The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Crataegus effective dose
Recently a sten has been inserted in my LAD. Angiografy showed fatty deposits in other arteries also.Can I start using Cratagus Q to clear my arteies?
If so, what is the effective dose?
In the forum I read different suggestion. Girilal suggested, if I am not mistaken, 2 table spoons per day.
thezahoor on 2015-02-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Get a Cartoid IMT (ultra sound) to know the baseline of plaque deposition in your arteries.
After that, you can start off with Crataegus Q (mother tincture) 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops in the evening.
If you get upset stomach, dial back the dose by half.
Continue for 6 months and then get Carotid IMT again to see if plaque has dissolved somewhat.
After that, you can start off with Crataegus Q (mother tincture) 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops in the evening.
If you get upset stomach, dial back the dose by half.
Continue for 6 months and then get Carotid IMT again to see if plaque has dissolved somewhat.
fitness last decade
Heart Health Naturally:
These guidelines are based on the understanding that naturally occurring foods are a thousand times better than human made supplements. Why, because all naturally occurring foods have a complex combination of many chemicals & nutrients which work synergistically with one another to make the assimilation, absorption & digestion much better than human made supplements or vitamins.
This is exactly in-line with the concept of totality, the wholeness i.e. its always the whole thing which gives you the complete picture.
So here is what you need to do:
1. Eat 5 walnuts a day. Walnuts should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Walnuts help boost HDL (good cholesterol) which cleans and removes the plaque deposits from your arteries.
2. Eat 5 almonds a day. Almonds should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Almonds provide several essential nutrients especially Vitamin-E which reduces inflammation in your body, improves your immune system and makes heart healthy. Almonds also make sex drive stronger.
3. Eat a raw clove of garlic everyday by crushing it or chopping it into fine pieces and letting it sit for 10 minutes. Doing this makes the garlic super potent in helping you fight inflammation. Its the best known naturally occurring antibacterial & antifungal.
This article is copied from my website where several other health related articles are available.
These guidelines are based on the understanding that naturally occurring foods are a thousand times better than human made supplements. Why, because all naturally occurring foods have a complex combination of many chemicals & nutrients which work synergistically with one another to make the assimilation, absorption & digestion much better than human made supplements or vitamins.
This is exactly in-line with the concept of totality, the wholeness i.e. its always the whole thing which gives you the complete picture.
So here is what you need to do:
1. Eat 5 walnuts a day. Walnuts should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Walnuts help boost HDL (good cholesterol) which cleans and removes the plaque deposits from your arteries.
2. Eat 5 almonds a day. Almonds should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Almonds provide several essential nutrients especially Vitamin-E which reduces inflammation in your body, improves your immune system and makes heart healthy. Almonds also make sex drive stronger.
3. Eat a raw clove of garlic everyday by crushing it or chopping it into fine pieces and letting it sit for 10 minutes. Doing this makes the garlic super potent in helping you fight inflammation. Its the best known naturally occurring antibacterial & antifungal.
This article is copied from my website where several other health related articles are available.
fitness last decade
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