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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Highly respectful Dr. Sajid Mahmood. I wish to know the ruberic on which the onosmodium will work?

Select your remedy is "disease" based prescription book. I am not against that book or your prescription. I am also not against the disease based precription method. I have no objection on your recommendation. because I know there are lot method you can select to prescribe. I just want to know something that was in your mind when you suggested that remedy.

Just onos was written in the book or something else was in your mind?

You in your web site said, you are a classical doctor. What is the meaning of classical doctor to you?

In all your prescription you have suggested more than two remedies where does your method of selecting a remedy stands in classical method?

Thank you Brother.

P.S: For learning point of view. Don't mind. I am just asking on the sake of getting some knowledge from my brother and to keep the forum running. :)
Pakistani last decade
i am following the experience of
DR.BISHAMBER DAS, as he described in his book "Select Your Remedy,
also this medicine is mentioned in MURPHY'S repertory under the ruberic, ATROPHY and also under the ruberic EMACIATION, in the breast chapter.
drsajid last decade
Read "type of doses" at

Pakistani last decade
No detail is given by the patient about this remedy, read her first post when remedies were suggested.

This procedure is called coining the symptoms ie when you have no idea then a homeopath develop an idea that the patient could have so and so symptoms.

If the symptoms are there then it is ok. But if the symptoms are not there then you actually wastage the time of a patient.

This is called hit and try prescription. It also works few times but it also may not work in many times.

The basic homeopathic philosophy or doctrine is unless the symptoms are not indicated the remedy will not work. You have choice now, whether to reject this idea or to prove the idea. All our ancestors are following this principle that if the remedy is not indicated it will never give U result.

There are remedies, which also cover "emaciation" or "atrophy" why not to select those? Why Onos or else? Again you need symptoms.

When you prescribe on net, so many laymen also visit the forum. When you throw the remedy then few others may take idea and starts taking the medicine. If on chance it has worked then it ok and you get reputation otherwise it will take a very bad impression about homeopathy and that patient will never use homeopathy in future or he or she will be reluctant to use homeopathy in future.

My request would be, never ever throw a remedy unless you are sure about it. This is matter of patient’s life.

Pakistani Homeopath
Pakistani last decade
I agree with you Mr. Pakistani homoeopath.
Dr. Kumar
Dr Kumar last decade
Dear Pakistani brother,
Thanks for your openions,
I think you are a little bit wrong , i mostly try to prescribe classically on the basis of the symptoms given,
and where i had suggested 2 remedies, there would be certain presence of miasams,
and remember i never advised any type of combination, you can see it,
you know if there is some kind of vaccination in the history of the patients, you can not succeed to cure the patient on the present symptoms,
you will have to give him some kind of medicine, like THUJA etc,
and now about ONOSMODIUM';S prescription,
if you carefully study the materia medica, ONOSMODIUM, has a key symptom of decreased sexual passion in female,
and used to increase the sexual passion in female,
and if you do not mind ,decreased or supressed sexual passion can be a cause of smaller breasts,
and if we suggest this medicine, this will produce the hormonal changes in the patient, and as they feel change in their sexual passion, they will also have an physical change.
i am a student of homeopathy anytime, and am of age 29 only, AND you should also notice other doctors on this forum what they are prescribing, not only mine, you can read a post ,"how to increase height" and see what is suggested to increase the height, so many remedies, is it right?
so i may be wrong sometimes,
and as a senior you can teach me.
drsajid last decade
ONE more thing i forget to ask you,
do you only criticize?
you are looking very intelligent and well educated person in the feild of homeopathy,
as we can see in your profile,
why you not going to serve the sick, having the complete skill,
and not only the patients will get cured but students like me can also be guided by you .
so come ahead and serve the people, not only criticize.
drsajid last decade
Dear Dr. Sajid MahD

You said

Thanks for your openions,
I think you are a little bit wrong , i mostly try to prescribe classically on the basis of the symptoms given,
and where i had suggested 2 remedies, there would be certain presence of miasams,
and remember i never advised any type of combination, you can see it,

I am not discussing this point. You have your point. Whether I agree with you or disagree. This does not matter.

You said
you know if there is some kind of vaccination in the history of the patients, you can not succeed to cure the patient on the present symptoms,
you will have to give him some kind of medicine, like THUJA etc,
Again this is another issue, we will discuss it in another thread. I offer no comments.

You said
and now about ONOSMODIUM';S prescription, if you carefully study the materia medica, ONOSMODIUM, has a key symptom of decreased sexual passion in female, and used to increase the sexual passion in female,
Here I am interested in offering few points for discussion:

a. I have no objection on your materia medica key symptoms of onosmodium. Where the patient said, she has these complains? Read my mail above, you just imagined, she has less sexual desire. Lets ask the lady? And confirm the symptom? This was my point which I interested to follow you.

b. You mean, more sexual desire in woman more increase in breast size?

