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Dog with tracheobronchitis and prostate problems

I apologize for very long text!!!!
The dog has a problem with his throat, when excited or running or in a state of physical activities that demand increased effort begins to cough, cough is dry, as if he had something stuck in his throat and tried to cough it out, sometimes cough out a white thick saliva, but most it is 3-5 so to speak coughing after which the condition is fine. During the walk he is much steadier, otherwise known to go up to 50 meters in front of me, as usually his wok is like slow jog and a raised tail but not now. He slowly walk next to me, tail down, it is not his classic behavior because he is dominant dog and always with the tail up and full of energy. As soon as he ran, etc. coughs. His eyes tears last 5-6 days which is also not usually particularly because i don't take him to long walks. I think even his nose is little runny because his muzzle is wetter than usual and he licks it with his tongue. Also rub his face on me, and in walks like drooling more, he usually doesn’t drool.The larynx is by my opinion redder than the rest of the oral cavity, especially the tongue. His appetite is not that good, which can be because of the fact that the less mobile. He is not a dog that loves to eat and always leave at least a little food in the bowl. But also loves dog biscuits but now it is not as appealing to him during the day only here and there in the evening or when he knows we are 're going for a walk then it like a fun. His breathing is different, as it inhales and exhales, the whole body sort to say, like breath in and breathe out. While he is doing that his mouth is closed and his nostrils are wider. Breathing is the same regardless of whether asleep or moves. Temperature is 100.4 F. I noticed that he spends more time outside or near the door (sleeping in the hallway and the door opened onto the courtyard.) few days ago I have noticed that when I came home, he coughed and rushed out and stood out as to inhale fresh air. Now since he is on essential oils and inhalation that is better and coughs is not so often. He still loves walks, and still chewing lather bones or chews his energy level is lower and it is obvious that suffers. This condition first occurred in June 2013, the same symptoms as of now, except for breathing which I don’t know, he got cough syrup did not receive antibiotics, but it took about 3-4 weeks for him to become himself. Back in February 2014, (he ate snow) cough syrup plus amoxicillin, which I gave myself and of which he was better. The cough came again around December 20 in the period when temperatures were relatively high. I think he got throat inflamed due to cold water (they like rainwater and drinks it from lake and from bucket I have, if I bring it inside they will find one that is outside…....... or is it a kennel cough that is constantly being reactivated. When symptoms began a few days syrup didn’t help I gave him klavox as vet suggested. He started klavox on 27.12 and as it was snowing I noticed on December 30. brown urine. The next day, we took him to the vet and the vet who worked because he was already on the antibiotic gave him Imizol as I found ticks and Vet concluded that it must be babesiosis even though I said it is not, because it was seven days since I found tricks and except for urine everything is ok. 2 days later we were at the vet again, did the ultrasound. In fact it has been a good two years he has occasional drops of fresh blood from the urethra but along with cough it came on a daily basis. Vet gave him nitrofurantoin. The urine cleared up, drops stopped, cough and everything calmed down to five days later drops and I have started to administer colloidal silver, dripping stopped. He was 14 days on nitrofurantoin. Few days after the last Nitrof. dose cough came back. On Sunday 25.01 I again noticed drops of blood and than few day later. The urine culture came back sterile , Prostate is slightly granular (of course the vet did not give him an antibiotic that treat the prostate inflammation although he later said when I asked again for a look that might have a slight inflammation, it is not enlarged, no cysts along the urethra too, no bladder stones either. Blood work was fine. Normal digestion, stool softer, but formed, normal color. Urinate normal (he actually urinated normal all the time). His appetite was reduced, now is better ... No problem with the anal glands and food allergies, antibiotics, vaccines. Unlike female dog more often I remove ticks from him. (we live in swamp area and walk a lot along the forest). He is prone to inflammation of the left ear (So far, three times). Psychology: The dog is very dominant protective. He does not tolerate other males especially not near me. If he meets them far enough usually nothing happens but if dog comes back toward me, he attacks. Only males no difference neutered or intact. He is highly intelligent, easy to learn, stubborn a bit. Not a dog who likes to play with other dogs or toys. Can walk for hours, not running for balls, etc. Marks his territory a lot. Cleans his paws when he comes back from a walk. Very affectionate toward me, when I’m gone for a few days on a business trip he eats half his daily amount. He likes to wriggle through the legs and sit down in front of me. He likes to lick my face (I don’t ). Always goes in before me through the door to the courtyard, the house. Not a dog who loves people, usually when someone tries to pet him he barks, especially to men, on women and children very rarely. He is a dog that has to know you first than he let it be pated and cuddle and all, Not aggressive towards people in the sense that it would bite someone. He loves to swim and in summer just to stand in the water to cool himself. Skinny.. Even little and too much. Always has been.. He is 68 at the withers cm and weighs 48 kg. When healthy walk fast. He likes to walk, plays occasional, very rarely with females he likes. He likes to get in the house when we get home from work in the evening after dinner.. Loves when I pick up the comb, he took the bone and chow while I comb him.. He cannot stand it when you try to punish him, starts to growl. He eats one meal a day 1-1.5 h after walks. Eats raw, dislike it mixed with dry food. He does not like dry food except when mixed with a can. Does not like yogurt . He likes dry cat food. If he does feel eating, will not eat. Normally leaves some food in the bowl (I think it leaves to our bitch). He loves treats (cookies) for dogs. He likes to eat bread, and other bread like food Drink plenty of water. Always over the summer I have a bottle of water if we do not go to the lake. Having trouble him eating whet there are females in heat and unfortunately there are 8 of them in 100m area. Our cats loves him a lot, so the other neighbors cats. Never had attacked feral cats.
  Daria on 2015-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for your case. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me & my prescription skills.

