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Effects of thought on body
Interesting article describingthe effects of thoughts on body
khalid malik786 on 2015-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nice Article Khalid- Thanks for posting.
"In fact, Dr. Liptons research illustrates that by changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes and create over thirty thousand variations of products from each gene. He gives more detail by saying that the gene programs are contained within the nucleus of the cell, and you can rewrite those genetic programs through changing your blood chemistry."
It seems to be saying:
1.Meditation can calm the system down-but really
on the deeper level of getting at your subconscious
mind which will trump ALL- that is hard to get at.
2.I think the sub conscious has a lot to do with
emotions- as someone can be focusing on positive
thoughts, meditating and so on- but if asked
about a stressful situation they will respond with
the emotion of the stress- "it was so terrible,
I had so much pain or anxiety etc" The emotion
has the power there then, not the positive mental
So that is where the real work is- on the emotions.And in instances
where a particular OUTCOME happened a lot-the brain stores those
memories with other chemicals- like a loop. That is why
in OCD type thoughts, they tell you- "distract yourself ASAP bc everytime
you distract yourself you break up the thought loop that releases stress
chemicals and is a vicious circle.
I guess the meditative work is like
a medicine for the emotions, keeping them
neutral- but it is not a deep change in the
Belief systems anchored by emotions.(keep in mind that up to 7years
old or so, everything is stored in the emotional brain, the amygdala, Bc the cognitive front brain is not online until then)
However, I have seen homeopathy really change
the emotional states into different states-
which is great, bc even if they do not Hold,
the person has the "experience" that there is
another way to feel. If one never FEELs it-
one can do mental overides but it is not
satisfactory- Once you feel another state you
realize mental overides are like working with
one cylinder of an engine.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 21 Feb 2015 17:31:21 GMT]
"In fact, Dr. Liptons research illustrates that by changing your perception, your mind can alter the activity of your genes and create over thirty thousand variations of products from each gene. He gives more detail by saying that the gene programs are contained within the nucleus of the cell, and you can rewrite those genetic programs through changing your blood chemistry."
It seems to be saying:
1.Meditation can calm the system down-but really
on the deeper level of getting at your subconscious
mind which will trump ALL- that is hard to get at.
2.I think the sub conscious has a lot to do with
emotions- as someone can be focusing on positive
thoughts, meditating and so on- but if asked
about a stressful situation they will respond with
the emotion of the stress- "it was so terrible,
I had so much pain or anxiety etc" The emotion
has the power there then, not the positive mental
So that is where the real work is- on the emotions.And in instances
where a particular OUTCOME happened a lot-the brain stores those
memories with other chemicals- like a loop. That is why
in OCD type thoughts, they tell you- "distract yourself ASAP bc everytime
you distract yourself you break up the thought loop that releases stress
chemicals and is a vicious circle.
I guess the meditative work is like
a medicine for the emotions, keeping them
neutral- but it is not a deep change in the
Belief systems anchored by emotions.(keep in mind that up to 7years
old or so, everything is stored in the emotional brain, the amygdala, Bc the cognitive front brain is not online until then)
However, I have seen homeopathy really change
the emotional states into different states-
which is great, bc even if they do not Hold,
the person has the "experience" that there is
another way to feel. If one never FEELs it-
one can do mental overides but it is not
satisfactory- Once you feel another state you
realize mental overides are like working with
one cylinder of an engine.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 21 Feb 2015 17:31:21 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
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