The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Three Year old with recurrent tonsillitis
Hi,I have never used homeopathy before, my mother in law suggested that I try it. I have a three year old daughter who has had three cases of tonsilitis in three months, the antibiotics are not working, she has had two different types.
She is very active, very stubborn, her breath is very foul since these infections have started, her right tonsil seems to be more inflamed and red than the left, she says it only hurts when she swallows her food, and only sometimes when she drinks. She says it does not hurt to talk. Can anyone please help me? I don't know much about this homeopathy, abd I am trying to avoid having to put this child through a tonsillesctomy.
NewfieMom on 2005-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1st give her 1 dose of BACILLINUM 200, then from the second day start to give her BELLADONNA 30, thrice a day for 4 days, also keep reporting me.
♡ drsajid last decade
I could not find the bacillinum 200 here anywhere, the lady at the health and wellness shop said I could only obtain those through a hamoepathic doctor, we only have one here in town and she is away on christmas holidays, I did find the belladonna as well I was given a probiotic called acidophilus, will this work without the bacillinum200?? Also she saw her physician today who recommended pure penicillin
NewfieMom last decade
♡ drsajid last decade
I have been giving her the belladonna as advised,she has been taking it 24 hours now. Her throat doesn't look any better but she says it feels a little better. Should I give her the penicillin as well with the belladonna or is that too much? will one counteract the other?
What about the probiotic?
What about the probiotic?
NewfieMom last decade
♡ drsajid last decade
Ok, Thank you, I will try just the belladonna and let you know how things go.
NewfieMom last decade
I have been giving her only belladonna and there is no change, I was told today that belladonna may not be the best for her that I should try "LACHESIS"
NewfieMom last decade
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