You mentioned
and if you do not mind ,decreased or supressed sexual passion can be a cause of smaller breasts, and if we suggest this medicine, this will produce the hormonal changes in the patient, and as they feel change in their sexual passion, they will also have an physical change.

a. I agree with you. A suppressed condition may be the cause… But have you consulted the patient for confirmation?

b. you said, onos brings hormonal change. Is this your observation? or you proved it on some pathological ground? You know sex has link with mind, onos may have link with mind. It is possible that when you prescribe onos in cm potency, it act directly on the mind. You know high potencies are recommended for mental symptoms.

i am a student of homeopathy anytime, and am of age 29 only, AND you should also notice other doctors on this forum what they are prescribing, not only mine, you can read a post ,"how to increase height" and see what is suggested to increase the height, so many remedies, is it right?

The answer is very simple. If others are bad, then you cannot justifies your act. I am an old member here. I occasionally visit this forum. I read your first post and offered my remarks. If my remarks hurt you in any sense then I do apologize, my intention was not to discourage you. You are a good and sensible homeopath and have humble attitude with your patients. Please note that we are discussing homeopathy on logical ground.

You remarks
and as a senior you can teach me.

There is no senior or junior. If a senior say something wrong it can be taken as right. On the net, it is very difficult to treat patients in open forums when different people having different mind participate. Mostly seniors commit mistakes due to there over confidence.

If the case is not well taken, the homeopath will be remained under false impression that his/her remedy has worked. It may cause suppression to whom we are boldly calling a cured case.

God bless you and your family.
Pakistani last decade
Thank you kumar for your endorsement.
Pakistani last decade
Dear PAKISTANI brother,
i am copying my 1st post under the topic "how to increase my breast"
(SABAL SERR is really a good remedy to increase the size of the breast, but in my experience, ONOSMODIUM, in high potencies, gave very good results,
also for the deshape breast, CONIUM, is the best.
NOW tell me had i asked the miss pooja to take these medicine, no my friend, the 1st reply against the question of the patient was sent by DR.KUMAR, and he prescribed SABEL SER, now you should ask DR.KUMAR about the prescription of sabel, why he prescribed? on what symptoms?
THE question for assistance from the patient was posted on
while i only gave my openion on 19-1-2006
and the true thing is that no one can say this prescription,
it was only posted by me for discussion,
and you can see my posts, where i advised some remedy i had also advised the process to take the remedy.
and i think you have only a job to criticize,
and for only me,
also you have not replied my question that why you not prescribing, having skill?
and the 3rd thing is that i will not reply you more,
and will keep prescribing,
you are not looking others while they are prescribing many remedies at once,

dr.sajid mahmood
drsajid last decade
Dr. Sajid Mohammad, there is no logical ground to entangle other's names in your personal discussion.

As far the question arises in regards with the combined medicines and to prescribe many a medicine at a time, I would like to suggest you go back to my postings then tell me where I have prescribed two-three homoeopathic remedies to be taken at one time. I always remind the principles of single-remedy treatment that is the base of my practice. I would have prescribed the biochemic remedy (if urgently needed)
with homeopathic remedy in
very rare cases.

I would like to appreciate the views of Mr. Pakistani brother,whose views are quite moderate and genuine in this respect, however, you have taken them as an issue of your prestige. You should mend your views and make them as much liberal as you can.
Dr. Kumar
Dr Kumar last decade
to pakistani
i was just wondering wot your views are on sabal serrulata mother tincture
pooja last decade
I am sorry DR KUMAR, if i hearted you, but you know that in your previous post,
(I agree with you Mr. Pakistani homoeopath.
Dr. Kumar).
Aand this hearted me, because pakistani was quoting a totaly wrong thing,
as i replied in my last post ,you can see that i ahd not prescribed onosmodium, or conium,
i only gave my experience,
you know every doctor has his own openion and way of practice,
will you ask DR.HENRY CLARKE.
THAT what he wrote in his CLINICAL REPERTORY,
for example, for the brain tumor, he prescribed only 1 medicine, PLUMBUM, here this remedy was prescribed pathalogically, and there he did not gave any symptom,
also MR PAKISTANI, said that DR.BISHMBER'S, book is disease base book,
this is totaly wrong, i think you have had a study of this book, DR.BISHMBER had given the name of disease to ease the search,
otherwise, he gave medicine under every heading with their symptoms, i think you will agree,
no one can say about anyone's method of practice wrong, because everyone has his own logic,
CAN MR PAKISTANI, make a rule about the strength of the potency, NO, HE CAN NOT DO THIS.
once again i apologies from you and dr.sharma,
i hiope you will forgive me.
drsajid last decade
Quoted from above "CAN MR PAKISTANI, make a rule about the strength of the potency, NO, HE CAN NOT DO THIS."
You asked a question and replied it yourself. I think you are unhappy.

you are completely gone off beam. I finish up here.
Pakistani last decade
I really do not understand why there is so much devisiveness and personal attacks. I have been following this and cannot fathom why people simply cannnot agree to disagree? When people spend so much time on attacks and criticism I begin to question their own ability.

