The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Applied Kinesiology Testing Remedies
Hi :)I wonder if the potency of a homeopathic remedy that is tested with kinesiology for a single dose, is important.
For example if a homeopathic C30 remedy tests strong with kinesiology and with deeper testing it appears that I would actually need D12, but my body still tests strong when I hold the C30 remedy on my heart chakra, will it be good to take?
I kind of remember to have heard before that with a single dose strict on point dosage or potency isn't dramatically important. Dosage of course can always be adjusted.
Anyone any ideas on this? :)
[message edited by rk17- on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 00:51:23 GMT]
rk17- on 2015-02-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have never found these techniques to be in the slightest value in choosing either the medicine or the potency.
Potency is selected on the basis of the following situations/features in the case:
1. the intensity of the disease
2. the strength of the vital force
3. the sensitivity of the patient
4. the amount/stage of pathology/tissue change
5. the degree of medical suppression of the symptoms
6. the reaction of the patient when INGESTING a medicine (specific reaction looking at the SYMPTOMS and what happens to them)
There is no established correlation in homoeopathy between holding the remedy and what the muscles do in response (and all the other various techniques used to 'read' the body's response). This has been formulated outside of homoeopathic observations and principles, and amounts to ALLOPATHY not homoeopathy (using something other than the symptoms to prescribe). Allopathy should never be used to choose our medicines.
Potency is selected on the basis of the following situations/features in the case:
1. the intensity of the disease
2. the strength of the vital force
3. the sensitivity of the patient
4. the amount/stage of pathology/tissue change
5. the degree of medical suppression of the symptoms
6. the reaction of the patient when INGESTING a medicine (specific reaction looking at the SYMPTOMS and what happens to them)
There is no established correlation in homoeopathy between holding the remedy and what the muscles do in response (and all the other various techniques used to 'read' the body's response). This has been formulated outside of homoeopathic observations and principles, and amounts to ALLOPATHY not homoeopathy (using something other than the symptoms to prescribe). Allopathy should never be used to choose our medicines.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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