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Persian kitty having skin infection and losing hair

Hello sir,
I have a 2monthsold persian kitty which I bought 20days back. When I got her home she was perfectly alright,toilet trained and dewormed from the previous owner. But I had noticed a dry skin patch on his tail covered with all hair nothing around the patch. Knowing nothing about cats I thought it may be normal. Then last week I noticed loose hairs with root ends above the tail area on the spine area. I enquired other cat owners they suggested me it is dandruff and to give bath. But to My horror when I gave him bath he lost all the hair from that area and above that. All the skin was showing. I took him to the vet, he told me its fungal infection and to apply candid b mouth paint twice daily. Now the kitty started losing weight, tired all day, just lying here b there. And the infection started to spread till the start of the spine near the head and ears. I took him to other vet,she gave interbanF cream to apply and ceflexin syrup n one other vet syrup. It's just been a day with that prescription. She asked me to give him sponging and while doing that I noticed the infection has spread to his head area,all around the spine, and near the tail area it has become brown n flaky! I guess the infection is under all the hairs like that atleast on the upper body of him. Please help Doc. He has lost much weight in the last 4days.
I'm attaching pic of the condition after I gave him bath.
Thank you
  Khushiiii on 2015-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Sulphur 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over a week.
kadwa 9 years ago

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