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Dr Akshaymohla ......Hypothyroidism in my daughter !!!
Dear Dr. ,My daughter 14 years old has been recently diagnosed with hypothyroid . Her recent reports are as under :
T3 ---- 0.64 ( 1.4 --- 4.4 )
T4 ----- 0.40 ( 0.71 ---- 1.85 )
TSH ---- 410 ( 0.15 --- 5 )
The values in the bracket are the normal ranges.
Her height is 4 ft 10 inches , weigh 62 kgs and suffers from constipation and occasional stomache aches. She has not yet started her menses cycle and feels letharguc . Also , she is forgetful and doesnt remember quite a number of things in daily routine.
Please assist asap , thanks
venus0743 on 2015-09-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
tsh 410 are you sure?
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Yes doctor , it is 410 and it was 375 last month and the lab guys were also surprised and then they did a repeat test but the results were the same.
Please advise
Please advise
venus0743 9 years ago
Pl give her iodium1000 morning time daily for five days then weekly one dose for three month along with thyrodinium200 weekly dose for three month .ferrum phos 6x and cal phos 6x one dose daily of both with 6hour get her Hb level of blood.
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Pls can you clarify when do i have to start with cal phos and ferrom phos and when should i get the hb level checked.
venus0743 9 years ago
Do I have to start the iodium and thyroidium weekly dose on the same day
venus0743 9 years ago
Pl get her HB level.Pl try to have gap of three days in weekly dose.
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
venus0743 9 years ago
Dr Mohla ,
Many thanks for your advise.
I will ask you one last thing before i start with her medication .
Since her tsh levels are so high , should i also start with allopathy side by side in order to control her thyroid.
Secondly , i was giving her Calc carbonica 30 , so i should stop giving her that . Moreover , as per your advise , one dose means 2 drops of dilution in one TSP of water ? Am i right
Thanks for your assistance
Many thanks for your advise.
I will ask you one last thing before i start with her medication .
Since her tsh levels are so high , should i also start with allopathy side by side in order to control her thyroid.
Secondly , i was giving her Calc carbonica 30 , so i should stop giving her that . Moreover , as per your advise , one dose means 2 drops of dilution in one TSP of water ? Am i right
Thanks for your assistance
venus0743 9 years ago
yes i advise you to give allopathic meds which i presumed you should give as homoeopathic meds will help to activate glands function and after we achive level of tsh we can adjust meds both can give her Cal Carb but only for five days and then start weekly dose or after 3 days one dose in every meds is 2 drops in one table spoon of can ask me any question but reply some time may be delayed due to my shedule..
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Hi Dr Mohla ,
I consulted an endocrinologist as well yesterday as per your advise and she had advised to take Thyronorm 100 mg for 2 months and then show her again. She also said that she has to take this medicine for her entire life and it has no implications ( which i am unsure ) After 2 months, she will check her thyroid levels again and accordingly lower or higher the dosage. She also said that my daughter has already entered her puberty and there is a possibility that she may gain her height by 12 cms, so she may go upto 162 cms . Also , her cycle may or may not start with this medication.
I am in a dilemma since I was wondering that if the homeo doses together with the allopathic medicines would not be too much for my daughter ? And if usage of homeo meds can later permanently cure her problem as i dont want her to be dependent on allopathic medicines for her life .
Please assist .
Regards ,
I consulted an endocrinologist as well yesterday as per your advise and she had advised to take Thyronorm 100 mg for 2 months and then show her again. She also said that she has to take this medicine for her entire life and it has no implications ( which i am unsure ) After 2 months, she will check her thyroid levels again and accordingly lower or higher the dosage. She also said that my daughter has already entered her puberty and there is a possibility that she may gain her height by 12 cms, so she may go upto 162 cms . Also , her cycle may or may not start with this medication.
I am in a dilemma since I was wondering that if the homeo doses together with the allopathic medicines would not be too much for my daughter ? And if usage of homeo meds can later permanently cure her problem as i dont want her to be dependent on allopathic medicines for her life .
