The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I cannot get erection
Sir,I am 55 years I am having two big kids .I have tremendous sexual urge .I dont get proper erection for intercourse. I really want rock hard erection for intercourse . I am taking stablon and lithosun sr for depression which was wrongly diagonized .I have plenty of gas and indigestion problems
[message edited by sstish on Thu, 07 May 2015 15:03:56 BST]
sstish on 2015-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
HEART HEALTH & ED (Erectile Dysfunction):
Please click on my username to know about me. It will help you establish the reliability of what is written below. I am very careful about the sources where I gather info from. I gather it mostly from universities or government sources. Read this article & educate yourself. Taking remedies without taking the complete symptom picture is most likely to fail and make things worse.
There are many reasons for ED but all of them can be grouped under psychological & physical. Usually, ED in men below 30 can be attributed to psychological issues and over 30 it can be traced to physical issues.
In this article we will discuss the physical causes.
Penis response is an excellent indicator of heart health. It has been confirmed by many heart specialists and many studies that all those things which negatively affect the heart do the same to the penis.
To start off, the valves in your penis which cause erection work on the same principle as the valves in the heart and are almost of the same material. The fine capillaries which provide blood flow to the penis also get affected in the same way as the heart capillaries with arteriosclerosis (hardening & plaque deposition in arteries).
Smoking & lack of exercise destroys sex drive and is one of the main cause of ED because both these things dont help the blood flow in the fine capillaries of the penis which are responsible for sensation. Furthermore, the statin drugs that most heart patients and people with high cholesterol are prescribed also cause a diminished libido. To top it all, almost all allopathic drugs which manage blood pressure, sugar etc. diminish the libido and contribute to ED.
So what is the solution. Unfortunately there is no quick fix. If your blood vessels have been choked with plaque and have hardened due to a life of poor eating habits, lack of exercise or genetics then reversing it all is difficult, more so if you are above 50.
As I said, its difficult but not impossible. If you start following a heart healthy diet and incorporate aerobic exercise, strength training and meditation in your routine you will see the positive effects within 2-4 weeks.
Here are some of the lifestyle changes that you will need to make if you are serious in reversing heart disease & ED:
These guidelines are based on the understanding that naturally occurring foods are a thousand times better than human made supplements. Why, because all naturally occurring foods have a complex combination of many chemicals & nutrients which work synergistically with one another to make the assimilation, absorption & digestion much better than human made supplements or vitamins.
This is exactly in-line with the concept of totality, the wholeness i.e. its always the whole thing which gives you the complete picture.
So here is what you need to do:
1. If you smoke, stop it right away. There is no need to wean it. I have seen people successfully stop smoking within a day but have never seen someone wean off it.
2. Eat 5 walnuts a day. Walnuts should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Walnuts help boost HDL (good cholesterol) which cleans and removes the plaque deposits from your arteries.
3. Eat 5 almonds a day. Almonds should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Almonds provide several essential nutrients especially Vitamin-E which reduces inflammation in your body, improves your immune system and makes heart healthy. Almonds also make sex drive stronger.
4. Eat a raw clove of garlic everyday by crushing it or chopping it into fine pieces and letting it sit for 10 minutes. Doing this makes the garlic super potent in helping you fight inflammation. Its the best known naturally occurring antibacterial & antifungal.
5. Exercise:
a. Aerobic activity e.g. Start walking at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend and achieve your target heart rate. Search google to find out your target heart rate during exercise.
b. Strength training e.g. Start weight training at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.
6. Follow these guidelines for at least 4 weeks and then supplement it with a constitutional homeopathic remedy for completing the cure.
This article has been copied in its entirety from my website There are several free articles related to health on my site.
Please click on my username to know about me. It will help you establish the reliability of what is written below. I am very careful about the sources where I gather info from. I gather it mostly from universities or government sources. Read this article & educate yourself. Taking remedies without taking the complete symptom picture is most likely to fail and make things worse.
There are many reasons for ED but all of them can be grouped under psychological & physical. Usually, ED in men below 30 can be attributed to psychological issues and over 30 it can be traced to physical issues.
In this article we will discuss the physical causes.
Penis response is an excellent indicator of heart health. It has been confirmed by many heart specialists and many studies that all those things which negatively affect the heart do the same to the penis.
To start off, the valves in your penis which cause erection work on the same principle as the valves in the heart and are almost of the same material. The fine capillaries which provide blood flow to the penis also get affected in the same way as the heart capillaries with arteriosclerosis (hardening & plaque deposition in arteries).
Smoking & lack of exercise destroys sex drive and is one of the main cause of ED because both these things dont help the blood flow in the fine capillaries of the penis which are responsible for sensation. Furthermore, the statin drugs that most heart patients and people with high cholesterol are prescribed also cause a diminished libido. To top it all, almost all allopathic drugs which manage blood pressure, sugar etc. diminish the libido and contribute to ED.
So what is the solution. Unfortunately there is no quick fix. If your blood vessels have been choked with plaque and have hardened due to a life of poor eating habits, lack of exercise or genetics then reversing it all is difficult, more so if you are above 50.
As I said, its difficult but not impossible. If you start following a heart healthy diet and incorporate aerobic exercise, strength training and meditation in your routine you will see the positive effects within 2-4 weeks.
Here are some of the lifestyle changes that you will need to make if you are serious in reversing heart disease & ED:
These guidelines are based on the understanding that naturally occurring foods are a thousand times better than human made supplements. Why, because all naturally occurring foods have a complex combination of many chemicals & nutrients which work synergistically with one another to make the assimilation, absorption & digestion much better than human made supplements or vitamins.
This is exactly in-line with the concept of totality, the wholeness i.e. its always the whole thing which gives you the complete picture.
So here is what you need to do:
1. If you smoke, stop it right away. There is no need to wean it. I have seen people successfully stop smoking within a day but have never seen someone wean off it.
2. Eat 5 walnuts a day. Walnuts should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Walnuts help boost HDL (good cholesterol) which cleans and removes the plaque deposits from your arteries.
3. Eat 5 almonds a day. Almonds should be in their shell till the time you are going to eat them. Pre-shelled nuts go rancid and are harmful instead of being healthy. Almonds provide several essential nutrients especially Vitamin-E which reduces inflammation in your body, improves your immune system and makes heart healthy. Almonds also make sex drive stronger.
4. Eat a raw clove of garlic everyday by crushing it or chopping it into fine pieces and letting it sit for 10 minutes. Doing this makes the garlic super potent in helping you fight inflammation. Its the best known naturally occurring antibacterial & antifungal.
5. Exercise:
a. Aerobic activity e.g. Start walking at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week with your spouse/friend and achieve your target heart rate. Search google to find out your target heart rate during exercise.
b. Strength training e.g. Start weight training at least 20 minutes 3 days a week.
6. Follow these guidelines for at least 4 weeks and then supplement it with a constitutional homeopathic remedy for completing the cure.
This article has been copied in its entirety from my website There are several free articles related to health on my site.
fitness 9 years ago
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