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Stubborn old head injury.... Need help finding remedy.

Hello! Would someone be so kind as to help me find a new remedy for my head injury . I have already tried arnica, natrum sulphuricum, belladonna, and most recently I have taken calcarea carb. The natrum Sulph completely healed my injury before but I reinjured my head and it returned . The natrum Sulph will not help this time even though I have the same symptoms as before. My strongest symptoms and complaints are: water on the brain, discharges from ears, a feeling as though my brain is swollen and insects ar crawling all over it, very bad dizziness accompanied with nausea, depression, a feeling of hopelessness, a swollen tongue and need to swallow constantly, a need to pop my ears constantly, nerve pain in my head, can not lift heavy objects or my brain feels swollen and it is very uncomfortable, going over bumps in the car makes me very dizzy for the whole day. Head aches have decreased since I took the calcarea carb. Calc carb was the last remedy I took several weeks ago. The calcarea carb has helped some but I am hoping there is something that will help more. I am a 28 year old healthy female. Height of 5 feet 3 inches. Weight of 130. I do better in warm dry weather. But heat on my head aggravates my symptoms. I also have adrenal fatigue, heartburn, and occasional heart palpatations. If you need any more information I am happy to post. Thank you and please help!
  Samalee on 2015-04-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Oh, I forgot to add that I also feel as though I, going to have a seizure sometimes when the brain swelling feeling gets very intense .
Samalee 9 years ago
How did you injure your head the first time and then again?

Can you describe your personality using suitable adjectives to depict various shades and aspects of it?
rishimba 9 years ago

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