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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss+Sexual Debility+Coryza

Age: 28, Unmarried
Sex: Male
Built: Athletic with fatness on abdomen & Hips
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 78 Kgs
Skin Colour: Slightly Wheatish
Country : India

1. Since 2 years I am suffering from Hair Loss problem. Hair Density has become less.

2. Slightly greying on sides especially on the right side.

3. I catch cold early. Since childhood facing problem of sinus blockage/discharge due to cold. Generally, discharges from sinuses is of yellowish/greenish colour which also goes to throat. Once caught to cold it usually takes about month or so to open the nose. However, more or less, discharge is always there.

4. Feeling sexual weekness since 3-4 months. Need to touch/presss the penis for erection. Erection is not perfect and goes down early. Semen discharge is also less. Had the habit of masturbation. Now overall vigour is totally missing.

5. Sensitive in nature. Always worried about future/family. Fear of unwanted happenings.

6. Excessive perspiration. Especially on head these days. But, excessive perspiration appears to to hierdiatery.

7. Like sweets. Want more salt.

Can anyone suggest a remedy?
  indiana1000 on 2005-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
We have a very good medicine for your problem but you have to continue for atleast 3 month i.e. Lycopodium 6c daily one doses early in the morning empty stomach. and after that report to me
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
One thing I forgot to mention that I have also got lines on nails especially on thumbs. Dark brown line on thumbs.
indiana1000 last decade
go on continue the above medicine for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Regards to Dr. Deoshlok Sharma. I may try out this medicine sir. But, some other learned homeopath has suggested me ACID PHOS 6C. I am a little bit confused now. I will be grateful to you if you can clarify, why I am not the right case for ACID PHOS and what differentiates ACID PHOS and LYCO.
indiana1000 last decade

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