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Catarrh in chest, Hair fall, memory loss, odorful sweatin from feet, under arms

Patient Age: 19, Weight: 71 kg, Height:168 cm
Major Symptom:
1) Always Catarrh in chest, most of time nose blocked. Better in open air, worse in closed room.
When suffering from cold , eyes become tearful, waterly discharge from nose with sneezing.
2) Excessive Hair fall, hair greying, dry scalp in winter with dandruff, sweaty scalp in summer with dandruff.
*Minor Symptoms:
1) Sweating from feet and palm when wear shoe or hold somthing, odourly sweat from feet in winter also.
2)Indigenisation with releasing gas, in most of food.
3) double vision, myopia, when want to read far object (>120cm) , eyes become tearful. When watching moon a transparent moon appear on right side of real moon.
4)sudden forget of well known thing. Want to be alone, feeling nervous when stranger people come in public toilet my pee not release untill they get out from there.
5) pain appear in back and knee when i sit in Indian style.
1)Biting self lower lip, biting and eat nail .
2)Spending all time with mobile.
3) Daily Masturbation (now it stoped)

please find right remedy for me!
  arghyaprmnk on 2015-01-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you think with the right homeopathic remedy all the problems listed above will immediately go away including spending time on mobile?
fitness last decade
Hi Fitness,

he has two prescriptions now on here.
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone!
fitness last decade

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