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Hydrocele and cyst in left testis

Sir, From last Sep 2014 I came to know about the mild hydrocele in side of left testise and found left epididymal cyst(3mm). In July 2014 I was operated for pilesand spinteroctomy and after one month from operation i find pain in my left testis. After the ultrasound Dr report is as such: "Cyst (3.5 MM) in head of left epididymis. Thickening of tail of left epididymis noted. Mild hydrocele is seen in the lft side of testis. Focal Calcification in the interior pole of left scrotal sac noted". In this days I am very sad and become tense. Due to tens i felt in hypertension and 140/90. and it makes me very depress. Dr. Kindly give advise for the same.
  ppbordoloi on 2015-07-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take one dose SULPHUR 200 in the morning. avoid all sour food and drinks. one dose if the medicine is in globules will be 4 or 5 globules. if liquid 2 or 3 drops in half a cup of mineral water . do not use tap water.
telescope 9 years ago
Sir How many days I will took the medicine??
ppbordoloi 9 years ago
only one dose. no more medicine. this medicine is not to be taken daily.
telescope 9 years ago

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