Please assist .
Regards ,
venus0743 9 years ago
It means that I should not start with the homeo meds till the time it is controlled with allopathic medicines?
I should wait for 2 months before i start with homeo meds ?
Pls clarify
I should wait for 2 months before i start with homeo meds ?
Pls clarify
venus0743 9 years ago
You start with alopathic med and simultaneously give iodium 1000 three doses daily morning time and then weekly one dose morning time for three month. This will control the function.No need for other homoeo meds.
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Dr. Mohla ,
I am following the above mentioned remedy since the time you prescribed it. Just wanted to let you know that my daughter who is 14 years, she has started her cycle. I was also worried about her height as we, ( parents ) are tall but she is around 5 ft only. Since she has started her cycle now , is there any chances of her height gain ? My son who is 5 years old is taller than average children of his age .
I think it is beacuse of her thyroid medicines her cycle has started since it was stuck up because of thyroid gland not functioning properly. Am I correct ?
Pls advise on the above issues asap.
Thanks and regards
I am following the above mentioned remedy since the time you prescribed it. Just wanted to let you know that my daughter who is 14 years, she has started her cycle. I was also worried about her height as we, ( parents ) are tall but she is around 5 ft only. Since she has started her cycle now , is there any chances of her height gain ? My son who is 5 years old is taller than average children of his age .
I think it is beacuse of her thyroid medicines her cycle has started since it was stuck up because of thyroid gland not functioning properly. Am I correct ?
Pls advise on the above issues asap.
Thanks and regards
venus0743 9 years ago
yes you are wait for three month and observe her growth and update mw as and when get her hb level and also calcium through blood test when ever you give test for thyoroid
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Thanks for your advise.
My daughter is also taking vitamin d , b12 and calcium as prescribed by the endocrinologist . She got her eyesight tested today and was detected 0.5 power but I do not want her to wear glasses since it is at the begining stage . Can you suggest any homeo remedy thru which it can be cured or be prevented from deteriorating further ? Can I try Euphrasia drops ?
Pls advise
My daughter is also taking vitamin d , b12 and calcium as prescribed by the endocrinologist . She got her eyesight tested today and was detected 0.5 power but I do not want her to wear glasses since it is at the begining stage . Can you suggest any homeo remedy thru which it can be cured or be prevented from deteriorating further ? Can I try Euphrasia drops ?
Pls advise
venus0743 9 years ago
Ruta 30 one dose daily for 7 days gap of three days then Ruta 200 weekly one dose for three month.
♡ akshaymohl 9 years ago
Dear Dr,
My daughter has started her periods last month after taking Iodium 1m and other allopathic medicines as stated previously. She is having less problem of constipation , is less depressed and feels a bit more energetic. She had headaches and I got her eye tested. She has eyesight problems and is now wearing spectacles. After wearing the same, she isnt having any headaches. I am giving all the medicines for eyesight and thyroid as advised by you.
Do you suggest anything.
My daughter has started her periods last month after taking Iodium 1m and other allopathic medicines as stated previously. She is having less problem of constipation , is less depressed and feels a bit more energetic. She had headaches and I got her eye tested. She has eyesight problems and is now wearing spectacles. After wearing the same, she isnt having any headaches. I am giving all the medicines for eyesight and thyroid as advised by you.
Do you suggest anything.
venus0743 9 years ago
Dear Dr,
Diwali greetings !
I got the TSH checked for my daughter today after 2 months and it has come down to 8.4 . The normal range value is 0.15 to 5 . Two months ago it was reported around 400 .
Please advise further course of treatment.
Diwali greetings !
I got the TSH checked for my daughter today after 2 months and it has come down to 8.4 . The normal range value is 0.15 to 5 . Two months ago it was reported around 400 .
Please advise further course of treatment.
venus0743 9 years ago
Also, there is an increase in her height by 3 cms. Should I also give Iodium 1 M along with Thyroidum 30 ?
venus0743 9 years ago
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