The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Advice for racing heart beats, body weakness, please
Hi,Could someone advise on my recent health issue. Two weeks ago I started to have burning ache under the left shoulder blade. It started during work at the kitchen while I was cooking, washing dishes etc. Pain would go away when resting.
After one week I've seen chiropractic (regular visit) and mentioned about it. He adjusted my back and said that one of my spinal disks was out of place due to the bad posture.
Two days later I started to have racing heart beat, fatigue. Racing heart beat was not stopping even when I was resting.
I've seen a doctor, did EKG, blood test. Everything within the limits. Blood pressure was higher 140/90, pulse rate 92. I am still waiting for chest x-ray results.
Last three days pulse went back to normal over all, but periodically it can be rapid again, I started to have dizziness, a bit a pressure on my ears, headaches. Feel weak a few times a day.
If anyone will take my case I'd really appreciate it.
bliss49 on 2015-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take a dose(4-6pills) of CANTHARIS 200c once in a three days in empty stomach .Do not drink and eat anything 15min before and after taking medicine.Report back after one week of taking medicine.
take care
take care
gaintrox last decade
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