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Cellulite issue

I have a cellulite problem for many years. It appeared very early in my life, I was still in puberty, about 13 years old. And it is getting worse and worse. I'm 34 now and cellulite is occupying my legs form ankles to hips, both sides front and behind and my bottom as well. It is especially problem with my calves. I don't know anyone with cellulite at calves. I will send a photo as soon as possible.
  Eoja1407 on 2015-02-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
So I will try to describe myself as much as possible. The cellulite problem is very hardcore now. It is visible from ankles to hips, with large ''pillows'' of fat at outer and inner side of thighs. I was abandoned from my parents as a child, lived with my mother and stepfather until 4 years, after he started beating me mother gave me to her mother and brother.They have been very tender and devoted with me. When I was 11 years old war broke up in my country and lasted for almost four years. My uncle was seriously injured and one of my biggest fears is that war will start again and me and my family will be in danger.Now I'm in contact with my biological parents. I am married, mother of two, boy 6 years and girl 14 mounths old. I'm still breastfeeding her. I have lost my granny when I was pregnent with my first kid and since then I'm filing abandoned again. I am very angry and full of furry, making a great effort not to show my anger. I get angry with little things. I have some hate in myself towards men, do not believe them. I m especially angry with my biological father when I have found out that he was molesting my mother while being pregnant with me. I don't have much friends, I'm working. I was very successful with education and university as well,have successful career and I'm happy with my work. I'm having a problem being touched, kissed, or any kind of physical contact. Especially with my husband because his the closest person beside kids. He is patient and tender person and is trying to help me, we have already try with homeopathy, the homeopath tried many different remedies but no success. When it comes to physical problems, I have very hardcore dandruff, I'm getting grey hair, some kind of inflammation of thyroid gland (it does not effect hormones yet), hemorrhoids (for a long time), anal fissure which is healed now, some spine pain due to scoliosis and swollen calves. Curiosity - I have two spleens. I have motion sickness in car very easy, even from work to home, can not bear heating in car. I don't like to cut nails especially finger nails. I have problem loosing weight after second baby although I breastfeed and looking after what I eat, avoid sweets and bad carbs. Food cravings from childhood are more for salt food and bread such as eggs and mayonnaise, bacon, bean, cold milk (it gives me bad ''aftertaste'' ). After eating sweet I have to eat something salty. I think I've been very detailed. It would mean a lot if someone could help.
Eoja1407 last decade
Please take Apis 30 twice a day for 7 days and see how that affects over 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Thank you for response. I have wrote all this about myself because I believe that all my problems are related and connected to my emotional state of mind.

I will try with apis.
Eoja1407 last decade
When you say twice a day, you mean one pill?
Eoja1407 last decade
One pill or 2 pills. Dose size doesn't matter in homeopathy. The dosing pattern matters.
kadwa last decade
I took Apis. It seems like knees are little less swollen, but it seems like cellulite got worse at bottom, like it ''comes on surface''.
Eoja1407 last decade
Please take Belladonna 30 in the evening for 7 days and see how that affects over 15 days.
kadwa last decade

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