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Cutting pain during urination and burning

My age is 23 ,M , 5'9 and 60 kg weight . I am suffering from pain ,its burning urination and cutting pain during urination (in penis). When i pass urine by force (more fast) i feel cutting pain also ..Pain last for few minutes after urination .Started 3 months back,started with frequent urination but no pain at that time , but now i have pain along with frequent urination in large quantities .

Help will be appreciated
  rrgreat123 on 2015-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Go to the MD first and get urine tested.

They can do this in one minute. If you have
some bacterial infection it is important
to know what it is and if it has spread.

Many times you must treat this with
antibiotics as it can be moving too fast
and putting organs in danger.

Please do this and then you can get remedies
to support the allopathic if needed to heal
simone717 9 years ago
Thanks .Can you tell which tests are to be done for this ?
[message edited by rrgreat123 on Tue, 09 Jun 2015 00:19:09 UTC]
rrgreat123 9 years ago
Screen for glucose, leukocytes, ketones, and blood in the urine. If it comes up positive for leukocytes, a lot of protein, or blood in the urine then run a urine culture to see what type of infection grows if any.

The above is for bladder infection-
unless there is a possibility of an STD infection.

If you have a bladder infection / or one that has moved
into the kidneys you are going to need to see the Dr.
to get the right prescription.
simone717 9 years ago
I have got my urine tested, doctor says i am suffering from UTI. Also i got urine culture checked up, urine culture is clean though
rrgreat123 8 years ago
3 months since you posted.

Dr. said you had uti- did you then use antibiotics?

And now the urine is clear and you have No Uti?

( I am not understanding your post)
simone717 8 years ago
Hello .

I first got my urine checked, doctor said i am having UTI. Then after two or three days i went again to get my urine culture tested which found out to be clean. So it is a simple UTI i guess. Since urine culture was clean so i didn't took any antibiotics. I am just drinking lots of water and nothing else, but problem is still there

Thanks for your reply
rrgreat123 8 years ago
That does not sound right at all. And after 2 or 3 days, urine clean,
are you telling me that you have had the same symptoms for
all this time since your last post on it???

I would go back once more
and try to give a sample when you get
up and the urine is the strongest.

Meantime please fill out this form:

give detailed answers and I will have more questions.

[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:51:29 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago

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