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Unable to Lift Right Foot to the Height of Bed

Dear Sir

For about two weeks I have been unable to lift my Right foot+leg up to the height of bed. This means that somebody else has to lift my foot and keep it on the bed and then only I can lie down. I cannot lie myself on the bed.

For about two years, I am unable to lift my left foot+leg up to the height of the car too. It also means the same thing - that somebody has to lift my leg and put it in the car.

Please suggest something.

1. I am obese.
2. I am diabetic - under control
3, I have swelling on my whole body, My both the blood and urine reports are normal.
4. I have osteoarthritis in my both knees for about 15 years. Now I am handicapped for the last 5 years.

With regards
  osteo patient on 2015-05-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please fill up my questionnaire taking it from any other thread. Based on your answers we will discuss further.
[message edited by rishimba on Mon, 18 May 2015 04:34:24 UTC]
rishimba 9 years ago
Here is the link to Rishimba's

simone717 9 years ago
osteo patient 9 years ago
osteo patient 9 years ago
osteo patient 9 years ago
I have already sent you the questionnaire three times. I hope you have received it.
Please acknowledge it
Thanks and regards
osteo patient 9 years ago
Hi Sushma,

I don't think this is showing up.

Rishimba's email is

Vital.force At Yahoo dot com

You can send the info there.

The moderator was upgrading technical issues, he says
they are fixed. I do not think they are fixed.
simone717 9 years ago

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