The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nux Vomica antidote Merc Sol?
Could someone tell me if Nux Vomica antidotes Merc Solubilis? I'd like to take Nux Vomica but am afraid it might antidote Merc Solubilis I took quite awhile back. Thank you.franion on 2015-02-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ simone717 last decade
I went up the LM LM was over 1 year ago and I took it for severe fatigue and memory worked and I feel like I am almost completely well.
Thank you.
Thank you.
franion last decade
Yes the nux could affect your LM treatment.
What is the reason for wanting the Nux vomica?
Perhaps other things can be used, like cell
salts or herbs?
Yes the nux could affect your LM treatment.
What is the reason for wanting the Nux vomica?
Perhaps other things can be used, like cell
salts or herbs?
♡ simone717 last decade
Interesting. I don't really see it as an antidote anywhere, but I'm glad I asked....I have some digestive disturbances caused by a restaurant meal this past fall. Reflux type issues which leads to cough.
franion last decade
Well you could try an 8 strain
probiotic to get the gut flora
strong and see how that does.Start with one a day and different
brands affect people differently and you have to experiment.
probiotic to get the gut flora
strong and see how that does.Start with one a day and different
brands affect people differently and you have to experiment.
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank you! So could just about any homeopathic remedy antidote the Merc Sol? Because I have used other remedies...I've just stayed clear of antidotes and haven't had any problems with my recovery.
franion last decade
Ac.Acet, Sil disagrees before or after, Coffea.
Ac nitric, Ars, Aur, Aranea, Asaf. Bell Bry Calad,
Carb V Calc Chin cupr con cor-r clem Dphn Dulc Ferr, Gauaia Hep iod kali i kali chl kali b lach mez nux M Op pod phyt
Rata Sars Staph Sep Still spig Sulph Stram Valer
It does not say Nux V- but I have read others give Nux
V to antidote Merc.
You would want to be sure that Nux V fits your symptoms-
as far as food allergies, like dairy can do this
and produce cough and sinus mucous - etc.
Good Luck.
Ac.Acet, Sil disagrees before or after, Coffea.
Ac nitric, Ars, Aur, Aranea, Asaf. Bell Bry Calad,
Carb V Calc Chin cupr con cor-r clem Dphn Dulc Ferr, Gauaia Hep iod kali i kali chl kali b lach mez nux M Op pod phyt
Rata Sars Staph Sep Still spig Sulph Stram Valer
It does not say Nux V- but I have read others give Nux
V to antidote Merc.
You would want to be sure that Nux V fits your symptoms-
as far as food allergies, like dairy can do this
and produce cough and sinus mucous - etc.
Good Luck.
♡ simone717 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
One more question Simone...The Ferr That is an antidote...would that be Ferr Phos?...or all Ferrums?...What about Ferrum Arsenicosum? Thanks!
franion 9 years ago
♡ simone717 9 years ago
You cannot antidote a remedy you took some time ago. A remedy can only be antidoted within the first few days or possibly (though rarely) weeks after taking it. There is nothing to antidote after that - it is your body producing the symptoms then, not the remedy. Remedies produce long term changes in the control systems of the body and mind - they don't stay in the system.
Do you not have a homoeopath supervising your case? They would be the best ones to ask about any remaining symptoms you might have, rather than taking the risk of self-prescribing.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:56:47 GMT]
Do you not have a homoeopath supervising your case? They would be the best ones to ask about any remaining symptoms you might have, rather than taking the risk of self-prescribing.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:56:47 GMT]
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Wow! I didn't know that! All this time I thought that I could still antidote the Mercurius Solubilis and have stayed away from anything that was a known antidote. I can still feel my body shifting and healing itself and was afraid of stopping that action. Thank you! I don't have anyone supervising my case but am looking for a homeopath going forward. Thanks for your concern.
franion 9 years ago
Dr Judyth Ullman talks often about patients
doing well and some months down the road
they get dental treatment, or have coffee
and are sensitive to that,and they begin
to go backwards.
I have had it happen to me thru dental work-
so that is just not true.
doing well and some months down the road
they get dental treatment, or have coffee
and are sensitive to that,and they begin
to go backwards.
