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Hello again!
I think i must say that in the family most relatives do not know that i started playing+learning music again etc. Those who do know a bit of the truth, stopped talking to me or i to them because they were so aggressive+biting that communication became too tiring; all of these a couple of years older/ younger than me, all with artistic training until they too were forced to stop.
My sister, a very lazy and chronically unemployed person who found something out by opening my post, promptly went and gave it away so that hell followed. But i refused to confirm the "suspicions". It happened right in those weeks i had been seriously considering to discuss it openly with them all and stop hiding but after those huge quarrels, i realised it would have brought me more trouble and no peace.
Correction: when saying "6th sense", i meant "intuition".
Fatigue/ low energy and headaches above the eyes, often like pressing the sides my head are the two chronic things i have.
I think i must say that in the family most relatives do not know that i started playing+learning music again etc. Those who do know a bit of the truth, stopped talking to me or i to them because they were so aggressive+biting that communication became too tiring; all of these a couple of years older/ younger than me, all with artistic training until they too were forced to stop.
My sister, a very lazy and chronically unemployed person who found something out by opening my post, promptly went and gave it away so that hell followed. But i refused to confirm the "suspicions". It happened right in those weeks i had been seriously considering to discuss it openly with them all and stop hiding but after those huge quarrels, i realised it would have brought me more trouble and no peace.
Correction: when saying "6th sense", i meant "intuition".
Fatigue/ low energy and headaches above the eyes, often like pressing the sides my head are the two chronic things i have.
KlaraP 9 years ago
homeodr 9 years ago
Good afternoon!
i got the single dose of Ignatia 200c at Wednesday night and as tomorrow is Saturday (information relevant in case i should go buy another element)and nothing is better, i am reporting back to you now.
It might be because i spent 3 days in bed with burning sore throat (no fever, no dry throat) due to big temperature changes and to my persistently uncovering at night on top of that. I took Aconitum at the beginning but nothing happened this time, so i tried Phytolacca and it worked. Bodily weakness present. Bad mood due to limited activity and even more limited vitality.
The rest of the symptoms remain:
dry red scalp,
non-stop hair loss (although new hairs do get produced nevertheless),
dry eyes (these days sometimes with tears leaking from the left and then the right eye),
3 cauliflower warts in my fingers (Thuja 1M didnt do anything to those persistent warts),
absolute inability to loose weight,
even more receeding gums. The dentist was very surprised that such clean teeth have so massive periodontitis and he asked me if i grid my teeth. I used to do so every single night last winter (difficult winter financially), so much so that my jaws hurt in the morning.
ANyway, that's my report...
[message edited by KlaraP on Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:31:45 UTC]
i got the single dose of Ignatia 200c at Wednesday night and as tomorrow is Saturday (information relevant in case i should go buy another element)and nothing is better, i am reporting back to you now.
It might be because i spent 3 days in bed with burning sore throat (no fever, no dry throat) due to big temperature changes and to my persistently uncovering at night on top of that. I took Aconitum at the beginning but nothing happened this time, so i tried Phytolacca and it worked. Bodily weakness present. Bad mood due to limited activity and even more limited vitality.
The rest of the symptoms remain:
dry red scalp,
non-stop hair loss (although new hairs do get produced nevertheless),
dry eyes (these days sometimes with tears leaking from the left and then the right eye),
3 cauliflower warts in my fingers (Thuja 1M didnt do anything to those persistent warts),
absolute inability to loose weight,
even more receeding gums. The dentist was very surprised that such clean teeth have so massive periodontitis and he asked me if i grid my teeth. I used to do so every single night last winter (difficult winter financially), so much so that my jaws hurt in the morning.
ANyway, that's my report...
[message edited by KlaraP on Fri, 28 Aug 2015 13:31:45 UTC]
KlaraP 9 years ago
Thanks for reporting..
Are still suffering from sore throat or is it reducing?
'Bad mood due to limited activity' -- Explain please..
Bad mood means what you exactly do or feel?
Are still suffering from sore throat or is it reducing?
'Bad mood due to limited activity' -- Explain please..
Bad mood means what you exactly do or feel?
homeodr 9 years ago
the throat is much much better it doesnt hurt nor burn any longer; my voice is an octave deeper but nothing hurts any longer.