Please answer applicable questions below to describe as you are feeling during this illness. Answer in front of the questions leaving them in place:

1. Your appearance (gender, age, weight, height)
2. What are the symptoms of the problem
3. In your view, what caused this problem
4. What non-medicinal action makes the problem better
5. What non-medicinal action makes the problem worse
6. How are you feeling emotionally during the problem e.g. restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc
7. Are you feeling cold or warm
8. How is your level of energy
9. How is your thirst
10. Are your lips or mouth dry
11. Any strong like or dislike regarding food taste that has developed during this illness e.g. salty, sweet, sour, bitter etc
12. Any strong like or dislike regarding food temperature that has developed during this illness e.g. cold, hot etc
13. Any other health issues that you have
14. What allopathic medicines are you taking
15. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 3 months (dates, dose, potency)
fitness last decade
Please answer applicable questions below to describe as you are feeling during this illness. Answer in front of the questions leaving them in place:

Male, 4 years, 3 months old, 48 kg (106 lbs) 68 cm at the withers.
1, Your appearance (gender, age, weight, height)
The dog has a problem with his throat, when excited or running or in a state of physical activities that demand increased effort begins to cough, cough is dry, as if he had something stuck in his throat and tried to cough it out, sometimes cough out a white thick saliva, but most it is 3-5 so to speak coughing after which the condition is fine. During the walk he is much steadier, otherwise known to go up to 50 meters in front of me, as usually his wok is like slow jog and a raised tail but not now. He slowly walk next to me, tail down, it is not his classic behavior because he is dominant dog and always with the tail up and full of energy. As soon as he ran, etc. coughs. His eyes tears last 5-6 days which is also not usually particularly because i don't take him to long walks. I think even his nose is little runny because his muzzle is wetter than usual and he licks it with his tongue. Also rub his face on me, and in walks like drooling more, he usually doesn’t drool. The larynx is by my opinion redder than the rest of the oral cavity, especially the tongue. His breathing is different, as it inhales and exhales, the whole body sort to say, like breath in and breathe out. While he is doing that his mouth is closed and his nostrils are wider. Breathing is the same regardless of whether asleep or moves. Temperature is 100.4 F. I noticed that he spends more time outside or near the door (sleeping in the hallway and the door opened onto the courtyard.) few days ago I have noticed that when I came home, he coughed and rushed out and stood out as to inhale fresh air.
2. What are the symptoms of the problem
Most likely some viral infection or perhaps his hart is the problem which i will know after the x ray
3. In your view, what caused this problem
State of calmness,
4. What non-medicinal action makes the problem better
Excitement, running
5. What non-medicinal action makes the problem worse
More calmly, less affectionate at home, more close while in walks, less aggressive toward other male dogs, more obedient
6. How are you feeling emotionally during the problem e.g. restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc
He always preferred cold
7. Are you feeling cold or warm
;uch lower, he jums on me when i get home, walks about 20-50 m in front of me, plays with our female, he does nothing of that now
8. How is your level of energy
Less to normal
9. How is your thirst
I don't know but i think not
10. Are your lips or mouth dry
At first he didn't wanted his usual raw, liked more cooked, now he eats better, likes bread
11. Any strong like or dislike regarding food taste that has developed during this illness e.g. salty, sweet, sour, bitter etc
No, food is always warm
12. Any strong like or dislike regarding food temperature that has developed during this illness e.g. cold, hot etc
Occasional bleeding from urethra (2-3 drops), had urinary infection, urile tested 3 days ago, sterile but lots of erythrocytes in it
13. Any other health issues that you have
Vitamin C, B complex, propolis, immunity syrup, calivita paraprotex caps, probiotics, aromatherapy
14. What allopathic medicines are you taking
Ferrum phos. 7c, 4 times a day 3 granules, last 5 days
15. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 3 months (dates, dose, potency)
[message edited by Daria on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 14:55:19 GMT]
Daria last decade
Your remedy is: Cantharis 200c

Please take two doses 12 hrs apart. Just two doses. Not daily.
Report back in 15 days with changes observed.

If remedy is Pills/Pellets:
One dose is one pill.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.

If remedy is liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
That’s one dose.

One dose is made by dissolving one pill of the remedy (or one drop, if you have liquid remedy) in half a glass of water. Stir it and take one tea spoon from it.

First dose: At night before sleeping.
Second dose: 12 hrs after the first dose.
Don’t take any more dose or any other remedy unless I tell you.

If there is significant worsening of symptoms (called homeopathic aggravation) after the first dose, then don’t take the second dose.
Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during this treatment.
Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
During the treatment, don’t eat anything which you have never had all your life.

Sometimes the symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and a good sign. It usually dies down within 24-48 hrs. During this time you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.

A good example of how to report your progress is by giving %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.
Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
Other health problems: e.g. Acne increased 60%
Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
And so on list all your complaints.
You can like/share my facebook page by searching payaftercure
fitness last decade
thank you!
it was also recommendation for lachesis from one homeopathic vet but as she can't see the dog she didn't want to suggest the dosage.....reading both somehow lachesis relate more to him :)
Daria last decade
Use the remedy you feel more comfortable with.
fitness last decade

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