I have had it happen to me thru dental work-
so that is just not true.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
That isn't antidoting. That is your health being affected by something that is dangerous or to which you are naturally sensitive to. Antidoting is where the specific effect of a remedy is reversed. Such an effect can only be reversed if the effect is ongoing, which it isn't months or years down the track. Remedies do not sit in our system waiting to be antidoted by things - they create an effect which is temporary (as the Organon tells us happens) and then our vital energy reacts to that and causes the positive changes we often (incorrectly) attribute to the remedy. The remedy did its work early, and vanished, and all that is left is us - our own body now carrying on in response to the remedy.
Anytime we are exposed to a harmful substance, depending on our individual sensitivities, we will react to it in a negative way. If our constitutional picture hasn't been changed through treatment (hasn't been long enough or treatment wasn't deep enough to do that), then we may begin to display similar symptoms to those in the past, because these symptoms are part of our typical defence system thrown up whenever we are under heavy stress.
A remedy used inappropriately could cause this reaction too - typically because symptoms are suppressed with it, or the remedy is given too often or in too large a dose. People then mistake this as 'antidoting' but this isn't true.
The term antidoting is often used inappropriately. It is important not to do this because of the way in which people react if they believe this has happened or will be done - they take remedies not on the basis of the symptoms appearing (so homoeopathically) but start matching up listed 'antidote' remedies for the latest remedy taken (thus allopathically). Or they avoid remedies they actually need (avoid listed antidotes) - a kind of allopathy in itself.
Going backwards (seeing a negative direction) in your health is not antidoting. That happens as a natural process for various reasons. I know what Dr Ullman does in those situations - she takes the symptoms and prescribes a remedy. She doesn't start giving out remedies from a list of 'antidotes'.
Antidoting is a specific term in homoeopathy, and has a specific set of actions associated with it. Calling everything that causes our health to deteriorate antidoting creates confusion and poor decisions to be made (mechanical prescribing, using 'zappers', using Camphor as a universal antidote, ignoring the symptoms and so on).
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 04:01:44 GMT]
Anytime we are exposed to a harmful substance, depending on our individual sensitivities, we will react to it in a negative way. If our constitutional picture hasn't been changed through treatment (hasn't been long enough or treatment wasn't deep enough to do that), then we may begin to display similar symptoms to those in the past, because these symptoms are part of our typical defence system thrown up whenever we are under heavy stress.
A remedy used inappropriately could cause this reaction too - typically because symptoms are suppressed with it, or the remedy is given too often or in too large a dose. People then mistake this as 'antidoting' but this isn't true.
The term antidoting is often used inappropriately. It is important not to do this because of the way in which people react if they believe this has happened or will be done - they take remedies not on the basis of the symptoms appearing (so homoeopathically) but start matching up listed 'antidote' remedies for the latest remedy taken (thus allopathically). Or they avoid remedies they actually need (avoid listed antidotes) - a kind of allopathy in itself.
Going backwards (seeing a negative direction) in your health is not antidoting. That happens as a natural process for various reasons. I know what Dr Ullman does in those situations - she takes the symptoms and prescribes a remedy. She doesn't start giving out remedies from a list of 'antidotes'.
Antidoting is a specific term in homoeopathy, and has a specific set of actions associated with it. Calling everything that causes our health to deteriorate antidoting creates confusion and poor decisions to be made (mechanical prescribing, using 'zappers', using Camphor as a universal antidote, ignoring the symptoms and so on).
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 04:01:44 GMT]
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Homeopathy: Healing with Homeopathy - Antidotes that Interfere with Homeopathic Treatment
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Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSW
Certain substances or influences may interfere with homeopathic treatment, even when the correct remedy has been given. This phenomenon is known as antidoting. We usually think of antidoting in terms of stopping the effect of a poison. The antidote to an acid, for example, is bicarbonate of soda. No one knows exactly why these substances interrupt the curative effect of homeopathic medicines, but the phenomena has been observed over and over again by homeopaths around the world. The vital force, which is responsible for all healing, appears to be detrimentally affected by these substances. When antidoting occurs,***** SYMPTOMS WHICH HAVE BEEN HEALED by homeopathy will return. Sometimes the interference is total, causing a sudden, complete relapse. At other times, the relapse is partial or temporary. Some of these substances, especially coffee and electric blankets, have been found, totally apart from homeopathy, to have harmful effects on health. Others, such as camphor and peppermint oil, are innocuous or beneficial, but apparently disturb the homeopathic healing process in some way. For any given antidoting factor, about 60% of patients may be affected by a given exposure. Sometimes it takes a number of exposures before a relapse occurs. In other cases, one sip of coffee, for example, is enough to interfere with process of homeopathic treatment.
