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Abdominal and waist fat

Hi, i am slim and is difficult for me to gain weight, but when i do i get fat belly and waist.
My personallity is nervous, insecure, many times i feel depressed and get angry very easy. I normally have craving for sweet foods and have a cyst on my left ovaries. I get sick easily with cold weather.

I want to lose belly fat without losing any fat on the rest of my Body as i am very slim on my other Body parts.

In my country esthetic clinics do homeopatic meso therapy to spot reduce fat.
But they use the same products for everyone. They use graphittes homacord and lymphoyosot.

I would like to know if inyection of this 2 products are right for me to lose my belly and waist fat, or maybe for me a combination of other homeopatic products would be better.

Thanks very much :)
  Pablita on 2015-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Search internet for exercise called PLANKS. Do it for 3 months and you should be fine.
fitness last decade
Thanks, i am going to look how to do planks.
Pablita last decade

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