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Elevated liver enzymes in pregnancy


I am a 29yo female that is 20 weeks pregnant with my first child. I began having some pitting edema in my right foot and ankle 5 weeks ago. I should mention that prior to pregnancy I have a tendency to swell on planes, after long days of sitting at school etc. The swelling has improved/ "resolved" after elevation my legs, using compression stockings, and cold foot baths. It does get worse with intense activity (dancing) and heat. It is also worse on my right side behind my medial malleolus.

4 weeks ago (at 15 weeks pregnancy), my doctor ran a metabolic panel to ensure my kidneys were doing ok ( because of the edema). Incidentally we found mildly elevated ALT of 39. (RR: 0-32IU/L). We reran it again at 18 weeks pregnancy and found that my AST was 92 (RR: 0-40IU/L). ALT 168 IU/L ( RR: 0-32IU/L). All other values are normal ( not anemic, or low protein)

The doctor ran a hepatitis panel, bile salts, autoimmune markers: all were negative. I was never a heavy drinker and certainly don't drink or smoke during pregnancy.

I am concerned about pre eclampsia. Currently my BP is 100/68 or max 108/65. I had a little nausea in my first trimester but nothing significant now

I can't say I am having any cravings for particular foods. If anything, I wish I could drink more coffee. I get headaches that are worse with cloudy weather and especially before rain.

The only other really peculiar symptom I am having is high heart rate after eating. I have measured it, it goes to 110. I feel sometimes it feels like its beating out of my chest. ( doctor did not think anything of it btw). Can anyone help me?
  skmpreg on 2015-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hello? anyone?
skmpreg 9 years ago

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