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Cat won't eat after injury from being bitten by dog.

I have an 8 week old kitten. He got too close to my dog and the dog snapped at him. The cat was badly hurt in the head area. His nose was bleeding, he couldn't open his eyes and he would just lie around. I really thought he was going to die. I gave him arnica, euphraisa, hypericum, and phosphorus for 4 days. He is now up and moving about and seems to be doing much better. But, he won't eat anything or drink water. I've been having to feed him with a syringe. I don't have the money to take him to the vet and was hoping someone could give me some ideas to get him to eat.
Thank you.
  mrsmac88 on 2015-08-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give Belladonna 30, every 4 hours in a small quantity of water and write after one day.

With Prayers
Reva V 9 years ago

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