Bad mood is a mixture of restlessness due to inactivity, a longing to be outside doing things and of being annoyed by feeling bodily weak
Bad mood is a mixture of restlessness due to inactivity, a longing to be outside doing things and of being annoyed by feeling bodily weak
KlaraP 9 years ago
It seems you are feeling very restless sitting at home and doing nothing.. What kind of activity do you desire to do?
homeodr 9 years ago
i want to go practise my instruments but i cannot because up till this morning my throat was in no favourable condition (i play a wind instrument and i have many repertoire pieces waiting and chamber music partners waiting),
i want go to the pupils whose lessons i cancelled to get the money but till yesterday i was hyperventilating and then feeling chilly
and to be active outside.
However, everything i do in this phase of my life even when i am healthier is beneath the level it should be, it is not challenging and therefore boring. But all efforts so far to enter new circles of people have absolutely failed.
i want go to the pupils whose lessons i cancelled to get the money but till yesterday i was hyperventilating and then feeling chilly
and to be active outside.
However, everything i do in this phase of my life even when i am healthier is beneath the level it should be, it is not challenging and therefore boring. But all efforts so far to enter new circles of people have absolutely failed.
KlaraP 9 years ago
Kindly get hold of these medicines..
Arsenicum Album 200C, and Bryonia 200C.
Take arsenicum alb 200C single dose and report back in 2 days..
Arsenicum Album 200C, and Bryonia 200C.
Take arsenicum alb 200C single dose and report back in 2 days..
homeodr 9 years ago
KlaraP 9 years ago
Good morning!
I got Ars Alb on Friday and apart from a bad nose bleed i got suddenly that night around 5am, i cannot say that anything improved... Maybe because the cold i cought on Tuesday still lingers, now with sneezing and blocked nose esp at night.
Or certainly because a nasty toothache manifested itself on Friday night, radiating from inside the hollow of my tooth at the back of my mouth to the whole jaw and outside too. My gums receeded even more and it feels very unpleasant. I got Mercury yesterday at last, hoping it would work and thankfully it did.
Anyway, stamina still super low,
still uncovering at night (i believe this makes things worse but i cannot influence it no matter how i try),
unnatural body temperature (no fever, no chills but still something about my temperature is very wrong),
my eyes are dry and when waking upp in the morning, they somehow hurt from being dry, pressure relieves that a bit.
I still wake up as if something very tiring has taken place during the night. Very tiring.
In the external world, things are boring, underchallenging and lately full of obsessed/ perverse managers and similar fauna high up in cultural institutions; depressive feeling like i am driving up dead-end streets, while the entourage and protegees of these people march around in money and pride and good health.
I got Ars Alb on Friday and apart from a bad nose bleed i got suddenly that night around 5am, i cannot say that anything improved... Maybe because the cold i cought on Tuesday still lingers, now with sneezing and blocked nose esp at night.
Or certainly because a nasty toothache manifested itself on Friday night, radiating from inside the hollow of my tooth at the back of my mouth to the whole jaw and outside too. My gums receeded even more and it feels very unpleasant. I got Mercury yesterday at last, hoping it would work and thankfully it did.
Anyway, stamina still super low,
still uncovering at night (i believe this makes things worse but i cannot influence it no matter how i try),
unnatural body temperature (no fever, no chills but still something about my temperature is very wrong),
my eyes are dry and when waking upp in the morning, they somehow hurt from being dry, pressure relieves that a bit.
I still wake up as if something very tiring has taken place during the night. Very tiring.
In the external world, things are boring, underchallenging and lately full of obsessed/ perverse managers and similar fauna high up in cultural institutions; depressive feeling like i am driving up dead-end streets, while the entourage and protegees of these people march around in money and pride and good health.
KlaraP 9 years ago
Sorry for the late reply..
Hows ur nose bleeding, is it still there or stopped?
If you still feel low energy and other symptoms still persists you can take Bryonia 200C.
Let me know.
Sorry for the late reply..
Hows ur nose bleeding, is it still there or stopped?
If you still feel low energy and other symptoms still persists you can take Bryonia 200C.
Let me know.
homeodr 9 years ago
Good evening!
And thank you!
