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Thuja Occidentalis: Professional Constitutional Kit #1:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

silicea 30 and thuja 200 dosage information

Dear Dr.
i want to use silicea 30(for blocked nose) and thuja 200(for dandruff with hair fall)... but as i saw on ABC website that both are complementary and does not follow each other well..so please tell me how should i take both .. so that they can work rightly... please tell me also
silicea 30 n0. of dosage & one dose means

thuja 200 no of dosage & one dose means
(both remedy in liquid)
thanking u...
  vikash29 on 2015-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Remedies taken for single symptoms will not work. That is not how homoeopathy works at all. One remedy, based on the whole case. Taking one medicine for this and one for that will either fail or will result in side effects, sometimes serious ones.
Evocationer last decade

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