The ABC Homeopathy Forum
platelets decrement
sir its all about my dad who is suffering from long 1.5yearplatelets ,haemoglobins are going down
doctors has given chemo
and zit medicine
and its long time
there is no changes
now he is taking RDP
so better suggest something which can improve for the platelets increment.
sk ibrahim khadim on 2015-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe your father as to his physical and mental condition. basically I want to know what sort of a person he is physically and mentally.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
legs are looking wholly black
he is 58 year old .
haemoglobin now-8. something
he is 58 year old .
haemoglobin now-8. something
sk ibrahim khadim 9 years ago
your description is incomplete. please furnish the following:
1. what are his symptoms.
2. the symptoms are better or worse from a) heat and cold. b) rest and movement.
3. how long has he been suffering from it.
4 what other diseases is he having.
5. what are the major diseases running in the family.
6 what sort of weather does he prefer.
1. what are his symptoms.
2. the symptoms are better or worse from a) heat and cold. b) rest and movement.
3. how long has he been suffering from it.
4 what other diseases is he having.
5. what are the major diseases running in the family.
6 what sort of weather does he prefer.
♡ telescope 9 years ago
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