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Calcarea Carbonica: $4.19Professional Constitutional Kit #1: $180.00



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calcarea carb with silicea 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

calcarea carb with silicea

Dear Dr...
i m taking silicea 30 for hairfall but i have problem of nasal polyp also. by Remedy Finder i got Calcarea Carb for nasal ployp.. so please tell me how can i take both medicine....what should be the gap between them as they complementary..
thanking you...
  vikash29 on 2015-05-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
But did you saw any improvements in your hairfall with silicea..??
bhuptgu 9 years ago
i took silicea 30 for 20 days some time ago... i noticed some improvement....also please tell me dosage information for calcarea curb 200...
vikash29 9 years ago
Dear Vikash,

You need to do one remedy at a time. And if you
want advice and supervision on dosing, please
create a New thread. Someone will study your case
and ask you to answer their intake form- then prescribe and supervise you. Remedy finder
is not very accurate on a chronic problem. It is
good for acute problems that come on suddenly, so
the remedy for polyps may not be what they think
is correct.

Dosing and potency is complicated and depends on
what your specific reactions are-everyone is different
in this and that is why you need supervision to
keep things on the right track.
simone717 9 years ago

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