This discussion does not qualify as intellectual debate which is quite sad since everybody here comes to this forum for greater knowledge!
jentoun last decade
Dear Mr. Pakistani, I hope you would, forgetting all the matter that created the difference between the views of you both, excuse Dr Sajid Mahmood and keep friendly terms each other.

I would like to remind your own words as you have said in your previous posting
"There is no junior or senior".
Therefore, you are again requested to put all the mather aside and be a friend in true sense.
Thank you!
Dr. Kumar
Dr Kumar last decade
Hi members, you read all my posts, I was never been rude to anyone neither I was involved in personal discussion. I wrote entirely according to the homeopathic point view because I am in this field for many years.
If you read the adiya recent post, you can clealy contradict with those who given her suggestion about using sabal without knowing the exact case. Now she is saying it is due to +_+_+_+
In that case, onosmodium is never ever indicated. It is now confirmed.
Here you may ask what is then the remedy? If onosmodium is the correct remedy.
The answer is simple. Follow the case taking steps.
Pakistani last decade
hi, i finally have time to try sabal serrulata q out. i do a lot of exercising so i do take protein shakes and mulitvitamins, is there any way i can take sabal too. i wouldnt take then as the same time as sabal, i would definately leave at least an hours gap. is there any way i can still grow my breasts by what i am doing? or would i have to stop my multivitamin. i personally think it wouldnt effect it, because even bread or milk has vitamin added to it,but please can i get a professionals advice, or someone who knows for sure.
pooja last decade
Hi Pooja,
I live in USA and heard a lot about soya products to
increase their estrogen level.
Do you take enough soya product ( not like indian type dry soya) but tofu, soya milk. Here we get very good soya products and I give to my 13 yr old daughter. An another supple you can try is whey protein.
At least it happened to my case. I had to take whey protein supple( patented product) to boost my immune system, it enhanced my breast. All others, Pls dont try to mock with this medical condition. If somebody comes to you with some medical problem, as a
medical practinioner, pls treat the patient with respect . Many of you dont know pooja's condition. she may need need medical help.
Japaneese eat lot of tofu in their food. There are some good exercise also to anhance muscles in that area. You can try that.
rdutt last decade
Speaking of breasts. My daughter is also twenty years and she has one breast that is very much smaller than the other one.Is there a homeopathic remedy that can correct this problem?
Livvy last decade
Speaking of breasts! I have a daughter who is 20 years old and her one breast is very much smaller than the other one. Is there a homeopathic remedy that can help?
Livvy last decade
Hello Jentoun,
IT is so nice to talk to to you. You seem to be so well
versed with herbal medicine and trying to understand the background biochemistry. Thiis true that so mnay research researches going on in these fields new findings are so important observations over the past. I like to know about any herbal liver booster which will boost my internal digestive system. I heard of milk thistle as a potent booster which detoxifies the liver also. Pls respond. I like to boost herbally or
through homeopathic/biochemic med.
Long back, I had got treatment with tibetan herbal medicine to treat my chronic cold allergy. it helped me tremendously and lost contact of the doctor. it is very hard to find them. Since you stusy herbal medicine, can you pls suggest some herbal booster?
I have started to cleanse my liver/kidney system once in a week with lemon/orange/cranberry juice
very religously. Now I want to boost my liver system. I was on immunotake ( whey protein supple) for 3 months,
it helped me a lot to boost my immunity and liver but it
decreased my estrogen level. As a result, I developed moustache and facial hair.

I am a person who catches every bug on the way. I am determined to boost my immune system. I know liver and immunity are well interlocked.
rdutt last decade
hello my name is jenny,2 weeks ago,I google increase my brest safe,and I got into this page.I was reading about poonja and the other girl.I order sabal serr,but the one I recieve read SABAL SERR 6x no Q,its mean thesame.or this is wrong.because I been waiting so long for take this medicine and now I dont know what to do,please I will like to know if this 6x is thesame as Q.jenny
jcamaro last decade
I am new hear as well, i just read through some posts on the website. And i read that sabal serr might help against unwanted hair.
I am a 21year old female and have had a lot of facial and body hair ever since I have been born. Now with 21 its still the same, I am very hairs legs, arms, back, face , upper body , even bresat, hands. I have hair everywhere a human being could possibly have and as a girl its quite bothering me.
I am also have acne, face and back and arms. the acne is very bad. I just want to get rid of both my acne and all the excessive hair. I have much more hair than a lot of men have. its just not nice and very hard to live with as a girl.
I would appreciate help and recommendations as this is really drepressing and has always been depressing for me.
[name removed]
ib-student5 last decade
hi there if i take sabal serr should i stop taking all my vit.and supplement?
katealbarida last decade
bloussant, you can get in on the internet. Just google 'bloussant'
daisy10992 last decade

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