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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss due to Scalp worm

I had started hair loss from the age of 19. Now I'm 25 and i've lost a lot of hairs in the front. Also my hairs are very thin.

hair loss + need to shampoo daily because in morning my scalp is always oiled with grease.Unsysmmetric hair loss......in front more in my right side and even in the back above neck. Thin hairs and volume is very less. hard pimples on scalp and feeling like some worm moving in scalp... itching.

In the begining I had taken a lot of homeopathic medicines, but they didnt work. Even I took advice from dermatologist. He said it is due to harmonial changes and it is a heriditry problem. Because my elder brother 28 yrs is balded a lot now.
Doctor advised me to take Finpecia Tablets and apply Minoxidal Topical Lotion. Then i was around 23 yrs old. There was less hair loss but there was no regrowth and hair loss didn't stop fully.

But I started having side effects of these alopathic medicines such as less erection of my penis etc. So I stoped using these medicines.

One of friend consulted an indian desi doctor and he said this is actually because of worms in blood which eat scalp roots. He advised me one medicine which I mix in Mustard oil and apply to scalp. It has helped me as less hair loss and less grease in scalp....less itiching but not fully cured.

Can any one tell me some homeopathic medicine for such conditions.

Thanks in advance
  indianboy on 2005-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It was realy non-sense
told to you by that Herbal-path that it is worm in your blood that is creating this problem. Senstation of worm moving is a leading symptom. Some good doctor will read your post and will reply it. Stay stuck here. Some good doctors are available here, provided they take interest. One of those good doctors is Joe De Livera! He does not seem to be on the scene these days. Noble and learned man that his is, is very quick to respond to sufferings of people. Dr. Sajid, Dr. Kuldeep, Dr. sahai are other good people helping people here.
knowledge_wise last decade
Your case was not too easy for me,
I suggest BRYTA CARB for your problem, take this remedy in 30 potency, thrice a day for 1 week, it will help you,
also keep reporting.
drsajid last decade
thanks for reply Dr. Sajid.
Can u pls tell me how should I take Baryta Carb. as tablets or drops and how many. Before or after food.

Can it help me to stop hair loss and regrowth of hairs.
indianboy last decade
you can take it in wet format,
5 drops in some water is 1 dose.
it will be helpful for your problem,
but remember to keep informing me.
drsajid last decade
Loss of hairs due to greasiness and oily appearance of the head can be well controlled by the use of MERCURIUS 30c,5 drops thrice daily at least for 15 days.
sajjadakram635 last decade
thanks for suggestion Sajjad.
but can u pls tell me which MERCURIUS should i take as there are many types such as Mercurius Aceticus
Mercurius Corrosivus
Mercurius Cyanatus
Mercurius Dulcis
Mercurius Iodatus Flavus
Mercurius Iodatus Ruber
Mercurius Nitrosus
Mercurius Praecipitatus Ruber
Mercurius Sulphu

Also I'm confused as Dr Sajid has reccomended me Baryta Carb.
I need some medicaion which not only stops the hair loss but also for the regrowth
indianboy last decade
Cured of same scalp problems in one week!

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eagle4417 last decade

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