing (not sure if that is considered a tic). I hadn't noticed it for a couple weeks until last night. I think it could be due to food though. I mentioned before that we try and eliminate food coloring, processed foods and as much wheat as possible. We tend to be more flexible on the weekends.
mishelle76 9 years ago
I will have a look at this today and consider how to proceed.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Okay, and if you feel we should wait, I'm okay with that as well. I don't want to push too hard but I also don't want to do lose progress.

Take your time.
mishelle76 9 years ago
I suspect I will ask you to wait. I am on my way to clinic now so I will look more carefully at the report in-between clients.
Evocationer 9 years ago

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