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hypersensitive to chemicals, cigarette smoke, asking for Telescope's help Page 6 of 8

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If you are feeling unvomfortable you can take it.
telescope 9 years ago
Good evening,
I took the Calcarea Carb 10M on 2/8/16. I had had a sore throat and ear ache and a dry cough when started taking along with some dizziness and general aching and tiredness.
since then cough, throat,dizziness has not improved but at times worsens.
This morning I was coughing up clear, a little white, a little brown, and a little yellow. Throughout the day it has been mostly clear being coughed up or drainage.
Is there something else to help with current symptoms.
I did even try Hylands infant earache medicine yesterday, 2 drops only in right ear that hurts the most. I had relieve for about 16 hours.
I also tried lemon and honey in a spoon to stop the coughing. I know limit on sour things but the cough was very bothersome.
Thanks for reading.
[message edited by evefriday on Thu, 11 Feb 2016 00:38:46 UTC]
evefriday 9 years ago
You have antidoted Calcarea Carb. Take a dose of Tuberculinum 1M then we can go back to Calcarea Carb.
telescope 9 years ago
You can use rhus tox as acute remedy for your problems till you get the Tuberculinum which I assume may take some time.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you for helping. I have ordered the tuberculum...last night took the rhus tox (200c.on hand) and started feeling better and was able to sleep better. Coughing less,less drainage, less stopped up nose...
now middle of day. .have low grade fever..very hoarse throat...increased drainage.ear hurts, dizziness, not feeling too well
How often to take rhus tox or something else.
Thanks again.
evefriday 9 years ago
Rhus tox is an acute medicine. It means the effect is not long lasting. It can be repeated whenever problem arises. For Calcarea Carb there are two acute : rhus tox and belladonna. It is better to use 30 potency than 200 and you can take 3 or 4 doses per day for acute problems.
telescope 9 years ago
I was wondering if I can use both at same time or alternate between them or use only one remedy at a time.
I found in my drawer..the rhus tox 30 and took a dose and did get some improvement. still not feeling well. .some what chilled but feel slightly feverish at same time. Haven't taken temp yet.
Thanks again for your help.
evefriday 9 years ago
Do not use them together.Belladonna is used when there is high grade fever or other inflammation.
Rhus tox may be used for any problem of Calcarea Carb patient.
telescope 9 years ago
I have been taking 4 doses of rhus tox 30 per day. However, my chest is becoming congested and the coughing up is green and white. The back of my throat is constantly filled with thick mucous like foul tasting, that is green to brown to clear to yellow in color.
The tuberculinum has been ordered. Is there another to help me till then?
Thank you,
[message edited by evefriday on Sun, 14 Feb 2016 13:52:45 UTC]
[message edited by evefriday on Sun, 14 Feb 2016 13:57:10 UTC]
evefriday 9 years ago
Take Calcarea Carb again. Take the highest potency you have one dose.
telescope 9 years ago
Thanks for quick reply.
I had Calcarea Carb 10 M as highest amount. Took last evening. It did help about 80% of the symptoms improve.
symptoms as of now:
--achiness improved
--voice..very horse
--ear ache some improvement
--sneezing (new)
--chilliness but feel flushed
--sinus drainage...was quite a lot constantly in back of throat till I took calcarea carb (green, brown, and yellow)
--coughing (not as often)
--insomnia ( note havn't slept well for weeks)
--feel flushed in face

thanks for your continued help.
[message edited by evefriday on Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:24:28 UTC]
[message edited by evefriday on Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:48:00 UTC]
[message edited by evefriday on Mon, 15 Feb 2016 16:26:27 UTC]
evefriday 9 years ago
Very goodness let the medicine work. Meanwhile collect Calcarea Carb 50m and Calcarea Carb cm.
telescope 9 years ago
Still feeling about sane as last post.
I have ordered suggested remedies but nothing will be in before Thursday or Friday of this week.
Could I take something for earache,chest congestion sinus drainage ,coughing lots of mucous .up..clear and yellow and green and brown
Feel exhausted
In this area lots of people have these same symptoms. ..there is also lots of pollen
evefriday 9 years ago
All you had requested came today:
...Calcarea carbonica 50M
...Calcarea carbonica CM

