The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Thrush in nursing pair.
My 3 month old daughter and I have thrush. She has thrush on the sides of her mouth as a white coating. none on her tongue, but she had it on her tongue before we were started on Nystatin. This rid her of thrush on her tongue, but not the sides. As a result, this touched off thrush on my nipples, and they are cracking and peeling and very painful. While 37 weeks pregnant with her I had to take an antibiotic for a terrible urinary tract infection.I know that I have an underlying yeast problem because in my 2 older children I went through the same thing. I think that they Nystatin just resolve the symptoms, as my 2 older children have issues that may involve excessive yeast as well.
I would really like to actually get this problem cured, instead of just masked.
chicky32 on 2005-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are advise to give your baby Antim Crud 6c thrice in a day for a week and report me
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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