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Berberis Vulgaris: Boiron Arnicare ®:


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Berberis and exercise produce strong kidneys pain

Berberis and exercise produce strong kidneys pain

I am a man of 46 years old and I have more than 10 years with urinary track infection (staph. aureus), at the beginning I tested more than 20 different antibiotics but I felt strong pain in my boones and liver, and I changed to homeopathy, after I proved different( Thuja, Secale, Rhus Tox, Lycopodium, Kali carb) the better was Arsenicum Alb, but after one year of using my kidneys started with polyurea, and I left homeopathy, but the effect protected me for more than one year.
After I began to use Pulsatilla but it was no very effective, because I felt the symptoms of burning feet but mainly left, burning my chest and back with some effect of pain in my hearth, apart of pain and burning of prostate and urinary track and rheumatic pains in arms , hands and legs in rain season . I decided to change to Berberis, and I was better for more than one year, all the pains were lower, but my kidneys started to feel like bubbling and slight pain, I drunk 1.5 litres of water a day. But some day after running for more than one hour I couldnÂ’t move and I felt strong pain in both kidneys, I needed to inject against strong pain. The homeopathic doctor indicated Calcareum Ostra, but the pain came back again in kidneys, it was a deep pain, like they do not wanted to work and tired, with ultrasonic procedure nothing was detected, it
happened three months ago.

I left the homeopathy, and started to drink teas and juice of carrot, but the teas destroyed the effect of Berberis and I started to felt very bad, with strong shiver, urinary burning, hearth pain, and the infection was moved to testicles, and I felt worse after the meals.

I have proved two allopath antibiotics but they did not work. Could you recommend some homeopathy that could help me, the kidneys and testicles
Thank you
  Manuel Lee on 2006-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Only homeopathy wil give you better result.
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6. Chief Complain-from how many days-(time of aggravation and amelioration)
7. current medicine you are taking
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14. Aggravation & Ameliration

Physician Name: Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
deoshlok last decade
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
Thank you for answering I tried to describe as you indicated:
Name: Manuel Lee
Age 46 years
Sex : Male
Climate: Benign, template
Chief complain: There are three, kidneys pain due to prolonged time of Berberis (more than one year combined with strong sport), testicle pain (like needles and circules of burn) and bladder (burn and some colic), the last two related with staph. aureos both have been chronics, controlled at the beginning with Arsenicum Alb. but produce polyurea. Three months ago I left to use homeopathy due strong pain in kidneys.
I suspended antibiotic last week, and I just used for seven days because I felt burn in chest and some hits in my hearth, Now I am taking sedatives
I have chill and some pains in testicles, bladder and prostate. Burns in feet, chest and back, that have decreased with sedatives.
All the time I am sit down with medium pressure in work.
In relation of food I feel very bad with meat, bread, milk, chocolate, candies, cereals, etc, in fact in the last three months I have lost 20 pounds due to major of the meals I feel bad ,
My mind is very anxious, impatient, with a very strong uncertainty, mentally and physical very tired.
Thank you for answer me
Manuel Lee last decade
you are advise to take Sulpher 50M weekly one dose for a month i.e. 4 sunday moring empty stomach and report me to the forum
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you I will try.

Best wishes
Manuel Lee last decade

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