This evening still have
... sinus drainage makes me feel as if I am going to cough..but haven't coughed much at all
...am finally feeling better than this morning and early afternoon. and better by 70%
...even took a 10 minute walk this evening.
...earache not as bad (right
... definitely fluid in ears.. a little vertigo/dizziness if move to fast in a direction
so want to feel better... have truly felt terrible for last 8-10 days..like a virus that led to sinus problems and some chest congestion. along with an earache....

reminder: on 2/11/16 took the rhux tox 30 for aprox 3-4 days, then took another dose, as suggested, of Calcarea Carb 10 M on 2/15 because symptoms had returned again and nothing since then.(during these last 8-10 days have really felt the worse)

what would be the next thing to take.
Thanks so very much.
evefriday 9 years ago
Take one dose Tuberculinum.
telescope 9 years ago
first day 2/23/16, took first thing in morning... taking I felt worse..extremely fatigued all day..symptoms remained same
...then next day improved and has continued improving with less aching, all over better and improved energy level.
The symptoms that are still really bothering me is the sinus drainage which cause coughing and constant mouth is filled with the drainage and my right ear is still hurting.. I have even tried using coconut oil in ear and it helped a lot.
These symptoms are if I am sitting or lying down if that makes a difference.
I am also even more sensitive to chemical and other smells in last week.
Thanking you again for your help and any other things to help me too with the these symptoms.
[message edited by evefriday on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:39:27 UTC]
evefriday 9 years ago
Wait for one week.
telescope 9 years ago
....It has now been 8 days since taking the tuberculinum.
...please another
The symptoms that are still really bothering me is the sinus drainage which cause coughing and constant mouth is filled with the drainage and my right ear is still hurting.
..I am also even more sensitive to chemical and other smells in last week.
....(One thing I have not mentioned is since having really bad case of bronchitis, possibly even pneumonia I want to constantly keep my upper chest just covered and warm...even at night time will keep small blanket in place over this area..not anything I have done for this really bad case.)
.... (This was over 2 years ago at this same time of the year when having the bad bronchial/pneumonia that lasted almost 6-8 weeks.)
Thanking you again.
evefriday 9 years ago
Forgot to mention that overall feeling has improved at least ninety percent in this last week...
The sinus drainage and resulting cough and ear aching do seem to keep me somewhat tired but looking back there has been definite improvement!
evefriday 9 years ago
Please see above post too.
Forgot to also mention that overall feeling has improved at least ninety percent in this last week...
The sinus drainage and resulting cough and ear aching do seem to keep me somewhat tired but looking back there has been definite improvement!
What is next step?
evefriday 9 years ago
Let one more week pass.
telescope 9 years ago
Well it has been a week
.no more improvements.
Lots of sinus drainage causing coughing still. Lots of coughing in morning ...white and clear
Lying down the coughing begins too.

Right upper teeth hurt

Right sinus under eye aches

especially the right ear hurts at times...feels wet or itchy

Very tired most of time
Any questions for me?
Thanks for reading.
evefriday 8 years ago
Additional to last post
I have noticed bladder Incontinency has become worse.
Not really sure if since the tuberculum or from previous but has been for sure last few weeks. .
Just never thought to mention
Also night leg and foot cramps have started again.
Although I do not remember having such difficult toe and feet cramps as these in the past in addition to lower leg cramps
Thank you
evefriday 8 years ago
Just wondering if I should be taking something else yet?
Also, I did drink orange juice a few days ago without remembering I was not supposed to. Sorry...
Thanks again for reading.
evefriday 8 years ago
Please take one dose Calcarea Carb 50M preferably at bed time
telescope 8 years ago
Updating since taking Calcarea Carb 50M on 3/14 at bedtime.

coughing...lessened quite a bit ...
sinus drainage...seems to be lessened
ear ache...worse last few days on right side
right side of nose/sinus area is painful without touch...this morning small amount dried blood in the right nasal passage
right upper teeth...hurt and remind me of metallic taste at times
general feeling...tired and sleepy even with sleeping well last few nights and some aching
siatic on right hip and upper thigh...pain level about a 5...hurts when moving around the most...some pain even when sitting
bladder incontinence...no change, still quite wet

I thank you for reading this.
evefriday 8 years ago

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