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Organ remedies/sarcodes and wet doses


Four months ago (Nov. 2014) my doctor recommended me Hypophysis 8D along with some cell salts for my mood and low energy-related ailments. About a month later the remedy started to work wonderfully. I have been trying to solve these problems for quite a long time now and no other form of therapy (allopathic medicine, psychotherapy, herbs, constitutional homeopathy, lifestyle changes etc.) has shown such strikingly positive effects. My lab results regarding the pituitary-adrenal axis came somewhat messed up a couple of months ago, so I believe his prescription makes sense.

However, the great improvement lasted for only about one month and a half. By the mid of January I noticed I had relapsed significantly, though I was certainly not as bad as I was before. He said I should continue taking the remedy and that I would feel better again eventually. That doesn't seem to be happening.

I started researching and found out that many people recommend using a wet or split dose (i.e. diluting the remedy in a glass of water at every take in order to obtain slightly different potencies, so that your body doesn't get used to the dose and end up arresting further improvements). I started to wonder whether I should try using this method.

At the same time, however, I read that organ remedies such as Hypophysis have different effects depending on the potency used. Supposedly, low potencies will stimulate the organ (that's what I need, I believe), higher ones will inhibit it. I'm afraid I might get a inhibitory response in case I start diluting the remedy according to the split or wet dose method. Do my concerns make sense?

I would like to politely ask people not to answer me that this is the incorrect way of prescribing and that I should be looking for my constitutional remedy instead. I've already tried this with another homeopath and the results were not even close the relief I felt with organ remedies. I do believe a constitutional remedy could offer great relief eventually, but right now I prefer to stick with something that has already shown good effects.
  hmendesgoncalves on 2015-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- You can make a dosing bottle this way:
- pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow

_________You can see if hitting the bottle 5x ups
the vibration of the remedy so that it still has
an effect. If one dose does nothing try hitting
it 10x and see if that has an effect. If nothing
goes on you may need the next potency up ( 8D is
very low)

There are a lot of homeopaths who use the dry dosing
and they are working off the 4th book of the Organon,
not the later ones of Hahnemann which advocate water
dosing. A good site to read about this - is Dr. Luc
De Schepper. He is retired now but he used water
dosing and split dosing and he does not understand
why the other homeopaths are still using dry doses.
simone717 last decade
Thank you very much for your answer, Simone!

I will give it a try then and read a little bit about the method on Dr. De Schepper's website.

Just another question, if you don't mind me asking: once I try wet dosing and experiment with hitting the bottle 5 and then, if it doesn't work, 10 times, how long do you think I should wait in order to assess if Hypophysis did start to work again or if another potency/remedy is needed?

I mean, I am taking it 2 times a day everyday, should I go on doing this but with the wet dose for about another month in order to assess results? I'm asking because it took a month for it to start making me feel good when I originally started taking this remedy.
[message edited by hmendesgoncalves on Sun, 01 Mar 2015 21:32:02 GMT]
hmendesgoncalves last decade
Go slow and keep daily notes.

After you hit the bottle 5x, I would do 2 doses a day
for 4 days and then see if you notice anything. If
you do notice something after 2 doses, then you may
want to try one dose a day for a time and see what

If nothing and you go to 10 hits- do the same thing.

It is trial and error and everyone is different in

Also you said your lab tests were "messed" up- and
I am not sure what you mean by that or just what
testing you had bc the pituitary problems often
show up masked over by other symptoms.

btw- I said 4 days bc you have been on it- and have kept it
up- so there should not be a lag time like when you started.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 01 Mar 2015 21:57:19 GMT]
simone717 last decade

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