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HELP! hormonal imbalance after sepia

Please help! I am not able to see my homeopath. He has become obsessed with his financial issues - counting conversations to the minute and adding them to previous conversations to extract additional payment and discussing how his expenses are high. I feel very uneasy speaking about personal issues when he is so focused on money.
I have developed a lot of hormonal problems after taking Sepia on his advice. He told me that he was surprised by my symptoms since Sepia is a wonderful remedy for women.
I had dental treatment on a wisdom tooth and later that day complained about being so utterly exhausted that I did not have any more energy or patience for anyone, including my children. I also have a lack of libido, which led the homeopath to prescribe Sepia 12C for 5 days. I did not complain about the libido, nor any other hormonal issues, but he was asking. I also mentioned that my mood can be very negative and depressive during ovulation (not period), and I can lash out in anger during that time. Otherwise, my periods were regular and I had no other complaints. My reasons for seeking homeopathic help were related to depression, SAD, heartburn that will not ease after the last pregnancy, but nothing related to periods.
After taking Sepia, I felt extremely positive within two or three hours (I usually have a reaction within this time), felt like I had endless patience for the kids and their whining, etc could not affect me, as I could see it as temporary. Typically, I get frustrated and feel as a failure when I cannot satisfy their demands after a while. The positive feeling lasted a few hours, but later that day I began feeling intensely hot, like I was having an enormous hormonal hot flash. It lasted throughout the night and into the next day, and I could not sleep at night, also because my mind would not calm down. I had sharp pains in my stomach, like it was being sawn across. The heat continued for several days. I did not sweat, but was internally hot. I felt extremely irritable because I was so hot, as I intensely dislike being hot. The homeopath told me that I need to go to higher potencies of Sepia, when I explained that I cannot stand the heat, and that not sleeping at night was not an option, as I already have a baby (1 y.o.) that wakes multiple times, so the only way I can survive is to maintain the ability to fall back asleep quickly after each time I am awake. Following his advice, I took Sepia 12C 3 or 4 more times. I had pain in lower back that made me think of early labour. Uterine cramps, pain in the sacrum, intense heat, sharp sawing pains in my stomach, constant appetite. I felt like my period was about to begin all that time, with tenderness in the ovarian region. Unable to stand the heat, I discontinued Sepia, but the "hormonal" sensations did not ease. I continued to have hot flashes very frequently, cramps, sharp pains in stomach and intestines. In the middle of all this, the wisdom tooth I mentioned at the beginning continued to have problems, and the dentist re-did the filling, which caused a terrible migraine. I have had migraines of varying degrees ever since that. I am mentioning it here, because my osteopath believes that they are cased by the damage to the wisdom tooth. The homeopath told me to take Sepia 30C for the migraines, saying that I was "hormonal". I was so desperate for relief from migraines that I took more Sepia, despite vowing never again because of the heat and other issues. I felt more heat, and also bloating, constipation, gas, migraines continued. The wisdom tooth did not settle and a root canal was performed. The osteopath was able to relieve the cranial pressure enough to ease a migraine, but they keep coming back. In addition to all this, my period came very early (21 days), lasted for 10 days with additional spotting. I now feel bloated, gassy, constipated, my breasts ache. During ovulation I now feel intensely hot. In addition, the heartburn that was my original problem that had become almost not an issue after extensive work with a homeopath, is now back in full force, burning me as I type. I am in need of help, but feel not able to discuss this with the osteoopath in question. He believes Sepia to be God's gift to women, and made it clear that I need to suffer this. But to what end? My periods are so profuse, I am worried of anemia, the heat that I cannot stand, bloating, gas, constipation. My mood did not improve, nor my patience, nor my libido. But I gained a number of serious issues. I am not the person that "never felt the same since childbirth", as is described in Sepia profile. In fact, I felt renewed after the last pregnancy and had regular periods. I would appreciate help from a homeopath here, as it would take me a long time to find someone different in person.
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 16:46:32 GMT]
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:12:22 GMT]
  Dora14 on 2015-02-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sepia may be right for you, but the homeopath should have had you stop
taking it as soon as you started worsening. When you have symptoms from
the remedy, it means it is "acting" so you do not take more.

Obviously he has overdosed you.

When was the last dose of this taken?
simone717 last decade
It started worsening within hours of the first dose. The last time I took Sepia 30 was a month and a few days ago.
Dora14 last decade
Simone is very much right. You are overdosed at the moment.

Please take a single dose of nux v 30 (you have to take only 1 dose. Not to be repeated). It will reduce the ill effects of sepia.

For heartburn take natrium phosphoricum 6x ... 4 tablets 30 minutes before meal. Continue nat phos 6x for 1 week then stop and report.

mani_jee last decade
Thanks, Mani_jee, for the reply.

Would the nat phos be before EVERY meal?

I edited the original post just now to correct that I worked extensively with an osteopath for the heartburn that is now back, not homeopath as I originally mistyped. Not important, but just in case people wonder what the editing was for.

I also now have pain in hip joints, they ache and feel loose. When I lie on the side, it feels as if the hip joints bend inwards. I felt this during pregnancy.
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:38:43 GMT]
Dora14 last decade
Hi Dora,

You may find that the nux vomica itself gets rid of the heartburn.

Nat phos 6x is a cell salt. Cell salts work on the cell metabolism-
nat phos is known as an acid reducer.

You can take it once a day and see if it helps. If you don't need
it - you might feel more acidic after taking it.

