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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Itching Scrotum.

I'm 59 yrs of age. Male.
Scrotum itches mostly in the evening and night. The more I scratch the more it itches.
The skin at junction of scrotum and thighs also itches.
Can someone please help?
  Fermick55 on 2015-02-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take natrum mur 30. 2dose daily for 3 days. nd reply.
drsnehanshusaha last decade
How do I take it? Morning afternoon evening night.?
[message edited by Fermick55 on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:04:03 GMT]
Pills or liquid form?
[message edited by Fermick55 on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 08:05:19 GMT]
Fermick55 last decade
Morning and evening... nd if pills then 4 pills nd if liquid then 1 drop.
drsnehanshusaha last decade
Okay, thanks. I'll let you know.
Fermick55 last decade
Dear Dr. Sneha,
The itching has reduced considerably. I Had taken 3 doses and stopped.
How should I proceed further??
Please advice.
Fermick55 9 years ago
Plz wait for some Days, if problem reappears then take nat mur 200 for 3 days...then tell me....
drsnehanshusaha 9 years ago
Dear Dr. Sneha,
Thank you very much. I'll keep you posted about any development.
Fermick55 9 years ago
how is ur itching scrotum???
drsnehanshusaha 9 years ago

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