The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dry scalp/scalp stinging and hair loss problem
am a 20 yr old male living in canada....only came here 6 years ago from india...I used to have a THICK hair and very shiny/healthy hair and also soft hair that i can almost turn it into any hairstyle i wanted.....but last year(2005/march) I went back to india...(2nd time going back since i moved to canada..went there in 2003 as well) for my uncle's wedding and came back after a month.....after a week from my return, one day i woke up to notice my hair is all ROUGH(I mean really rough...) and my scalp was stinging(front sides) I thought why not go take shower...remmber it all happened that one morning when i woke up....but i noticed immense hair loss in the shower....which practically seemed like i lost all my hair(even though i still had a head full of hair) used to be so thick :( ..the conditioned stayed liked that for a week..but after that i noticed the hair loss stopped but stinging and roughness/dryness didnt go I went and shaved my head..LOL..thinking it would stop and id grow back new hair..but i was I asked a few canadian-indian friends about it...some girls suggested that i use coconut oil(my mom used to oil my hair back when i was in india..but ever since i moved to canada..Ive been using gel(differnt brands...but mostly alberto brand) to style my hair and also stopped oiling my hair...then with that oiling going on i went to a dermatologist..and he prescribed me "Stieprox" and "Anaphase" two shampoos..i had to alternate between...while it didnt help my dryness or hair loss at reduced the stining a bit....(I have yet to get an appointment again with him.....) after I finished using those....I went back to this pharmacy and I asked the pharmacist there about my problem..she took me to the shampoo section and took some magnifier(it enlargares ur scalp 14 times bigger to see the actual hair glands n etc on screen..where i can see it myself as well) and I saw nice hair growth..i had 3/4 hairs coming out from each pores..and it was all good..but i dont think i have improved hair growth in the frontal areas..and I have this stining/puling feeling in the frontal scalp areas on the sides..... Ive also used dandruf shampooos..becuz i have FLAKES...everytime i brush my see white stuffs falling off..itd go away when i take a shower for a day..then the next day id have them again.....(id pile up if i dont take a shower for day......a hair dresser suggested that i only take shower 3/4 times a week..and bath the rest)any help? and I noticed 2 topics here.....ppl that have similar probelms to me...
they talk about differnt medicines...which ones will benefit me?
on TOP of it....ever since i came to canada..I have had this DRY SKIN problem..on my upper arm and thighs....I have really dry skin..sometimes they break out(as in flakes) .....I think that problem just went to my scalp as well...
I need to have the soft/silky/thick hair back please help :(
Deadly on 2006-01-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
about my lifestyle..
well am studying computer am practically spending almost all my time infront of a computer. (which sux)
I dont drink/smoke(maybe drink once every 3 mnths).
Ive always taken Multi vitemins and seven seas most of my life(note..I dont take those nemore)
I drink atleast 2 glasses of milk everyday....but ive been doing this ever since i remmber.
well am studying computer am practically spending almost all my time infront of a computer. (which sux)
I dont drink/smoke(maybe drink once every 3 mnths).
Ive always taken Multi vitemins and seven seas most of my life(note..I dont take those nemore)
I drink atleast 2 glasses of milk everyday....but ive been doing this ever since i remmber.
Deadly last decade
I dont gel anymore..ever since I noticed the dryness in my hair...but I must say I dont drink a lot of water...I mean..I only drink water when am eating....thats twice a day..but i do eat fruits..
one more thing is....that i used to have long hair..but its been 2 months since i shaved my head(2nd time shaving withitn 6 monnths...last year)..I only have an inch long hair on my head at the moment.
one more thing is....that i used to have long hair..but its been 2 months since i shaved my head(2nd time shaving withitn 6 monnths...last year)..I only have an inch long hair on my head at the moment.
Deadly last decade
Well, balance diet will trigger hair loss. You should start taking vitamins, good rest, eat foods rich in vitamins, drink more of water and change your shampoo. Using any shampoo with sodium sulphate can cause damage to your hair follicles. I recommend you to use Leimo bio cleansing shampoo and other wet products to prevent your excessive hair loss.
soniasyril last decade
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