Yes, that strange sudden nose bleed stopped, it took 3 handkerchiefs full of bright red blood but it stopped around 5.30 am that night. And, strangely, although i woke up late and tired 3 hours later, yesterday was the only day i managed to go practise at least the piano 6 hours, getting the sense i would get well soon. But today everything became worse again; a wave of fatigue overtook me around 12 at noon while i was practising, i slept almost an hour right there where i was and then i woke up and left. Since that hour i have this fatigue and my nose is blocked, i sneeze (but no dry throat, no fever at ll) and my throbbing tooth is under control, my jaw is ok again but my gums have receeded even more... I ll go out tomorrow at least for Bryonia 200C, if not for normal life again.
And thank you!
Yes, that strange sudden nose bleed stopped, it took 3 handkerchiefs full of bright red blood but it stopped around 5.30 am that night. And, strangely, although i woke up late and tired 3 hours later, yesterday was the only day i managed to go practise at least the piano 6 hours, getting the sense i would get well soon. But today everything became worse again; a wave of fatigue overtook me around 12 at noon while i was practising, i slept almost an hour right there where i was and then i woke up and left. Since that hour i have this fatigue and my nose is blocked, i sneeze (but no dry throat, no fever at ll) and my throbbing tooth is under control, my jaw is ok again but my gums have receeded even more... I ll go out tomorrow at least for Bryonia 200C, if not for normal life again.
KlaraP 9 years ago
Ok let me know about the changes after taking Bryonia..
homeodr 9 years ago
Good evening!
i didn't have to take Bryonia because i got Hepar Sulfuris 200C three times on Sunday afternoon, in an effort to do something for my throbbing tooth (absess at its root) and for the cold i had caught and when i woke up next morning, it was all gone!!!
I also was no longer feeling as weak as i used to the days before.
However, unfortunately my period came again 8 days before it should. Exactly on the point when i was thinking that despite swimming in relative cold waters in August, i was not to have anh menstrual pains, it knocked me down: yesterday the pain was awful, i vomitted 6 times (however, mouth and throat didnt dry out) and had also diarrhea and intensive pains that came in waves. For around 2,5 hours. Unfortunately, i didnt have Belladone with me as i was not expecting any pain...
Then i managed to drink water again but without vomitting it, i got bread to eat and i collapsed in bed. Today i am ok, but tired and very sleepy in the afternoon.
But my hair goes on falling in handfulls. Every time i touch it and even without any reason, it falls in handfulls. I never washed my hair every day as i used to have lots of thick, strong hairs but ever since this extreme hair-loss started, i sometimes have to fight a tendency not to wash/ clean.
I am very worried about my hair. There are new hairs on my head but something is wrong on the scalp, it is red and cannot keep the hair on. I dont know what to do.
And my eyes are still so awfully dry and my sight weak. Whenever i use tear-drops, everything becomes clear and sharp again
but that doesn last long...
i didn't have to take Bryonia because i got Hepar Sulfuris 200C three times on Sunday afternoon, in an effort to do something for my throbbing tooth (absess at its root) and for the cold i had caught and when i woke up next morning, it was all gone!!!
I also was no longer feeling as weak as i used to the days before.
However, unfortunately my period came again 8 days before it should. Exactly on the point when i was thinking that despite swimming in relative cold waters in August, i was not to have anh menstrual pains, it knocked me down: yesterday the pain was awful, i vomitted 6 times (however, mouth and throat didnt dry out) and had also diarrhea and intensive pains that came in waves. For around 2,5 hours. Unfortunately, i didnt have Belladone with me as i was not expecting any pain...
Then i managed to drink water again but without vomitting it, i got bread to eat and i collapsed in bed. Today i am ok, but tired and very sleepy in the afternoon.
But my hair goes on falling in handfulls. Every time i touch it and even without any reason, it falls in handfulls. I never washed my hair every day as i used to have lots of thick, strong hairs but ever since this extreme hair-loss started, i sometimes have to fight a tendency not to wash/ clean.
I am very worried about my hair. There are new hairs on my head but something is wrong on the scalp, it is red and cannot keep the hair on. I dont know what to do.
And my eyes are still so awfully dry and my sight weak. Whenever i use tear-drops, everything becomes clear and sharp again
but that doesn last long...
KlaraP 9 years ago
homeodr 9 years ago
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