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cystitus/scarred bladder/pain 6


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cystitus Problem

I am having this problem for a while. I do not when it started but a year ago I noticed that there are some bruises on my waist line and on my lower back. I also notice that on my crouch area. Initially I did not feel anything but later I have severe pain in my bladder and lower thighs. I went to the doctor; he did all kinds of the test and prescribed me antibiotic for a month and also some pain killer. I took them but did not help. I went to him again and he told me that I have prostate problem and gave some more Antibiotics and some pain killer. I was afraid to take that much of Antibiotics so I stop talking and start using homeopathic medicine I have little luck on that. When I heard about this forum I am glad and posting my problem here now.

I am 37 years old and generally in good health. I do have acid reflux diseases and I am talking Nat Phos 30 C for that.

  grehman32 on 2006-01-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Any response
grehman32 last decade

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