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About batch Flower remedies 2


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Batch Flower Remedies

Does batch flower remedies homeopathic medicines? Are they as effective as homeopathic medicines?
  jaffer123 on 2015-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Bach Flower remedies in the original form are just
the essence of the flower - the flower has been put into
water in the sun.They are very gentle and introduce the
emotional, mental state of the flower- so they help in
breaking habits or break up loops of negative thinking
and give you some space to not automatically react.

Bach Flowers are now made in homeopathic potencies.
Like all homeopathic remedies the remedy has to match
your mental, emotional, physical, better by, worse by

Homeopathic remedies work by being a "match". "like cures
like" in the minimum dose. The body will not accept
a close match to what is already going on. The body
responds by raising your life force to clear out what
is out of balance. So it is never the remedy doing the work,
it is finding the match and your life force stimulated
to do the work.
simone717 last decade
jaffer123 last decade

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