I would see how the nux vomica works for you first so nothing
gets confused as to what is doing what.
simone717 last decade
Please advise,
I felt more acid after taking the nux vom, so i also tried the nat phos as suggested. The acid is definitely better, but I now have very sharp ovarian cramps. I still feel rather warm at times.

Thanks for the help.
Dora14 last decade
You can take Mag Phos 6x for the cramps. Another cell salt.

Mag phos works better when dissolved in some warm water.
dissolve 4 tabs in 1/4 cup of warm water and take that
as a dose. You can do this 4 times a day. You can also
take the Nat phos as needed.

Sepia may have been right for you and you need to
see as the overdosing effects wear off, if you then
feel better.
simone717 last decade
And how long does it take for effects typically to wear off?
Dora14 last decade
Everyone is different.

Many times the case has to be retaken and include
any new things that have gone on with the previous
remedy to cover it all.

Since Mani Jee told you to take Nux Vomica, it
may have partially antidoted the Sepia, but
you need to wait a week and see what is still
going on after the Nux Vomica.
simone717 last decade
Yes, I understand. I would really like to get advise on the overall picture. What homeopaths take up cases here?
Dora14 last decade
I would suggest doing a new post
and ask for Rishimba- in your headline. He is a homeopathic dr who volunteers
on here.

You need to tell him the doses
of Sepia and the last time you
had it, plus the nux vomica
and cell salts.
simone717 last decade
Hi again Dora,

This forum is all volunteer and Rishimba is pretty
regular on here- but you may want to email him

Vital.force At yahoo dot com and let him know
your thread title and poster name.

Also he likes this form as a baseline so you can
put your answers on the thread to speed up things.



simone717 last decade
Hi,Simone, I noticed a number of people ask Evocationer, but There are only a few posts for Rishimba, are you recommending him for a particular reason? Just curious.
Dora14 last decade
Evocationer is a homeopath of 23 years in Australia.
He has many cases on the forum. But he is overloaded
and has not been on here in some days and there would
probably be a lot of delays in responding to you.

Rishimba is a homeopathic Dr. He has been on the forum
for probably 10 years. He is an excellent prescriber, I
think he is more available at this time.

I would not say one is better than the other and depending who
is available during some days or weeks you will see many posts
a day with a particular person.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 04:13:35 GMT]
simone717 last decade

Kindly give at least 1 week to Nux V, so it should completely wear-off the ill-effects of Sepia.

You may then post your complete case history on the same forum for further guidance.

For heart-burn, you may continue with nat phos 6x.

mani_jee last decade
Alright, its been a week, so what's the best way to continue? I still have at at least several of the symptoms that were brought on by sepia, plus a myriad of other issues. What homeopaths are able to take up cases at the moment? Thanks
[message edited by Dora14 on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 04:42:56 GMT]
Dora14 last decade
I would ask for Rishimba as I said before.

Evocationer is back today, but he has a backlog
of cases due to being unavailable.

Your other options- bc I know you were not happy
with your homeopath -

are to work with Lia Bello, a nurse homeopath -
and teacher, who has 38 years experience. She is in
NMexico and she will work with people by phone.
She does acutes for $50 with follow ups. (505) 474 4917
her actual web site is under construction right now
but you can google about her.

Or Mary Aspinwall, another longtime homeopath and
teacher- who also does cases by phone and acutes
for $50. She is in Santa Barbara.

These people are very dedicated and experienced.


[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 06:45:51 GMT]
simone717 last decade
I seem so have slipped into deep depression, without even noticing it. I think it was after taking calc carb 30 for about 5 days. It was suggested as a remedy for the hot flashes, and I did not notice any results. That is until I discovered that I am depressed, constipated and have night sweats. Ugh!
The depression has been deep and profound. There have been some very bad news several times, over the last little while, but the night sweats really point to calc carb. Antidote for calc carb now? Or a different solution? I still have hot flashes.
Dora14 last decade
Hi Dora,

You have to have your case taken to do this right.

I see you made a new thread-that is good.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 10 Mar 2015 04:28:18 GMT]
simone717 last decade
calc carb is a deep acting remedy and should not be repeated on daily basis, if there were any symptoms of calc, a single dose was sufficient.

Anyhow, I will be shortly advising you how to antidote it.

And advice for future, don't take medicines at your own. Please give your complete case history, so a constitutional remedy could be selected.

mani_jee last decade
Dora has already posted a new
thread for Rishimba or
Evocationer to take her case.
simone717 last decade
Allen writes about calc:

- According to Hahnemann, Calc. must not be used before Nit. ac. and Sulph.; may produce unnecessary complications.
- In children it may be often repeated.
- In aged people should not be repeated; especially if the first dose benefited, it will usually do harm.

Just noticed, that you have already created thread for Rishimba/Evocationer. So kindly wait for their advice.
mani_jee last decade
Mani-jee, are you also a homeopath? I need advice from a homeopath, and Rishimba and Evocationer are the names that came up, but I would be happy with a different one that is available :) I did not take calc carb on my own. It was the same homeopath that suggested sepia to me that gave me that to reverse the hot flashes before I posted here. I did not feel any effect, so took it for five days on his advice. It is only recently that I noticed the sweating :( Especially if it is deep acting, it is difficult to know when something acts.
Dora14 last decade
Dear Dora:

Rishimba has replied to you on the other post. I would recommend, if you could fill up the proforma provided by Rishimba and act according to his advise.

mani_jee last decade

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