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Kidney Stones



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney stones

I believe I have kidney stones. Is there anything I can take to get rid of them. I do not want to go to the hospital and have surgery. Hope someone can help me. Thanks.
  tweetystone on 2006-01-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First make sure you have kidney stones then we will be able to tell you the remedy.Ultrasonography will tell everything.The size of the stone,the place where they are lying is very essential to know.We are not sending you to the hospital for operation but investigation is must.I hope you will pay immediate attention.Dont worry, me or someone else will guide you properly.
sajjadakram635 last decade
After my posting of 13-1-2006,i cannot see your reply.
sajjadakram635 last decade
You have to prperly guide i.e. stone is in the kidney left or right or stone is in ureter left or right. Pain is there or not. for kidney stone following medicine are there.
1. Calc Renalis
2. Berberis vulg
3. Lycopodium
4. Sarsaparilla
and etc.
without detail we are unbale to prescribe the medicine.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I had a kisdney stone and it was removed by doing surgery but again I feel pain in the abdominal area. What may be the sure now??
barunpaudel last decade
In place of 'sure' it is cure?I am really sorry for the post.I apologize for the post and hope you will read it correctly.
barunpaudel last decade
I could not afford to go to the doctor and have xrays done. I drank lots of cold water and it seems to have helped for the time being. I just have some discomfort once in awhile.
tweetystone last decade

If you dont want to see the Doctor,try THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS tincture,10 drops in water twice daily for some time.I hope it will remove the discomfort.Whenever you get the time go for the thorough checking.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Why liver enzymes are usually elevated during renal disorders?
barunpaudel last decade
My Name is Nitin.
I have 5 kidney stones.
3 inside right kidney (all less than 6mm) and one in left kidney (less than 5mm) and another in urinary track (4mm).It's been a year since i have been diagonosed and so i have been taking Cystone Herbal Tablets. Recently one of my cousins told me to try Berberis and so i am taking it since three months.
Will this ease off my problem
i am taking 20 drops twice a day in luke warm water (1/2 cup)
Pls help
Nitint last decade

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