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need help hair loss about to half bald
22yr male I have tried lot of cure and use lot of shampoo but instead of cure hair fall increase ......I have also tried homopethic 4month only only medicine not shapmoo not any 15days ago i shaved my head and started cocunut oil massage in night and in the morning rub onion juice on whole scalp only hope I have I donot understand my problem ....I am taking enough protein boitin 10mg and gooseberry juice from 2 month and my father have full head of hair but my brothers side cousin side have baldness clearyAll stuff after that I want to again try homopethic treatment docter suggest me what should I do ..... Homopethic can cure my problem or not
[message edited by Rahulpal on Tue, 18 Aug 2015 05:04:37 UTC]
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Rahulpal on 2015-08-18
Do write once a week
Please start with flouric acid 6, two globules in the morning, on alternate days. ( three to four doses in a week). Stop taking corn in any form.
A few more medicines are needed, which can be added each week
♡ Reva V 9 years ago
Or not?? ..
From 1month my regimen cocunut oil in night and in the morning rub onion juice. I stop that doing this regimen or not??
And your suggest medicine only for a week or for three month.and thanks again
Rahulpal 9 years ago
♡ Reva V 9 years ago
Rahulpal 9 years ago
Arnica 6
Ars Alb 200
Embelia Ribes Q
Medhorinum 200
Take one dose of Medhorinum 200 for one day only (two pellets) and then write back.
For external use, buy Kalmegh powder that are either sold in herbal stores or you can probably find the plant near the place where you live. Once you find I will give the details of using it
♡ Reva V 9 years ago
Kalmeg powder i try to find on herbal shop.
And the other medicine
how to take, their quantity and how many times, regular or alternate or once a week and which time ????
Ars Aib 200
embella Ribes Q
madhorium take 2 pallets once a day anytime??? Regular or alternate for week
is all the medicine for only one week???
Rahulpal 9 years ago
If you are too impatient I may not be able to help
♡ Reva V 9 years ago
I understood what r saying.....
Sorry reva v my english not so well as understading
I was not able to understand properly how to take?
Rahulpal 9 years ago
Arnica 6 - in liquid dilution
Ars Alb 200 - in pills, any size
Embelia Ribes Q - in liquid
Medhorinum 200 - in pills, any size
♡ Reva V 9 years ago
Rahulpal 9 years ago
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