There is some CONTROVERSY**** among homeopaths about whether antidoting actually occurs, or merely indicates that the wrong remedy has been given. We discussed this issue recently with Roger Morrison, considered by many to be the foremost homeopath in North America. He drew the same conclusions that we present in this article. Although not every patient is susceptible to all the common antidoting influences, we believe that avoidance of these substances during homeopathic treatment is wise in order to prevent lost treatment time and suffering of the patient.
In the cases below, strong improvement with homeopathic medicines was followed by sudden relapse after exposure to interfering substances.
Debbie's health improved dramatically from Sulphur. Her vaginal irritation was improved, her hemorrhoids gone, her premenstrual symptoms no longer a problem, and her energy much better. That is, until she ate some coffee-flavored cookies at a Christmas party. "A week later my symptoms returned... constipation, hemorrhoids, itching. I felt dramatically different. After feeling so good for seven months after taking Sulphur, my health took a nosedive. My energy lagged. I had headaches, mood swings, and premenstrual acne again. By mid-January, I couldn't stand feeling so bad anymore. I went back to get another remedy. Make sure those cookies don't have expresso in them. It's really not worth antidoting your remedy!"
Don's venereal warts had disapeared completely after a dose of Thuja. They were gone for many months and he was quite well-so well that he decided to party. After using marijuana, much to his dismay, the warts came back. He returned for another dose of the remedy. Thuja worked again and the warts were gone.
Barry had pain in his toe joints, cold feet and night sweats, all of which resolved well after Causticum, that is until he decided to take the chill off with his electric blanket. His symptoms promptly returned -
More examples are listed in the article after this one.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 19:36:20 GMT]
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Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSW
Certain substances or influences may interfere with homeopathic treatment, even when the correct remedy has been given. This phenomenon is known as antidoting. We usually think of antidoting in terms of stopping the effect of a poison. The antidote to an acid, for example, is bicarbonate of soda. No one knows exactly why these substances interrupt the curative effect of homeopathic medicines, but the phenomena has been observed over and over again by homeopaths around the world. The vital force, which is responsible for all healing, appears to be detrimentally affected by these substances. When antidoting occurs,***** SYMPTOMS WHICH HAVE BEEN HEALED by homeopathy will return. Sometimes the interference is total, causing a sudden, complete relapse. At other times, the relapse is partial or temporary. Some of these substances, especially coffee and electric blankets, have been found, totally apart from homeopathy, to have harmful effects on health. Others, such as camphor and peppermint oil, are innocuous or beneficial, but apparently disturb the homeopathic healing process in some way. For any given antidoting factor, about 60% of patients may be affected by a given exposure. Sometimes it takes a number of exposures before a relapse occurs. In other cases, one sip of coffee, for example, is enough to interfere with process of homeopathic treatment.
There is some CONTROVERSY**** among homeopaths about whether antidoting actually occurs, or merely indicates that the wrong remedy has been given. We discussed this issue recently with Roger Morrison, considered by many to be the foremost homeopath in North America. He drew the same conclusions that we present in this article. Although not every patient is susceptible to all the common antidoting influences, we believe that avoidance of these substances during homeopathic treatment is wise in order to prevent lost treatment time and suffering of the patient.
In the cases below, strong improvement with homeopathic medicines was followed by sudden relapse after exposure to interfering substances.
Debbie's health improved dramatically from Sulphur. Her vaginal irritation was improved, her hemorrhoids gone, her premenstrual symptoms no longer a problem, and her energy much better. That is, until she ate some coffee-flavored cookies at a Christmas party. "A week later my symptoms returned... constipation, hemorrhoids, itching. I felt dramatically different. After feeling so good for seven months after taking Sulphur, my health took a nosedive. My energy lagged. I had headaches, mood swings, and premenstrual acne again. By mid-January, I couldn't stand feeling so bad anymore. I went back to get another remedy. Make sure those cookies don't have expresso in them. It's really not worth antidoting your remedy!"
Don's venereal warts had disapeared completely after a dose of Thuja. They were gone for many months and he was quite well-so well that he decided to party. After using marijuana, much to his dismay, the warts came back. He returned for another dose of the remedy. Thuja worked again and the warts were gone.
Barry had pain in his toe joints, cold feet and night sweats, all of which resolved well after Causticum, that is until he decided to take the chill off with his electric blanket. His symptoms promptly returned -
More examples are listed in the article after this one.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 19:36:20 GMT]
♡ simone717 9 years ago
This kind of proves my point. This is a clear example where someone (even someone famous) is using the word antidote in the wrong context. And this confusion of context is what causes confusion in patients (and quite a few practitioners unfortunately).
Sulphur cannot be antidoted in a patient that has been given it 7 months ago. There is no remedy to antidote, there is only the patient. You cannot antidote the vital force - and that is the only thing working 7 months after the remedy is given. Sulphur is gone, finished, and only the patient remains. Any reaction to the coffee-cookies is coming from the patient, not some interaction between the sulphur mysteriously still existing within the person's body all this time.
What is interesting to see how antidoting has been redefined in that article. This is exactly the kind of confusion we should be avoiding. Antidoing here is defined as a patient relapsing. Relapse and Antidote should not be interchangeable terms, because each has specific qualities and management procedures. Relapse can come for many reasons, and whether or not we can identify a 'culprit' it comes down to the same basic problem - the constitution has not been changed enough to prevent the case from taking on (or taking back) the same negative qualities it had before.
Here is an article by Mirando Castro that more or less reflects my experience over the years in my own clinic.
Sulphur cannot be antidoted in a patient that has been given it 7 months ago. There is no remedy to antidote, there is only the patient. You cannot antidote the vital force - and that is the only thing working 7 months after the remedy is given. Sulphur is gone, finished, and only the patient remains. Any reaction to the coffee-cookies is coming from the patient, not some interaction between the sulphur mysteriously still existing within the person's body all this time.
What is interesting to see how antidoting has been redefined in that article. This is exactly the kind of confusion we should be avoiding. Antidoing here is defined as a patient relapsing. Relapse and Antidote should not be interchangeable terms, because each has specific qualities and management procedures. Relapse can come for many reasons, and whether or not we can identify a 'culprit' it comes down to the same basic problem - the constitution has not been changed enough to prevent the case from taking on (or taking back) the same negative qualities it had before.
Here is an article by Mirando Castro that more or less reflects my experience over the years in my own clinic.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Hi- Yes that is a good article by Miranda Castro-
have read it before.
So what we are talking about here is "relapsing"
after having a remedy work for a time. And What
the reason for that is.
She still has to negotiate with some patients on coffee.
RELAPSE- "I realized that these were patients who had been given the wrong remedy--a similar remedy rather than the simillimum in many cases--and I worked that little bit harder to find a treatment to help them. Rather than blaming coffee.
In addition, with each of these patients I checked the relationship of coffee to their remedy (at the back of Kent's Repertory or with Dr. P. Sankaran's Clinical Relationships), and if it was a listed antidote I negotiated with my patient to cease and desist from drinking coffee for a period of time--again, mutually agreed upon.
I don't have a simple answer as to how to write about this aspect of our work. I have dutifully written a section on antidotes in each of my books, and I would rather have called these sections by another name but I don't actually have ONE."
I have read a lot of famous homeopaths on this - and lets just say, no
one seems to even think it is a problem to use the words antidoted by ...
as a possible cause of relapsing after a remedy has worked for
some time.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 06:09:57 GMT]
have read it before.
So what we are talking about here is "relapsing"
after having a remedy work for a time. And What
the reason for that is.
She still has to negotiate with some patients on coffee.
RELAPSE- "I realized that these were patients who had been given the wrong remedy--a similar remedy rather than the simillimum in many cases--and I worked that little bit harder to find a treatment to help them. Rather than blaming coffee.
In addition, with each of these patients I checked the relationship of coffee to their remedy (at the back of Kent's Repertory or with Dr. P. Sankaran's Clinical Relationships), and if it was a listed antidote I negotiated with my patient to cease and desist from drinking coffee for a period of time--again, mutually agreed upon.
I don't have a simple answer as to how to write about this aspect of our work. I have dutifully written a section on antidotes in each of my books, and I would rather have called these sections by another name but I don't actually have ONE."
I have read a lot of famous homeopaths on this - and lets just say, no
one seems to even think it is a problem to use the words antidoted by ...
as a possible cause of relapsing after a remedy has worked for
some time.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 18 Mar 2015 06:09:57 GMT]
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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